View Full Version : Live Fan Report from Mick Foley's Comedy Show

02-10-2013, 11:05 PM
Correspondent Streamz attended Mick Foley’s “Good God Almighty” comedy show in Sydney, Australia. Here is a recap from the event.

The opening comic, Brendon Burns, was hilarious while keeping his comedy almost entirely wrestling-centric. He seems like a pretty huge WWE fan and was sporting a CM Punk shirt on stage. His set definitely was not part of the WWE-PG initiative (thankfully), though I didn’t see too many young ones in the audience. Topics included:

• The words ‘Mick F’n Foley’ being the only necessary defense to anyone who says wrestling is fake, doesn’t hurt or is lame
• Smart marks and Cena haters
• Randy Orton’s orangeness and the non-existence of any adult male heterosexual Orton fans
• Ric Flair’s age, bankruptcy and his 4 Horsemen Hall of Fame induction speech
• The Great Khali being the proverbial ‘broomstick’ with which a great ring technician could supposedly even have a good match with, and his mother’s err, ‘post-birth condition’ (that’s about the only way I can put without this being censored)

Foley’s set wasn’t as outrageous, and a fair bit more PG. He told a lot of funny stories from the ring and the road (many of which I’d heard before from various interviews and whatnot but still entertaining). His tales included:

• Telling us not to be ‘that guy’ who asks ‘did it hurt when Undertaker threw you off the cell?’
• Losing his ear
• A male German ‘worker’ who was working a show hurt with a knee brace
• Having to call his wife after every PPV match
• His unique psych-up music before big matches and Kane’s reaction upon hearing it
• Torture being the deprivation of pleasure rather than the infliction of pain, centering around one in-ring encounter with Velvet Sky
• George Bush giving him a ‘bang bang’ from the window of his passing motorcade
• An amusing tale about rooming with DDP

To close the show he tried (and mostly failed) three times at leading the audience in humming along to some song (which I think the vast majority of us didn’t know). The humming was another reference to Khali’s mother’s err, ‘post-birth condition’. After a fairly long wait I got a quick autograph and picture with him at the meet and greet, but with the long line of people there wasn’t any time to chat.

Overall it was a great night and I’d highly recommend anyone to check out one of Foley’s shows, especially if he has Brendon as his support act.


Black Widow
02-11-2013, 09:20 PM
I've seen Foley do stand up but he isn't really that funny