View Full Version : Heat On The Miz For Punk's Injury? RAW DVR Issue

02-11-2013, 07:53 PM
(Source: PWInsider.com)

- Several readers have sent in word that their cable providers' TV guides are listing tonight's RAW as 3 separate shows (each hour being displayed individually, instead of one 3-hour block). This will cause issues with fans attempting to DVR tonight's show. So far, we've heard Comcast and RCN are experiencing the issue. If you DVR RAW, double check that you have the whole show set to record.

- According to WWE sources, CM Punk was definitely banged up at Saturday night's WWE live event from Springfield, Missouri when The Miz botched a suplex and nearly dropped Punk directly on his head. It's not believed that Punk suffered a concussion, but it was a nasty bump that could have aggravated some other issues Punk has been dealing with. He's expected to work tonight's RAW and for those wondering, there does not appear to be any heat on The Miz following the incident.

Black Widow
02-11-2013, 07:59 PM
It takes two people to pull off moves Punk has got to take some blame too, I don't care if people think he is "the best in the world" and he can also make mistakes, I like Miz but not as much as I did before and I'm not trying to cover for Miz but no one has seen the footage right? so people can't just blame Miz for it. Miz has rarely botched a suplex.

*waits for the Punk fanboys to attack me with Miz botch videos*

02-11-2013, 09:06 PM
It takes two people to pull off moves Punk has got to take some blame too, I don't care if people think he is "the best in the world" and he can also make mistakes, I like Miz but not as much as I did before and I'm not trying to cover for Miz but no one has seen the footage right? so people can't just blame Miz for it. Miz has rarely botched a suplex.

*waits for the Punk fanboys to attack me with Miz botch videos*

If I had a video I would attack, but alas, such a video does not exist.