View Full Version : Saturday Morning Slam Report - 16th February, 2013

02-17-2013, 12:44 AM
It is time for another week of Saturday Morning Slam.

We take a look at the history between the two men who will be wrestling in our opening match. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel were both members of Nexus and then they moved on to be a part of The Corre. They became tag team champions together, but they eventually split.

Justin found the support of the fans while Heath Slater has joined forces with Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre to form 3MB.

We see the confrontation between Heath and Justin from last week.

Your announcers are Josh Mathews and Dolph Ziggler.

Match Number One:Heath Slater (with Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal) versus Justin Gabriel

The bell rings but before there is any wrestling it is time for an air guitar performance. The referee sends Jinder and Drew to the back.

Justin gets a good laugh while sitting on the turnbuckle waiting for Slater to get ready. Gabriel with a wrist lock but Slater with a reversal. Gabriel with a flip and an arm drag. Gabriel mocks Slater’s air guitar and he ups the ante.

Gabriel with a drop toe hold into an arm bar. Slater with an Irish whip and Gabriel tries to float over and Slater sends Gabriel to the apron and then into the ring post. Gabriel falls to the floor and he holds his shoulder as we go to commercial.

We are back and Slater with an arm bar and he uses Gabriel as his guitar for the air guitar. Gabriel escapes and gets a near fall. Slater with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Slater returns to the arm bar. Slater with a knee and slam. Slater misses a knee drop and Gabriel with kicks to Slater.

Gabriel runs into an elbow and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Slater returns to the abdominal stretch. Gabriel with a hip toss to escape. Gabriel with kicks but he misses a round kick but he catches Slater with a kick. Gabriel with a leg sweep and a standing moonsault. Gabriel with a cross body into the corner and he hits a springboard cross body for a near fall.

Gabriel with a front face lock and then he hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. Gabriel goes up top and he hits the 450 splash for the three count.

Winner: Justin Gabriel

We go to commercial.

We are back with highlights from our opening match.

The main event will feature Cody Rhodes and Sheamus and we see footage of both men.

Match Number Two: Sheamus versus Cody Rhodes

The bell rings and Cody does not want people to chant for his mustache. Cody avoids Sheamus and he goes to the floor after a flourish. Cody with a waist lock but Sheamus with a hip lock take down and side head lock. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle followed by a knee drop and he gets a near fall.

Sheamus with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Cody with a drop kick but Sheamus with a shoulder tackle. Sheamus with an Irish whip but Cody tries to float over and Sheamus catches him but Cody gets to his feet and then to the apron. Sheamus sets for the forearms but Cody gets to the floor and hides behind the ringside barrier and asks someone if Sheamus can see him. We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus hits the slingshot shoulder tackle from the apron for a near fall. Sheamus works on the arm while Dolph and Josh talk about what we missed during the commercial break. Sheamus blocks a hip toss and Sheamus grabs the mustache and hits a short arm clothesline and gets a near fall. Sheamus with an Irish whip but Sheamus misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post with his shoulder.

Sheamus falls to the floor and Cody wants the referee to make his count. Cody start to work on the injured shoulder and he sends Sheamus shoulder first into the post. Cody with a side Russian leg sweep and he gets a near fall. Cody with a short arm scissors. Cody then hits a single arm DDT and gets a near fall.

Cody waits for Sheamus to get out of the ropes but Cody with a snap mare and knee drop to the arm. Cody with a hammer lock and he wants to send Sheamus into the turnbuckles again but Sheamus reverses and he sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Sheamus with two clotheslines and then he sends Cody into the turnbuckles and hits a running knee lift followed by a Finlay roll for a near fall.

Cody avoids a short arm clothesline and he kicks Sheamus and hits the Beautiful Disaster to the shoulder. Sheamus escapes Cross Rhodes and he hits White Noise and gets the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

We go to credits.