View Full Version : SmackDown Report - 22nd February 2013

02-23-2013, 04:13 AM
The Road to Wrestlemania is a few days closer to its destination. Jack Swagger will be facing Alberto Del Rio for the World Title and he will be doing it for Americans. The Rock has a new title belt while we do not know who will have the chance to change the plates on the side of the belt.

This week, we are in Biloxi, Mississippi and your announcers are Josh’ They have casinos here too’ Mathews and John ‘Get your Bingo cards and drinking game rules ready’ Layfield.

Lillian Garcia introduces Ricardo Rodriguez and he introduces the man who has the longest current reigning major championship belt in WWE history, Alberto Del Rio.

In case you missed it, we have photos of Big Show tapping out to Alberto at the Elimination Chamber.

Del Rio says that at the Elimination Chamber, he retained his World Title. That means that they are going to Wrestlemania and they prove it by pointing to the sign. Alberto says that he found out who his opponent would be and that man is Jack Swagger. Alberto says that Jack has a new mission, a new friend, and a new attitude. Jack believes that he is everything that is right with America while Alberto is everything that is wrong with America.

Alberto says that he has heard Jack and saw what he had to say. Jack says that the problem in this country is with the immigrants who are taking jobs from people like Jack. This country was built by immigrants who were chasing the American dream. It was built by families looking for a better life. That is why America is so great.

The title is the result of his hard work and the American dream. Jack claims to be the ‘Real American’, Alberto thinks that he is the ‘Real Jackass’. Alberto tells Jack to come out so he can lay his hand out across Jack’s face.

Jack Swagger does not come out, but Randy Orton does make his way to the ring.

Randy has something to say and he tells Alberto that he is going to do his absolute best to stay calm, cool, and collected. Something was taken from him this past Sunday. He was this close to having the opportunity to regain the World Title against Alberto in the main event of Wrestlemania. It was taken by Jack Swagger.

Randy says that he respects Swagger because he would have done the same thing. Part of him wants to take out his rage on Jack Swagger tonight. Randy says that Alberto is wrestling Swagger at Wrestlemania. He wants Alberto to step aside tonight so he can take care of Swagger tonight.

Even though nobody has moved towards taking an offensive action in the ring, Booker T comes out and he says that this is not how he sees Smackdown going down. Booker has a few ideas. There will be a champion versus champion match. Alberto Del Rio will face Wade Barrett. Jack Swagger will be facing Randy Orton tonight.

Randy has his wish and Booker wants to know if someone wants to dig.

Sheamus is walking in the back and he is on his way to the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and before his match, Damien Sandow wants the music silenced. Tonight we will bear witness to the destruction of their false idol, Sheamus. He is a man whose only purpose is to drag us further into the bowels of your ignorance. Sheamus’ reign of terror ends tonight. Damien tells everyone “You’re Welcome”.

Match Number One: Damien Sandow versus Sheamus

Sandow with a kick and punch but Sheamus with kicks and punches of his own. Sheamus sends Sandow into the turnbuckles but Sandow with kicks. Sheamus with a short arm clothesline and he punches Sandow in the head. Sandow with a kick and head butt. He tries for a hip toss but Sheamus blocks it and he hits a short arm clothesline.

Sheamus clotheslines Sandow over the top rope to the floor. Sheamus follows after Sandow and he sends Sandow into the ringside barrier and then he goes to the other side of the ring to do the same thing. Sheamus sends Sandow back into the ring and he waits for the slingshot shoulder tackle and he hits it.

Sheamus runs his forearm across Sandow’s face but Sandow with a kick and clothesline. Sandow with punches that are blocked by Sheamus. Sandow with a kick to the midsection. Sandow is sent over the top rope and he lands on the apron. Sheamus with the forearms across the chest that Layfield wants him to do to Josh. Sheamus tries to suplex Sandow back into the ring but Sandow goes to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow with a reverse chin lock. We see footage from the commercial break when Sandow sent Sheamus into the ring post. Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and then he hits the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow with a leaping neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Sandow with crossfaces while Sheamus is in the ropes.

Sheamus with punches but Sandow with a knee and then he hits a short clothesline and he kicks Sheamus. Sandow chokes Sheamus with his boot. Sandow goes to the floor while Sheamus is hanging over the apron and Sandow with an elbow to the throat.

Sheamus with a kick and knee to the midsection. Sandow with a snap mare and knee to the back before he applies a reverse chin lock. Sheamus with a head butt and punch to Sandow. Sandow with a drop toe hold that sends Sheamus into the ropes and then Sandow with a running knee to the back and Sandow gets a near fall.

Sandow returns to the reverse chin lock. Sheamus with a kick and punches. Sheamus with an Irish whip and a shoulder into the corner followed by a running knee lift and a few double sledges to Sandow. Sheamus runs into a boot but Sheamus gets Sandow up for a power slam but Sandow escapes and he sends Sheamus into the turnbuckles and hits a reverse X Factor for a near fall.

Sandow with knees to Sheamus and Sandow tries for Terminus but Sheamus blocks it and Sheamus with head butts. Sheamus gets Sandow on his shoulders but Sandow gets to his feet. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick and Sandow with a drop kick to the knees and he goes for another flip neck breaker but Sheamus moves. Sheamus hits White Noise and then he looks around for the point to focus on before he pounds on his chest before hitting the Brogue Kick and getting the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

In case you missed it, WWE is going to have Wrestlemania XXX in New Orleans. We have footage from the press conference.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to take a look at the Shield, who continued to ominate with a victory at the Elimination Chamber.

Match Number Two: Kaitlyn and Layla El versus Tamina Snuka and Aksana

Aksana and Layla start things off and Aksana does some mime work. Layla decides to dance for her portion of the talent competition. Aksana adds a few dance moves but Layla kicks her in the rear end and then hits Aksana with a leaping butt bump. Kaitlyn tags in and she connects with a flying shoulder tackle and applies a reverse chin lock.

Tamina distracts Kaitlyn and Aksana knocks Kaitlyn out of the ring. Tamina with a clothesline on the floor while the referee is distracted by Aksana. Kaitlyn makes her way back into the ring and Aksana wit a side slam for a near fall. Aksana with a hard Irish whip and Aksana seductively slithers into the corner and slaps Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn slaps back but Aksana with a forearm and kicks to the midsection. Aksana with a figure four head scissors on Kaitlyn and she turns Kaitlyn over and drives Kaitlyn’s skull into the mat. Aksana misses a splash when Kaitlyn rolls out of the way.

Layla and Tamina tag in and Layla pulls Tamina down by the hair and connects with a clothesline and kicks. Layla with a drop kick and a back heel kick. Layla with a multiple jump cross body but Tamina catches her and gets Layla on her shoulders but Kaitlyn tags in and hits a spear.

Layla with a drop kick to Aksana to prevent her interference and Kaitlyn gets the three count.

Winners: Kailtyn and Layla El

After the match, Layla takes a liking to the title belt and Kaitlyn appears to be jealous.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Jack Swagger is walking in the back and Zeb gives Jack a pep talk.

Wade Barrett says that he is not one to give out compliments, but he wants to say that it is about time that someone spoke the truth about what is going on in this country. He is looking forward to doling out some punishment on one of the main perpetrators.

Zeb tells Wade that there is an understanding. Wade doesn’t sound like him and he doesn’t sound like someone from around here. He asks Wade where he is from. Wade says that he is from England. Zeb tells Wade that he is part of the problem because he is stealing a job from an American. He suggests that Wade and Del Rio go out there and beat each other up so they can be sent back to where they come from in a two-for-one deal.

Jack tells Wade ‘We The People’ and Zeb tells Jack it is time to go.

Match Number Three: Randy Orton versus Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

They lock up and Swagger backs Orton into the corner but they go around the ring in the collar and elbow tie up. They go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Swagger with a rollup for a near fall. Orton with a European uppercut and kicks in the corner. Swagger wit a kick to the knee but Orton with a back elbow. Orton with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall.

Orton chokes Swagger in the ropes. Swagger with punches to Orton and then he connects with shoulders. The referee warns Swagger but Orton with forearms to Swagger followed by a kick. Orton sends Swagger into the turnbuckles but Swagger with an Irish whip. Orton with a clothesline out of the corner and then he stomps on Swagger’s hand.

Orton with a European uppercut followed by a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Swagger with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Swagger with elbow drops to Orton and then he hits Orton with a shoulder tackle. Swagger with another shoulder tackle. Orton with a rollup for a near fall.

Orton with a kick and a standing drop kick. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Swagger. Orton with a leaping knee drop for a near fall. Swagger pulls Orton down and then he wraps the leg around the ring post. Swagger goes for the ankle lock but Orton holds Swagger’s leg to keep him from getting into position. Orton kicks Swagger out of the ring and then Orton hits the Thesz Press on the floor and he punches Swagger.

They return to the ring and Swagger goes to the floor. Orton follows and hits a clothesline. We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger punches Orton but Orton punches back. They go back and forth and Orton sends Swagger to the apron and Orton kicks Swagger in the midsection. Orton sets for the IEDDT but Swagger back body drops Orton to the floor. Orton lands on his feet and he pulls Swagger to the floor. They fight around the ring and Swagger Irish whips Orton into the ring steps.

Swagger slams Orton’s head into the ring steps and then he sends Orton back into the ring. Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger with knees to the midsection and then Swagger with a power slam and he connects with a running knee into the corner. Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger works on the arms and he stretches Orton. Orton with elbows to Swagger but Swagger with a head butt.

Orton sends Swagger over the top rope and Swagger lands hard on the floor. Orton with a belly-to-back suplex onto the ringside barrier. Orton limps before he returns to the ring and Swagger dives at the knee and then he hits the double jump Swagger Bomb but Orton kicks out. Swagger with a front face lock and he tries for a suplex but Orton blocks it.

Orton with a suplex of his own to Swagger. Swagger misses a charge into the corner and he hits the ring post with his shoulder. Orton looks around but it is not that time. It is time for two clotheslines and the ability to avoid a clothesline from Swagger before hitting a power slam. Orton tries for a back breaker but Swagger escapes and he connects with a knee to the midsection.

Swagger goes for another double jump Swagger Bomb but Orton moves and he kicks Swagger in the chest and then hits the back breaker. Swagger goes to the apron and Orton sets for the IEDDT and he hits it. Orton looks around but Colter pulls Swagger to the apron and Orton cannot hit the RKO. Swagger with a thumb to the eye and he drops Orton across the top rope and gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Jack Swagger

On the replay we see that Swagger had his foot on the ropes when he got the three count.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the segment from Raw when we found out that Brad Maddox was rehired and that Paul Heyman will be facing Vince McMahon next week.

Before our next match, Cody Rhodes is in the Goldman Box. Cody says that he is sick and tired of the criticism about his mustache. What does it say about the lives of the people who obsess over what is on Cody’s face. Cody says the ladies call it a Lovestache.

Match Number Four: Miz versus Cody Rhodes

Miz with a waist lock but Cody pulls Miz to the mat. Miz with a back elbow but Cody sends Miz over the top rope to the apron. Miz with a shoulder. Cody pulls Miz’ arm onto the top rope and he kicks Miz in the injured shoulder. Cody with a kick to the arm and he gets a near fall. Cody with a hammer lock but Miz with elbows. Miz with an elbow to Cody.

Cody with a kick to the knee and a kick to the shoulder followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Cody kicks Miz and punches him. Cody wraps the arm in the ropes. Miz with a kick and punch followed by a kick. Cody with a kick but Miz with a sunset flip. Cody rolls through and connects with a knee to the head and Cody gets a near fall.

Cody works on the injured arm and wrist. Cody with a knee and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Miz lands on his feet and Miz with a kick to the head. Miz gets a near fall. Cody tries for an arm wringer but Miz sends Cody into the turnbuckles. Miz misses a splash. Cody tries for the Alabama Slam but Miz counters and applies the Figure Four Leg Lock and Cody taps out.

Winner: Miz

We go to commercial.

We are back but before our main event, Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out to the stage to watch the main event.

Match Number Five: Wade Barrett versus Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez)

Barrett works on the wrist but Del Rio rolls through and he kicks Barrett and sends him to the mat. Barrett wants to know what Ricardo is laughing at. Barrett with an elbow and punches to Del Rio’s midsection. Del Rio with kicks to the chest. Del Rio with a snap mare and a kick to the back.

Ricardo mocks Barrett holding his back and Barrett chases after Ricardo and Del Rio with a drop kick and we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett with elbows and kicks but Del Rio with punches. Barrett with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Barrett pushes Del Rio off the turnbuckles and to the floor while we watch Swagger and Colter watch.

Barrett sends Del Rio’s head into the ring steps. Barrett Irish whips Del Rio into the ring steps and Del Rio holds his arm. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock on Del Rio. Del Rio with a punch and head butt but he misses a clothesline. Barrett with a back heel kick and then he hits a pump handle slam and gets a near fall.

Barrett puts Del Rio in the ropes and chokes him. Del Rio is put in the ropes and Barrett with knees and then he hits a running boot to the head and Del Rio falls to the floor. Barrett goes to the floor and sends Del Rio back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a series of elbow drops and he gets a near fall.

Barrett with a reverse chin lock on Del Rio. Barrett with a knee and Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Del Rio with a missile drop kick and both men are down. Barrett with a kick to the midsection but he misses a clothesline. Del Rio with two clotheslines. Barrett misses a clothesline and Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Del Rio with a super kick and Del Rio gets a near fall.

Del Rio charges at Barrett but Barrett with the Blackpool Slam and he gets a near fall. Barrett tries for Wasteland but Del Rio escapes. Barrett is put in the ropes and Del Rio with forearms to the back and then he hits a lungblower to get a near fall. Del Rio signals that it is time for the cross arm breaker but Swagger makes his way to the ring and Del Rio focuses on Swagger.

Barrett with a rollup and handful of tights for a near fall. Barrett with a boot to the head and then Barrett gets ready for the Bull Hammer but Del Rio avoids it and Del Rio floats over into the cross arm breaker and Barrett taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match, Del Rio and Swagger stare each other down and we go to credits


02-23-2013, 05:43 AM
I am so over Del Rio, if he does not lose the title at Mania I will scream lol Time to give Swagger a shot, I just hope his recent run in with the law does not hurt him getting the title.