View Full Version : Was The Rock the Right Person to Unveil the New WWE Championship Belt?

02-26-2013, 05:32 AM
When The Rock held a championship celebration on the February 18th edition of Raw, most WWE fans probably weren’t expecting the unveiling of a new WWE title belt.
After defeating CM Punk and ending his 434 day reign as WWE Champion, The Rock received the honor of unveiling the new belt.
Was The Rock the right person to receive the honor?
I understand why WWE chose The Rock. It is rare that a heel unveils a new title belt. The spinner belt was introduced by a babyface John Cena. Usually when a heel introduces a new belt, it is a modification of the current belt. Edge and The Miz both created modifications of the spinner belt when he was champion.
There are going to be fans who feel as though The Rock was not the right person to unveil the new WWE title belt, including myself. After holding the title for over 400 days, CM Punk deserved the honor. Although he is a heel, Punk began his rise to the top with a promo in which he demanded change. This would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce a new belt.
Although it was a year and a half ago when CM Punk won the title from Alberto Del Rio at Survivor Series 2011, WWE fans would have been fine with a new belt. The spinner belt had been around for eight years when John Cena introduced it during a feud with former champion JBL. Punk wanted to change in WWE and he could have begun to show that he was changing the company by introducing a new belt. It is unknown whether or not a new belt was completed by Survivor Series 2011, but If it was then it was a missed opportunity by WWE.
WWE could have held off introducing the new belt until after WrestleMania. The expected outcome is to see John Cena win the WWE Championship at the show of shows. It would have been interesting to see Cena introduce a new belt since he was the last one to unveil a new one. Though this is probably why WWE chose not to have Cena unveil the new belt.
Why would John Cena want to get rid of the spinner belt if he introduced it himself?
Therefore, in that sense, The Rock was a good choice to unveil the new belt. He and John Cena do not see eye to eye as their characters, as opposed to real life. With The Rock set to face Cena at WrestleMania, he just got rid of the belt that Cena introduced. There could be arguments between the two made about this, but many WWE fans are likely happy that a new belt was introduced.
So who should have unveiled the new WWE Championship belt?
The Rock or CM Punk.
CM Punk would have made sense at the beginning of his title reign or even when he turned heel at the conclusion of Raw 1000. However, as I said before, that should have been the case only if the new belt was ready to be introduced.

The Rock is a star both in and out of the ring and a top babyface in the WWE so it is completely understandable why he was chosen to unveil the new WWE Championship belt.
What do you think? Was The Rock the right person to unveil the new belt? Why or why not? Who should have introduced the new belt?


02-26-2013, 05:40 AM
I agree it would have made sense if it was Punk