View Full Version : Steve Austin Talks Paul Heyman's Role In WWE, His Future, Most Memorable Moment

03-01-2013, 11:40 PM
Source: The Ministry of Slam

"The RattleSnake" Stone Cold Steve Austin recently joined the gang over at The Ministry of Slam for an exclusive interview to promote his new movie The Package, which is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. Here are some highlights:
The most memorable moment of his career: "Man, you're talking about trying to pick something from close to a 15-year body of work, but one of the most personal highlights for me would be cutting the promo in the basement of a Holiday Inn with ECW back in 1995. A bunch of the ECW guys were there, and I'd watched them cut their promos. Paul E (Heyman) was there too, and he was the guy who gave me that platform to talk, which I did for around 7 minutes. One take, one time and that was it, I put it all on the line.

"For me to finally get that platform to vent and talk about the frustrations I was feeling, as well as where I aspiring to go, I look back on that as a very important part of both my life and career."

Paul Heyman's current role in WWE: "I don't know how many hats he's wearing while he's there, but yes. You can talk to a guy till you're blue in the face, and if anybody can get through to them, it's Paul. I mean in terms of getting inside a guy or gal's head, helping them unlock their potential and letting them see things that they didn't see themselves. He's very good at doing that. I think probably the most important thing that he can continue to do is remain there, in that ring, and deliver the kind of electric performance that he's doing.

"So, my point is that if the kids could just sit there and watch that guy work, they're gonna' soak that knowledge in. As long as WWE keep Paul around for talent to watch him, and pick his brain afterwards or at lunch – I mean, he's a valuable asset to the company just as a talent anyway – but what can rub off onto those kids is even more valuable if you ask me."

Similarities between wrestling and Hollywood backstage politics: "I'm a pretty private, streamlined person, so I don't really go out and get my nose into a bunch of horses--t in Hollywood – playing the games many people like to play. I live in Los Angeles, but that's where it starts and stops. I dig the weather and it's easy to take meetings, which is pretty much it!

"When you have the movie industry and then take professional wrestling, basically the entertainment industry, they are just parallel that run right beside each other. One is a little bit bigger than the other; obviously Hollywood and the movies is a bigger street, but make no mistake, the traps, shenanigans and horses--t are exactly the same as wrestling. To me, they mirror each other."

His future: "I've been 7 months out, healing up my ACL and PCL, so I'm waiting till Summer to film my next action movie. We've signed a two-picture deal through my company, Broken Skull Ranch Productions with Anchor Bay Entertainment. I'm looking forward to doing those, because I have full creative control and can let the s--t really fly.

"I've also got a couple of other reality TV projects I'm working on which will be released in the next couple of months. I love reality television, the atmosphere that it creates is just a bad-ass and fun way to spend time doing something you love to and getting paid for it! I'm also spending more time at my ranch; deer season is over till next year, but I'm kicking ass on my leg, feeling good and getting ready to film season 3 of Redneck Island in April. I'm as busy as I wanna' be, feeling fortunate and also doing pretty god darn good in terms of my health!"

You can hear the full interview exclusively at ministryofslam.com.


03-02-2013, 09:09 AM
Awesome Stone Cold chose a ECW moment as his career highlight :)

03-02-2013, 02:19 PM
He's right - Paul Heymann is an incredible talent and can get in everybody's brain/under one's skin. And talent backstage would be wise to ask him, soak up his advice and take reviews from him..

03-02-2013, 03:06 PM
Yup Muzi, Heyman is so under rated and the worst thing is kids now adays do not know the true Heyman, only what they see on TV now. Hopefully because of the Internet and social media, they can see his genius.