View Full Version : Saturday Morning Slam Report - 2nd March, 2013

03-03-2013, 01:05 AM
We begin this week’s show with a look back at last week when there was a hubbub in the back. We will get a General Manager for Saturday Morning Slam so we will have someone in control.

Throughout history, many greats have been in charge of their shows. Some of them were Mick Foley, Steve Austin, and Vince McMahon. Who will it be?

Your announcers are Josh Mathews and Cody Rhodes.

Damien Sandow comes out for his match, but he has something to say first. He demands that the music be silenced so he can speak. There are rumors circulating that Booker T has been asked to help find a general manager for Saturday Morning Slam. This position requires someone with the wisdom of Solomon. . . Someone like himself. With the intelligence of a Galileo . . . just like himself. Someone with the patience of Gandhi.

Common sense dictates that the only candidate would be Damien Sandow. He tells everyone that they are welcome.

Zack Ryder wants to know if Damien thinks he should be general manager. He says that it would be a No Fun Zone. He says that everyone deserves a party on Saturday mornings. He says that he is more qualified because he was the Assistant Smackdown General Manager and he is the internet champion. He is throwing his hat into the ring.

Match Number One: Damien Sandow versus Zack Ryder

Ryder works on the wrist and then applies an arm bar. Sandow sends Ryder to the mat. They lock up and Sandow with a wrist lock but Ryder with a reversal. Ryder with a double leg take down and jackknife cover for a near fall. Ryder with an arm drag and Sandow claims that Ryder pulled his tights and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow suplexes Ryder back into the ring and Cody approves. Sandow with a hard Irish whip followed by a side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain and he gets a near fall. Sandow addresses the referee’s deplorable counting skills and then he applies an arm bar. Ryder with an arm drag to escape followed by a flapjack.

Ryder with knees to Sandow when he charges into the corner and Ryder with a drop kick followed by the running forearm into the corner. Cody leaves the announce table to distract Ryder long enough to allow Sandow to get the three count with an O’Connor Roll and a handful of tights.

Winner: Damien Sandow

After the match, Sandow does the Cartwheel of Conquest and we go to commercial.

We are back and we go to Booker T in his office. Damien Sandow says that his victory shows that he is physically superior. He is also intellectually superior. He demands that Booker rip up his list post haste.

Zack Ryder enters and he reminds Damien that he cheated to win.

Dolph Ziggler enters with Big E Langston and AJ Lee and he tells them that the two wannabes are wasting their time. Dolph says that him and AJ will be co-GMs.

Natalya enters and she says that the show needs a woman’s touch.

Booker tries to say something but R Truth enters and he says that he needs to be the one who runs this show because he is dressed for the occasion.

Daniel Bryan tells everyone in the room that they should not be the Saturday Morning Slam General Manager. He says that the Dazzler should be the General Manager.

Booker leaves the office.

It is time to take a look at our next match which features Justin Gabriel against Antonio Cesaro. Antonio Cesaro is in the Saturday Morning Spotlight.

Match Number Two: Antonio Cesaro versus Justin Gabriel in a Non Title Match

They lock up and Cesaro works on the arm but Cesaro pulls Gabriel to the mat. Gabriel uses the ropes to reverse the wrist lock and he applies an arm drag of his own. Cesaro blocks an arm drag and he takes Gabriel down and applies an arm bar. Cesaro with a shoulder tackle. He blocks a hip toss and Gabriel uses his speed to avoid Cesaro. Cesaro blocks a monkey flip but Gabriel counters with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Gabriel with a back slide for a near fall. Cesaro with a knee to the midsection and then he sends Gabriel into the turnbuckles. Cesaro blocks a kick and then Gabriel kicks Cesaro away and hits a head scissors that sends Cesaro to the floor. Gabriel with a corkscrew pescado onto Cesaro and we go to commercial.

We are back and Gabriel counters a slam attempt with a rollup for a near fall. Gabriel tries for a sunset flip but Cesaro tries to maintain his balance. Eventually Cesaro pulls Gabriel up and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Cesaro gets a near fall. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro with a back breaker and Cesaro does dips to add extra pressure. Gabriel gets to his feet and he hits a bulldog out of a wheelbarrow.

Gabriel blocks a kick and hits a leg sweep followed by a standing moonsault. Gabriel with a splash into the corner. Gabriel with a head scissors after floating over in the corner and Cesaro goes to the floor. Gabriel goes to the apron and he avoids Cesaro and then kicks Cesaro to the floor. Gabriel with an Asai Moonsault.

Gabriel sends Cesaro back into the ring and he hits a springboard cross body and then Gabriel jump to the turnbuckles and he sets for the 450 splash but Cesaro gets up and Gabriel leaps over Cesaro. Cesaro hits Swiss Death followed by the Gotch Style Neutralizer and he gets the three count.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro

We go to credits.