View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Tapings for March 8th, 2013

03-06-2013, 06:00 AM
Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger opened the show with their normal in-ring stuff. Alberto Del Rio came out and showed a video.

Team Hell Now beat 3MB (Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre) when Daniel Bryan used The No Lock. Bryan was way over with the fans.

Dolph Ziggler promo hinting at cashing in MITB.

When Damien Sandow was doing his spiel, Ryback came out. They had a match. Ryback won easily with Shellshock.

Alberto Del Rio beat Dolph Ziggler with the Cross Armbreaker.

Next was an AJ and Daniel Bryan promo. AJ makes 18 seconds joke. Bryan says "with Dolph Ziggler you should be used to things lasting 18 seconds".

We got another Dead Man Down promo.

Mark Henry made Yoshi Tatsu another Hall of Pain inductee in less than a minute.

We got a Donald Trump promo.

Sheamus talked about working Big Show later tonight.

Kaitlyn, with Layla, lost to Tamina. Kaitlyn may have gotten hurt.

Sheamus vs. Big Show: Show got a lot of love, but Sheamus was was over. The Shield interfered. Randy Orton came out and The Shield got control. Then Big Show intervened, with the faces and Show (way way over). Big Show hit KO punch on Sheamus then Randy hit RKO on show for the pin. Orton is wayyyyy over.

That led to Orton and Sheamus vs. The Shield. The crowd wanted Ryback and they got him. The faces won by DQ.


03-06-2013, 05:41 PM
Looks like they're going to turn Show face for Wm. That sucks.