View Full Version : Oakland A’s Player Josh Reddick On His Love For Wrestling

03-10-2013, 03:30 AM
SportsOnEarth spoke with Oakland A’s player Josh Reddick about his love of wrestling. Reddick also agreed to have a beard off with WWE star Daniel Bryan. Here are some highlights:

On his marking out when Triple H returned on RAW this year: “I was going nuts in my apartment. It worked out great because you know, the time difference here, and I don’t stay up past 11 since I’ve been in spring training, so for him to come out right at the beginning of the show was awesome for me.”

Where he got his replica WWE title belt: “Triple-H actually sent that to me last spring training. I had a plastic replica belt that I had bought a few years ago, and took to photo day last year. I guess he found the pictures, and Triple-H has always been my favorite wrestler — he’s always been my favorite, ever since I started watching. He sent that two days later and said, ‘If you’re going to have a belt you might as well have the real thing’.”

What his wrestling character would be: “I’d be the Red Rocket, I think it works out well since I throw guys out on the baseball field. I’m not a very big guy, so my finisher would have to be a submission so I can get a guy to tap out. Maybe I’d go to the Ric Flair Figure-Four Leg Lock.”