View Full Version : Saturday Morning Slam Report - 16th March, 2013

03-17-2013, 12:57 AM
This week we will finally learn the name of the first Saturday Morning Slam General Manager. Who will it be? Will it be Daniel Bryan . . . Kane . . . AJ Lee . . . Natalya . . . Officer Barbrady . . . or someone who has not even been mentioned on television the last few weeks?

Booker T is in the ring and he has a major announcement to make. On behalf of the WWE Board of Directors, he has been on an extensive search for a General Manager for Saturday Morning Slam. After deliberating, he knows that he has come up with the right man for the job.

Booker introduces the Saturday Morning Slam General Manager. He is a former WWE Champion and a future Hall of Famer. Your General Manager is Mick Foley.

Heath Slater, who is with Josh Mathews at the announce table, is not happy with the decision.

Mick says that he is honored to be chosen as the person in charge of Saturday Morning Slam. This show will be more fun, more exciting, and more unpredictable than ever.

Mick’s comments are interrupted in a Dazzling manner as Daniel Bran makes his way to the ring. He congratulates Mick and says that with no disrespect, but he deserves to be running this show. Daniel says that he did everything right. He filled out the paperwork, he went to the interview, and he combed his hair. He has no idea why they chose Foley over The Dazzler.

Mick says that it might have to do with his unresolved anger issues.

Bryan says that he does not have any anger issues.

Foley says that Bryan has passion and that is the type of passion he is looking for in an Assistant General Manager of Saturday Morning Slam.

Bryan looks happy at that thought.

Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and he comes to the ring with his three best friends: AJ Lee, Big E Langston, and the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Dolph tells Mick that the only thing that would be a bigger travesty than Mick Foley as General Manager, it would be Mick as General Manager and Goat Boy as his assistant.

AJ says that this is a farce because Ziggy and her are the power couple of the WWE. They should be running the show.

Bryan says no while AJ and Dolph say yes.

Mick says that he has an amazing idea. As his first act in the Mick Foley era. Daniel Bryan will face Dolph Ziggler.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Daniel Bryan versus Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston)

Ziggler avoids Bryan at the start of the match and he shows off for everyone. Bryan avoids Ziggler and he Dazzles in the ring and Ziggler freaks out. They finally lock up and Bryan works on the wrist and Ziggler with a reversal into a hammer lock and side head lock. Ziggler goes to the floor on an Irish whip and he has AJ check on his hair before returning to the ring.

They lock up again and Bryan with a side head lock take down but Ziggler with a head scissors. Bryan with a headstand to escape and he adjusts his hair before he kicks Ziggler in the head. Bryan with a surfboard and Bryan adds a rear chin lock before returning Ziggler to the mat.

Bryan with kicks to the chest but Ziggler blocks a kick and he applies a side head lock and takes Bryan to the mat. Ziggler and Bryan with a series of leap frogs and reversals until Bryan is able to give Ziggler an arm drag and Ziggler goes to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Ziggler with a hard Irish whip. Ziggler does sit ups but Bryan uses Ziggler’s arrogance to get a near fall with a rollup. Ziggler with a clothesline for a near fall. Ziggler with an arm bar. Bryan rolls through and escapes. Bryan blocks a drop kick attempt and he looks like he is going to try for a Boston Crab, but he decides to catapult Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Bryan with a rana for the three count.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Brodus Clay and Tensai are in the back and Mick Foley tells them that he wanted both of them on his first show as General Manager. Mick says that they are physically imposing, but their dancing is juvenile and lacking something. Mick takes off his dress shirt to reveal his Dude Love shirt and he dances with Brodus.

Rosa Mendes enters with Primo and Epico and she says something in Spanish and leaves.

Mick tries to translate when Tensai asks what she said. Mick and Brodus end up with a series of bear puns and we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Brodus Clay and Tensai (with Cameron and Naomi) versus Epico and Primo (with Rosa Mendes)

Epico and Tensai start things off and Epico wants Tensai to duck a bit so he can apply a side head lock. Tensai with a shoulder tackle. Epico tries to for a slam but he cannot get Tensai up. Tensai is able to slam Epico. They have a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Tensai with the advantage and a monkey flip. Epico with chops to the neck but Tensai tries for a sunset flip and Epico rolls through and hits a drop kick. Epico with a springboard senton and he tags in Primo. Primo with a slingshot senton and he gets a near fall. Primo misses an elbow from the turnbuckles and Clay tags in.

Clay with a few clotheslines and then he hits the Sheeeplex. Clay with a splash into the corner followed by a running head butt to the chest but Epico breaks up the cover.

Tensai throws Epico over the top rope and then Clay and Tensai crush Primo and it is time for the Conference Call to Your Mama for the three count.

Winners: Tensai and Brodus Clay

After the match, Brodus, Tensai, and the Funkettes dance around Primo.

We go to credits.