View Full Version : ROH Television Report/Results - 16th March 2013

03-17-2013, 01:06 AM
We begin the show with a look back at the World Title Match between Jay Lethal and Kevin Steen at the 11th Anniversary Show. Kevin Steen was successful and we saw more people join SCUM. Now that war has been declared on Ring of Honor, what is next?

We are in Chicago Ridge, Illinois and it is Kevin ‘RI’ Kelly and Caleb ‘Look at his facials on commentary’ Seltzer.

Nigel McGuinness is in the ring with the SCUM-free members of the Ring of Honor roster on the apron. Nigel says that this is Ring of Honor. He tells everyone that it just got real. They have been disrespected and the future of this company has been threatened. SCUM fired a shot that was heard across the wrestling world. They won a battle but they started a war that we will be able to fight.

They are still standing and they are still united. They are still standing and united because they believe in this company. Steve Corino said three things. SCUM will go down in history as the people who killed Ring of Honor, that there were no credible contenders to Kevin Steen, and that honor is dead.

Look at everyone in the ring and everyone in the crowd and Steve knows that honor will never die. If Steve wants to talk about credible contenders, they are all around the ring. Adam Cole defended the World Title with pride and honor. He raised it to a level and if that is not a credible contender, he does not know what is. Cole will get a title match in the future.

Adam was supposed to wrestle Matt Hardy for the Television Title. Next week, Adam will face Matt Hardy and the winner will get a World Television Title Match at Supercard of Honor.

Someone else who proved that he was a credible title contender is BJ Whitmer. He proved that by beating the living hell out of Charlie Haas, he is more than capable of taking the title from around Kevin Steen’s waists.

Michael Elgin and Jay Lethal have fallen short but they are still title contenders. Michael Elgin will face Jay Lethal at Supercard of Honor and the winner will get a title match.

Roderick Strong interrupts Nigel and Nigel tells Roddy to take is seriously and have a seat. They will talk about it in the back.

Nigel wants to talk about the pioneers of honor in this company, the Briscoes. On March 30th, Mark will face Kevin Steen for the title. Jay Briscoe is nearly one of the founding fathers of the company. Nigel does not know if Jay deserves the title match at Supercard of Honor.

Jay says that he might have a separated shoulder, but because of what Kevin Steen and SCUM has done, he will fight with one arm.

Nigel tells Jay to get the job done.

Nigel says that due to situations out of his control, SCUM is banned from the building today. SCUM is not allowed in the building. If he has to put his job on the line, the doors will be open for them.

Nigel tells the wrestlers to get in the ring to send a message to SCUM. They are not running or hiding. The doors will be open. They will need to fight and fight together.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards versus ACH and Tadarius Thomas

ACH and Richards start things off and they lock up. Richards with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Richards blocks a kick and ACH with a rana and arm drag into an arm bar. Richards and ACH go to a stalemate. They lock up and Edwards tags in and ACH is able to get to his corner and he tags in Thomas.

Edwards with a wrist lock but Thomas with a take down but Edwards wit ha short arm scissors. Thomas goes for the legs. Edwards with a side head lock and he chops Thomas. Edwards with an Irish whip but Thomas with a sunset flip but Edwards rolls through and misses a kick. Thomas with a kick and rollup for a near fall.

Edwards with a chop and then he sends Thomas into Richards’ head and Davey tags in and kicks Thomas. Thomas is sent to the mat with a kick to the chest. Thomas with a drop kick and Richards goes to the floor. Thomas knocks Edwards off the apron and then Thomas avoids both men but Edwards with a super kick on the apron and then Edwards sends Thomas into a Richards running kick.

Richards knocks ACH off the apron. Edwards sends Thomas back in and Richards gets a near fall. Edwards with a head butt and suplex for a near fall. Edwards sends Thomas into Richards’ boot. Thomas with a kick to Edwards and Richards tries for a German suplex but Thomas escapes and hits a wraparound clothesline and both men are down.

ACH tags in and he hits a clothesline and elbow on Richards. ACH with drop kicks to Edwards followed by a rana on Richards. ACH with a clothesline to Edwards and he goes through the ropes. ACH with a cross body from the top to Richards for a near fall. Richards sends ACH to the apron. ACH with a head butt to Edwards. Thomas with a kick to Richards and ACH with a slingshot stunner for a near fall.

Thomas goes for a handspring dive to the floor but Richards with a kick to the back. ACH with a springboard drop kick to Richards. ACH with a rana to Edwards. Thomas with the handspring moonsault onto Richards on the floor followed by a leaping somersault dive onto Richards and everyone is down on the floor.

ACH sends Richards back into the ring and Thomas with a running back elbow into the corner and then ACH with a kick to the head and a reverse rana and a wrist clutch belly-to-back suplex but Edwards breaks up the cover from the turnbuckles. Thomas and Edwards exchange forearms and then Thomas with a kick. Richards and Edwards hit the Alarm Clock on Thomas. ACH with an enzuigiri to Edwards when Richards ducks. ACH with a springboard moonsault but Richards counters and he gets ACH up for a tombstone and Edwards with a super kick to the head before Richards hits the tombstone. Thomas breaks up the cover.

Edwards sends Thomas to the floor and Edwards gets ACH up for the power bomb and Richards hits the lungblower for the three count.

Winners: Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: BJ Whitmer versus QT Marshall (with RD Evans)

They lock up and Whitmer with a side head lock but Evans goes for the leg on the floor and that distraction allows Marshall to hit a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Marshall sends Whitmer into the turnbuckles and he kicks and chokes Whitmer. Marshall with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Marshall with forearms across the chest. Whitmer with a punch but Marshall with a punch and DDT for a near fall. Marshall punches Whitmer and Whitmer wants more from Marshall. Whitmer with punches to Marshall. Marshall with a back elbow but Whitmer with a boot to the head for a near fall.

Whitmer with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Whitmer with a flatliner and he rolls over and connects with knees to the head and the referee stops the match.

Winner: BJ Whitmer

We go to commercial.

We are back with Inside Ring of Honor and it is time to look back at the 11th Anniversary Show. Two new champions were crowned, but SCUM gave its eulogy for the future of Ring of Honor.

We start off with the Television Title Mtach. Everyone thought Adam Cole would win and get his chance to face Matt Hardy but Matt Taven won the title in a major shock.

The Briscoes defended the tag titles against Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly and we have new tag team champions.

Kevin Steen was able to retain the World Title against Jay Lethal, but what happened after the match cannot be ignored.

Jay Lethal says that Kevin knows that he took everything from Steen at the 11th Anniversary Show. He will make his way back to the World Title picture. He gets one more opportunity to try to face Kevin Steen and he will have to beat Michael Elgin to get that shot.

Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards will get a Tag Title Match against Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish at Supercard of Honor.

Kyle O’Reilly says that due to Bobby Fish’s superior training regimen, they are the tag champions. Eveyrone is gunning for them since they are on top. The ‘hunt is on’ once again, but they will put an end to hunting season and they will put down a couple of mangy dogs.

Bobby wonders why Davey and Eddie would want to be in this match when you consider what happened to them in the Tag Team Gauntlet.

Davey Richards talks about Kyle and Bobby are the ‘hot new team’ but you have to beat the Wolves. Eddie says that they are the team to beat. They are tag team wrestling. Bobby and Kyle are the champs, but they are just fresh meat.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are warned that viewer discretion is advised for the next segment.

Truth Martini makes his way to the ring and he is joined by some females and Matt Taven.

Truth welcomes everyone to Hoopla Uncut. It is a talk show about life. Love, pain, and hoopla. He asks one of the women to ‘hold his balls’. Truth’s guest is the current Television Champion, Matt Taven. Truth says that the television champion is the most important champion in Ring of Honor. That means that he is more important than Kevin Steen.

Truth asks Matt how it feels to be the newest member of the H.O.T. and to be the greatest wrestler in Ring of Honor. Matt says that he has learned in his life that actions speak louder than words. Matt says that he is going to whip it out and he pulls the World Television Title belt out of his pants and he has it hang in a questionable manner.

Truth asks if everyone is ready to get off. Truth tells the women to take their pants off and off course we see people in the crowd instead of the women without their pants and Caleb channels Jerry Lawler.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nigel McGuinness joins Kevin and Caleb at the announce table.

Match Number Three: Roderick Strong versus Jay Lethal

They start off with a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Strong and Lethal with reversals. Strong with a drop toe hold and Lethal kicks Strong away. They lock up again and Strong with a side head lock but Lethal backs Strong into the corner. They lock up again and Strong with another side head lock. Lethal tries for a shoulder tackle but neither man goes down.

Lethal with a hip toss and cartwheel into a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Lethal with a figure four head scissors but Strong leans back and gets a near fall. Lethal with punches to Strong but Strong goes to the apron when he charges at Lethal. Lethal misses a springboard drop kick when Strong ducks down on the apron. Strong with a rollup for a near fall.

Strong with a back breaker and he gets a near fall. Strong punches Lethal in the corner and Strong chops Lethal. Strong with a rear chin lock and he works on Lethal’s back as well. Lethal gets to the rope. Strong with a forearm in the corner and then he sends Lethal into the far turnbuckle. Strong with a chop to Lethal. Strong with another chop but Lethal walks it off. Strong has a punch blocked and Lethal with punches and chops.

Lethal with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Strong misses a discus forearm. Lethal hits the Lethal Combination but Strong goes to the floor. Lethal with a suicide dive and then they get back into the ring and Lethal gets a near fall. Lethal punches Strong and he goes up top. Strong crotches Lethal.

Strong with a running knee into the corner followed by a running forearm. Lethal with a super kick and Strong runs into another super kick. Lethal tries for the Lethal Injection but Strong catches Lethal and hits a back breaker followed by the Strong Hold. Lethal tries to escape but Strong with a rollup for a near fall. Strong with a roaring elbow followed by a knee. Lethal counters the Gibson Driver with a rana and then he hits the Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

We go to credits.