View Full Version : Binghamton Results - 17th March, 2013

03-18-2013, 04:49 AM
Tensai & Brodus Clay beat 3MB (Heath Slater & Drew McIntyre). Drew McIntyre's ribs were taped up but he wrestled just fine. Tensai's character now is way cooler then anything else he's done... sadly.

* Zack Ryder beat Darren Young. The Shield attacked Ryder after the match and then got on the mic. Good promo. Nice surprise having the Shield run in.

* WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn pinned Tamina Snuka. Vickie Guerrero was with Snuka and referred to her as her protege. A lot of heat on Vickie.

* Chris Jericho defeated Dolph Ziggler. Big E was sent to the back by crowd choice, but he still interfered. AJ Lee was kicked out of ringside as well. Good match, not great like I had hoped.


* R-Truth defeated Titus O'Neil in the wait till everyone gets back to their seat match.

* United States Champion Antonio Cesaro defeated The Miz & Kofi Kingston in a triple threat match for the U.S. Championship. Tremendous match with great sequences. Several near falls.

* John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback defeated The Shield by DQ after Rollins came in and hit Ryback with a steel chair. Sheamus didn't wrestle much.

The crowd was hot. The biggest pop was for John Cena. The most heat was for The Shield, who fired up the crowd with their promo early on. Great show with nearly a sold out crowd.
