View Full Version : Update On WWE's Plans For Brock Lesnar Vs. The Rock, WWE Creative News ,** UPDATE**

03-20-2013, 04:17 PM
Source: F4WOnline

- A lot of creative changes went down within WWE around the time of this year's Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Vince McMahon hasn't been happy with the booking of WWE's undercard for a while now, which is the main reason why Eric Pankowski got fired two weeks ago.
- As noted before, the current plan is for Triple H to defeat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 29. The big issue is that WWE officials want Lesnar to headline WrestleMania 30 against The Rock so he shouldn't be doing any jobs now. Regarding Rock vs. Brock, the plan is to do a subtle tease with the two on the RAW the night after WrestleMania this year. The idea is to only do a tease and not push it too hard so fans won't expect it's happening at SummerSlam.

HHH Hypes No Holds Barred
Triple H hyped his WrestleMania 29 match with Brock Lesnar by posting the following late last night on Twitter:
"Midnight, 2nd workout of the day......#noholdsbarred"


03-20-2013, 09:08 PM
Brock could be disqualified - HHH "keeps" his in-ring job and Lesnar's till a beast, did not loose and can continue to be a badass-strong character...

A Lesnar vs The Rock match is not something I'm really into it. BEtter do a CM Punk vs LEsnar or Undertaker vs. Lesnar match with Taker winning and Lesnar destroying Taker afterwards so Taker can retire 'peacefully'

03-20-2013, 10:11 PM
Brock could be disqualified - HHH "keeps" his in-ring job and Lesnar's till a beast, did not loose and can continue to be a badass-strong character...

A Lesnar vs The Rock match is not something I'm really into it. BEtter do a CM Punk vs LEsnar or Undertaker vs. Lesnar match with Taker winning and Lesnar destroying Taker afterwards so Taker can retire 'peacefully'

Brock can't get DQed because it's a No Holds Barred match

03-21-2013, 01:22 PM
Brock can't get DQed because it's a No Holds Barred match

You're absolutey right..but HHH 'retiring' is the only way this thing can be resolved. IF they have Lesnar loose again, it would diminish his Beast-image

Y0UR Messiah
03-23-2013, 02:01 PM
They could always have a no contest. Have someone come out and destroy them both or something.

03-23-2013, 03:02 PM
Well you could have Paul turn on Lesnar costing him the match and set up a feud with Punk. Which could be used to spring board a fued with Rock.

03-24-2013, 06:40 PM
Then Brocl lost to Cena, looses to HHH and wins against Punk???? This buries Punk.
And will Lesnar even then beat Rock? I don't think so...so what turns out is: the baddest man on earth looses his matches...