View Full Version : Paul Bearer's Son Talks To TMZ About Approving CM Punk Angle On RAW

03-22-2013, 04:30 PM
Source: TMZ

It's been reported that Paul Bearer's sons signed off on the angle at RAW a few weeks back where CM Punk interrupted The Undertaker's tribute and disrespected the urn.
Paul's son Michael Moody tells TMZ that WWE creative approached the Moody family for permission before the angle went down on TV and the family approved of it.

Michael told TMZ:

"We felt that dad would have wanted us at RAW last week and agreed to the angle … We knew Dad wouldn't have wanted it any other way."


The Mac
03-22-2013, 08:04 PM
is obvious hey asked the family but smart move by wwe to get tmz toreport this. wwe always gets favorable "press" in TMZ while TNA gets the shit end of the stick

03-23-2013, 12:22 AM
It isnt direspect at all . Moody lived to entertain .He still is sort of . Punk pulls the best heel move in years and people get butthurt .