View Full Version : WWE Smackdown/ECW House Results - 17th Sep 2006

09-18-2006, 01:42 PM
WWE Smackdown/ECW House Results - 17th Sep 2006
Location: Niagara Falls, New York

Beau Sutton sent in the following report at Wrestleview:

Note: We bumped into Bob Holly and Francine at Twist of the Mist (Burger Joint) just down from the venue. Nobody bugged them but I heard the waitress ask for a picture w/ Bob and he very rudely said "No way" and walked off. Seemed like a real ass.

Crowd was VERY pro-ECW and anti-Smackdown!

London and Kendrick vs. Idol and Stevens (WWE Tag Titles)

Good match, Idol and Stevens used lots of heel tactics to keep L&K down. Very funny "Mr. Perfect" chant when KC came into match. Finish was London with a running backfip (off of Kendrick), pinning KC

CM Punk vs. Steven Richards

Decent match, kind of expected more. Punk played off the crowd VERY well. Punk won with Rock Bottom into Anaconda Vice. Richards had the ring announcer assure the crowd he would be okay. Very funny stuff.

RVD vs. Hardcore Holly (Extreme Rules)

Holly got VERY into it with some vocal ECW fans. Lots of kicks, DDT's, suplexes, backdrops onto (the same) chair. I guess they only had one. Lots of funny chants here, particularly "Where's my pot?". Finish was Holly going for Alabama Slam, RVD took it into a roll-up. Holly kicked his ass afterward, I guess he was still pissed about the picture.

Kennedy vs. Vito (US Title)

Lots of chants about Vito here. Kennedy was gold on the mic. Saw more of Vito than I cared too. I think Kennedy won but I'm trying to erase all memory of this from my mind.

Extreme Bikini Contest (Francine vs. Jillian vs. Kristal vs. Kelly)

Hosted by Striker. Jillian wouldn't take off her robe until some shmuck gave her $20. Kelly won, Jillian took offence, CAT FIGHT!!!! Knox ran in and cleared house, then the Sandman came in through the crowd (pretty funny, since he started by himself on the far bleachers). Knox and Striker double-teamed him when Dreamer ran in for the save. Dreamer told them they could do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way was a tag match so he and Sandman could kick their asses. The hard way was to let all 800 of the "mother-f-er's " in attendance kick their asses. So...........

Dreamer and Sandman vs. Knox and Striker

Nice match. Sandman hit a top rope hurricanrana for the finish (did I just type that?)

Batista vs. Regal

Half the crowd was VERY into Batista, Half was very anti Batista. Finish was a Spinebuster for the pin.

Sabu vs. Test (Extreme Rules)

Missed half of this because a fight broke out in front of us. Some sick looking spots. Finish was Sabu diving into Test and a table set up in the corner. Looked like something went wrong, because Test took the bump right on his neck. Test took his time getting up and you could see the ref asking if he was okay.

Booker T vs. Lashley

Booker T's entrance took 15 minutes. When they did lock up, someone started a "This is boring" chant. Booker STOPPED the match and grabbed a chair, saying "You want boring, I'll show you boring!" and promptly took a seat. When they got back at it, GREAT match. Lots of counters. Impressive looking spot where Lashley was going for a clothesline, and caught Booker in mid-air for a side-slam. Finish had Regal run in and cause a DQ.

Good show, was definately worth the money even with some card changes.

P.S. The first 5 minutes of the Edge-Cena TLC looked EXACTLLY like the Sabu/Test match, move for move, eerie.