View Full Version : NXT Report / Results - 3rd Apr, 2013

04-04-2013, 07:55 AM
Conor O’Brian is the number one contender for the NXT Title that is currently held by Big E Langston. What will happen when they meet in the ring tonight?

We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Brad ‘Brickie’ Maddox, Kassius ‘A Hero on Commentary’ Ohno, and Tony ‘When will they tell me where Wrestlemania is’ Dawson.

Bray Wyatt says that you do not applaud a mouse for surviving a night in the cage with a snake. Everyone knows that sooner or later the snake eats the mouse. You played with fire and now you burn.

Bo Dallas and Adrian Neville vs Erick Rowan and Luke Harper

Harper and Dallas start things off and they lock up. Harper backs Dallas into the corner but Bo with punches. Harper runs Bo into the corner and Rowan tags in. Rowan with an elbow and he chokes Bo in the ropes. Rowan sends Bo into the turnbuckles. Rowan with a forearm across the chest but Bo with a punch. Rowan with a forearm to the back.

Rowan with a head butt and then he tags in Harper. Luke punches Bo in the ribs. Harper with a European uppercut. Bo avoids a slam and Neville tags in. Neville with punches to Harper but Neville with a drop kick to the knees and then to the head. Neville with a Shooting Star Press for a near fall.

Harper sends Neville to the apron. Harper sends Neville to the floor and then Rowan sends Neville back in Harper with a boot to the head but Neville kicks out at two. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rowan works on Neville’s neck. Neville with punches to the midsection and he tries for a sunset flip but Rowan does not go down and he connects with a leg drop and gets a near fall. Rowan with kicks to Neville and then he puts Neville on the top turnbuckle. Harper tags in and he punches Neville in the chest and Harper gets a near fall. Harper with a head butt to the back of the head and Harper applies a reverse chin lock.

Neville tries to get to his feet and he succeeds. Neville with a kick but Harper with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Harper with an elbow drop and he gets another near fall. Rowan tags back in and he hits an elbow drop and gets a near fall. Rowan with a bear hug and he runs Neville into the turnbuckles.

Harper tags in and he connects with a running head butt into the midsection. Neville with a punch but Harper with a punch and then he tags Rowan back in and he kicks Neville in the head. Rowan with a side head lock and he runs Neville into the turnbuckles. Harper is tagged back in and he connects with an elbow drop and gets a near fall.

Harper with a chop but he runs into an elbow and boot from Neville. Harper misses a boot in the corner and Dallas tags in. Dallas with running forearms followed by a punch to the midsection and a knee to the head and a running forearm. Bo with Acid Drop for a near fall. Rowan charges at Dallas and goes over the top rope to the floor. Dallas hits Wyatt on the apron. Neville with a corkscrew plancha onto Wyatt and Rowan on the floor.

Dallas with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winners: Bo Dallas and Adrian Neville

We go to commercial.

Conor O’Brian says that the NXT Title belongs to him and tonight he will rise.

We are back and it is time for a video package about the John Cena and Rock match.

We return to the NXT Arena and there is a fourth man at the announce table. William Regal decides to return the favor to Kassius Ohno from last week and Regal punches Ohno and then he rakes the eyes. After the attack, Regal has a smile on his face before he leaves.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Brad and Tony try to figure out what just happened.

Summer Rae and Audrey Marie vs Sasha Banks and Paige

Paige and Audrey start things off and Paige wants a piece of Summer but Audrey gets in the way. They lock up and Paige gets away and goes after Summer. Audrey with a take down and near fall. Audrey with a monkey flip and Paige with a drop toe hold. Sasha tags in and Audrey with a knee and wrist lock. Sasha with a forearm to the chest and an arm drag with help from the ropes.

Sasha with a head scissors take down and she gets a near fall. Audrey with a clothesline and Summer tags in and kicks Sasha. Summer chokes Audrey in the ropes and she taunts Paige on the apron to try to draw her into the ring. Summer gets a near fall and then tags Audrey back in. Audrey with a snap mare and rear chin lock.

Audrey gets a near fall. Summer tags back in and she sends Sasha’s head into the turnbuckles. Summer pulls Sasha out of the corner and gets a near fall. Summer with a front face lock and Audrey tags back in. Audrey sends Sasha’s head into the turnbuckles. Summer tags back in and applies a waist lock but Sasha with a rollup for a near fall.

Paige tags in and Summer tags in Audrey and then Summer runs to the back. Paige with a savate kick followed by the Paige Turner for the three count.

Winners: Paige and Sasha Banks

After the match
Paige runs up the ramp to the back to try to get a piece of Summer.

Big E Langston and Conor O’Brian walk in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal and Kassius Ohno will settle their differences in the ring next week on NXT.

NXT Heavyweight Title Championship
Big E Langston vs Conor O’Brian

The two combatants try to psych themselves up and they lock up to a deadlock. They lock up again and Conor with a side head lock and kick to the chest. Langston with a shoulder tackle that sends Conor to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Langston with five shots to the midsection and then he tries for a slam but Conor escapes. Langston with a clothesline and Conor rolls to the apron. Conor drops Langston’s throat across the top rope and then Conor with a uranage for a near fall. Conor with kicks to the head and then he connects with an elbow drop and gets a near fall.

Conor works on the head and twist Langston to the mat and Conor gets a near fall. Conor continues to work on the neck. Langston punches Conor and Conor punches back. Conor with an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Conor goes to the turnbuckles and hits a clothesline and gets a near fall.

Conor works on the neck with a nerve hold. Conor with an elbow to the back of the head and a boot to the chest and he gets a near fall. Conor returns to the nerve hold. Langston with elbows but Conor with a punch to Langston. Conor with more punches but they have no effect on Langston.

Langston BigE’s up and Langston with clotheslines and then he connects with five knees to the midsection. Langston runs into a big boot from Conor but Langston is able to kick out. Conor mocks Langston and then he tries for the Big Ending but Langston with a body block and then the straps are down.

Langston with the Big Ending and he gets the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

After the match
Langston hears the crowd chanting ‘five’ and Langston gets Conor up for the Big Ending and he makes his own five count.

We go to credits.