View Full Version : Q&A with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart by fans at Big Time Wrestling event

04-05-2013, 07:46 AM

On Thursday 4/4, Big Time Wrestling held the first ever joint signing and photo session with Bret Hart and Shawn at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City. This was the first ever signing the two had done together since the infamous Montreal Screwjob in November 1997.

Between the photo and signing session, Hart and Michaels took part in a Q&A Session with the audience:

They were asked about the vignette using a little person dressed like Bret Hart right after the Screwjob on Raw, who's idea was the angle and did it bother Hart. Michaels said it was a Vince Russo idea and that at that point, Michaels was willing to do anything that was asked of him. Hart said he saw it on TV and it bothered him because he wished he had a better ending in the company than that.

They were asked who should be in the WWE Hall of Fame. Both agreed that Randy Savage should be in and Hart brought up his brother Owen as well.

They were asked about dream opponent. Hart said he would have loved to have wrestled Kurt Angle and under his anti-American persona, he would have loved to wrestle John Cena. The crowd booed the mention of Cena. Hart said he would have given Cena the best match he ever had. Michaels said his dream match would have been names he grew up watching like Harley Race and Ricky Steamboat.

They were asked about the biggest obstacle they faced when they started in the business. Each said it was being given the first chance to show what they could do. Getting the first opportunity was the hard part.

Hart was asked if he really would have given up the belt the next night after Survivor Series if the Montreal incident had not happened. Hart said it absolutely would have happened and there would have been no reason not to do it.

Michaels was asked to name his defining moment and the favorite match of his career. Michaels said he can't pick an all-time favorite, but the ones that stick out are his debut, The Iron Man Match with Bret Hart and the Ladder Match with Razor Ramon. Michaels feels his defining moment was the ladder match because after that match, the company felt he could go on to greater things and higher responsibility.

Shawn was asked about his 2002 return and being a born again Christian, whether he turned down ideas. Michaels said he did because he didn't feel comfortable doing certain things, like cursing.

They were asked who they would want their opponent to be if they could and were wrestling this Sunday at Wrestlemania 29. Hart repeated John Cena, as long as he was bad guy Bret. Michaels said CM Punk or Daniel Bryan.

Hart and Michaels were asked their thoughts on the current state of WWE. Hart said they have too much talking and not enough wrestling. Michaels said that it's hard to stay fresh with so many other shows on TV, but to be honest, he doesn't really watch anymore because after so many years on the road, he's busy trying to catch up on all the TV series he missed when he was on the road.

A little kid asked Michaels if he was trying to make fun of Undertaker when he wore his white suit at Wrestlemania 25. Michaels said he did it to be the opposite of Undertaker's dark side, but you can't intimidate the Undertaker. He said it didn't work out too well for him, since he lost, and advised the kid to take a lesson from that.

The final question was what kept them motivated when they first started training to be pro wrestlers. Hart said gaining credibility and earning people's respect. Michaels said that he couldn't get enough of being in the ring, so he didn't need motivation.


04-05-2013, 09:34 AM
Awesome, would have loved to have been there for that :)

04-05-2013, 10:02 PM
Shawn was able to do one thing Bret couldn't - he could adept to a more modern way of wrestling and could still wrestle today which is a thing Bret could not..

04-06-2013, 12:32 AM
Shawn was able to do one thing Bret couldn't - he could adept to a more modern way of wrestling and could still wrestle today which is a thing Bret could not..

I saw Bret in person last year at Raw 1000. He couldn't move as swiftly as the others. He has bad knees, plus he had a stroke a few years back. He is in much worse health than HBK is.

04-06-2013, 08:12 AM
Shawn was able to do one thing Bret couldn't - he could adept to a more modern way of wrestling and could still wrestle today which is a thing Bret could not..

I have to agree with this.