View Full Version : CM Punk On Working In Front Of A WrestleMania Crowd

04-05-2013, 05:39 PM
Credit: Marvel.com

CM Punk was recently interviewed about WrestleMania. Here are the highlights…

On Being Out In Front of a WrestleMania Crowd: I think it was lost on me after my first four or five WrestleMania [appearances]. Last year I really slowed it down and took it all in. It’s a lot of people out there and that ramp was a long way. So I started to a lot of mental snapshots to remember the moment. Because it’s not something you get to do every day. It’s huge, it makes you realize how big the thing is; they are there to see you so not only am I amped up [but] ready to put on a show. I also tell that fun is very important aspect of what I do, and it can get lost a lot of the time. So I look to have a whole lot of fun at WrestleMania.

On Facing Undertaker: Well yeah, I mean a match against the Undertaker any other day of the year is still a big deal but not as big of a deal when you’ve got the opportunity to do that nobody’s been able to do for over 20 years this week at WrestleMania.

04-05-2013, 06:45 PM
I think it would be amazing to wrestle in front of a large crows like that. The energy the crowd that size would give off ... lol if your wrestling and a crowd that size is quiet, you know you are doing something wrong.