View Full Version : Saturday Morning Slam Report / Results - 6th Apr, 2013

04-06-2013, 05:20 PM
Will Cody Rhodes’ presence at ringside be enough to offset Ryback’s obvious power advantage over Damien Sandow?

We go to the ring and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Brad Maddox.

Ryback vs Damien Sandow (with Cody Rhodes)

They lock up and Ryback pushes Sandow to the mat and Ryback pounds on his own chest and that forces Sandow to go to the floor and rethink his strategy. Ryback goes to the floor and Sandow returns to the ring and he does the cartwheel of camaraderie. This allows Ryback to return to the ring and he keeps Sandow from making a hasty retreat through the ropes.

Ryback with a delayed vertical suplex on Sandow. Ryback catches Sandow on a cross body attempt and then he contorts Sandow into a power slam. The referee keeps Ryback from continuing his assault on Sandow because Damien is in the ropes. We go to commercial.

We are back and Ryback is still in control of things. Ryback with a biel across the ring and then he goes to the turnbuckles. Ryback with a belly flop onto Sandow for a near fall. Ryback with an Irish whip but Ryback misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post with his shoulder and Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with knees and a leg drop to the injured arm.

Sandow with an arm bar into a hammer lock. Ryback with an arm drag to escapes but Sandow with a single arm DDT and then he drops more knees to the arm. Sandow with the Elbow of Disdain to the injured arm and Sandow with a near fall. Sandow goes to the turnbuckles but Ryback catches him and he hits a reverse atomic drop followed by a normal atomic drop. Ryback with a body block but Rhodes distracts Ryback and Sandow with an attack from behind.

Sandow cowers into the corner and lets out a whelp. Rhodes grabs the leg and Ryback pulls Rhodes into the ring. Ryback with a clothesline followed by the marching muscle buster and the three count.

Winner: Ryback

We go to a video package on Mick Foley in the Saturday Morning Spotlight.

Mick Foley is in the locker room with Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. Cody is telling Mick that was not fair but Mick points out that Cody tried to interject himself into the match. Mick tells Cody that in the interest of fairness, Cody should have a match today as well.

Mick tells Cody that in the interest of fairness, Damien is banned from ringside.

Cody wants to know who his match is against and Mick tells Cody that he will be facing Kane.

We go to commercial.

Cody Rhodes vs Kane

Cody begs for some forgiveness before locking up and then he yells at some fans at ringside. Cody with a punch and side head lock. Cody slides through the legs and reapplies the side head lock. Kane sends Cody over the top rope to the floor. Cody returns to the ring and he gets cornered by Kane. Cody gets into the ropes and Cody returns to the side head lock.

Kane presses Cody over his head and Kane teases slamming Cody to the floor and then he decides to drop Cody behind him and Kane gets a near fall. Cody with a drop kick to the knee and then he returns to the side head lock. Cody tries for a flying mare but Kane blocks it. Kane puts Cody on the top turnbuckle. Cody kicks Kane away and Kane pushes Cody off the turnbuckles but he hangs from the turnbuckle by his leg for a moment.

Cody says that he did not ask for this match and he begs for mercy as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with a hard Irish whip but Kane charges into the corner and Cody with a drop toe hold that sends Kane into the turnbuckles. Cody uses the turnbuckles for a side head lock takedown. Kane with a head scissors but Cody escapes and he returns to the side head lock. Kane with a shoulder tackle. Cody with the drop down uppercut and a side head lock take down.

Kane with an arm drag to escape but Cody with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Cody returns once again to the side head lock. Kane with a belly-to-back suplex to escape. Kane with a clothesline and back elbow followed by a few Irish whips and splashes into the corner. Kane with a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top for the clothesline and he connects. Kane signals for the choke slam and Cody goes to the floor. He drops Kane on the top rope and Cody hits Beautiful Disaster but he can only get a near fall.

Cody goes up top and Kane with a boot to Rhodes and he gets the three count.

Winner: Kane

We go to credits.


04-06-2013, 06:48 PM
Rhodes was pretty busy on this show huh? Ryback vs Sandow might be worth seeing a feud between at some point.