View Full Version : Lance Storm Gives His WrestleMania 29 Predictions

04-06-2013, 09:47 PM
http://thumbnails105.imagebam.com/24751/3feefc247503076.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/3feefc247503076)

Lance Storm has provided his predictions for Wrestlemania 29 over at his official website. Here are his thoughts on the bigger matches.

The Rock vs. John Cena: “I picked Cena to win last year and paid for it, but I’m going to stick with him this year and predict he picks up the win. I just can’t see him losing 2 years in a row.”

Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger: “This is one I was a little on the fence with for quite a while, but I’ve decided to go with Del Rio retaining the title. I don’t think the Swagger thing has heated up as much as they have hoped and I feel WWE is generally reluctant to switch both titles on same show. I’m not super confident with this pick but I’m going Del Rio.”

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk: “I’m to the point where I doubt I will ever pick against the streak and with the heavy ending to RAW this week and the tie in with the later Paul Bearer (Bill Moody) I just can’t see Undertaker losing this one. Undertaker goes to 21-0.”

Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H: “This is a tougher one for me; I can see reasons for this match to go either way. Brock won the first match, Hunter’s career is on the line, HBK is out there with him, I can certainly see HHH picking up the win. That said Hunter really is more of an office guy now and everything I’m hearing says that Brock is staying around, so do you really want him going to 1-2 in WWE and having a loss against every opponent he’s faced since returning to WWE from UFC? I’m predicting Brock Lesnar beats HHH again. Here is my logic. There are 2 big rematches on this show and I think most people are predicting 50/50 booking with the guy who lost the first time getting his redemption this time. This match will no doubt be on before the Rock-Cena match so HHH losing a second time could really help the Main Event with people thinking if Brock can win 2 straight maybe Rock can too, especially with rumors that WWE might build to Rock vs. Brock next year at Mania. Triple H is pretty much retired anyway and I can’t really think of anyone out there who would be a big meaningful opponent for him moving forward, that is of course unless HBK “accidentally” costs Hunter his career and they come up with some “Unsanctioned” stipulation next year for one last final hurrah between Triple H and Shawn Michaels. I’m not saying that will happen I’m just saying Hunter coming back again next year, to face just a guy on the roster, doesn’t really make sense so he could do good business here and building Brock even stronger.”

Mark Henry vs. The Ryback: “For me this comes down to who needs it most. I’m not sure Ryback has had a significant win on PPV yet so I think he needs this win so much more than Mark. Mark has been a killer much longer than Ryback and Mark just being Mark gives him all the credibility he needs. Ryback losing this one I think really hurts him, where Mark will be fine either way. I’m picking The Ryback.”

The Shield vs. Orton, Show, Sheamus: “I’m picking The Shield in this one. I don’t think they have been beaten in a match yet and I don’t see any reason to start now. Orton, Show, and Sheamus are not a regular team so having a miscue either on purpose or by accident by someone on this team leading to one of them getting pinned is what I would do. Thinking long term The Shield staying strong just makes sense.”

You can find the rest at StormWrestling.com.
