View Full Version : Bruno Sammartino Talks Billy Graham and John Cena

04-07-2013, 07:24 PM
Superstar Billy Graham recently created a buzz when he called out Bruno Sammartino for accepting the WWE Hall of Fame induction. The former heavyweight champion has finally responded to those remarks during a recent interview to promote WrestleMania 29. Bruno States:

“I think I feel sorry for him. I think he’s done so much drugs throughout his career that his brains been burned out because he speaks of things he knows nothing about. For example in my own situation, he knows very well that when I spoke about WWE and was very critical about them, that he had heard me say if they changed everything that I would change my mind. He heard me from years ago saying yes I would. He’s been critical of the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in Amsterdam, New York and he wanted out of that because he got mad at somebody, I don’t know who. He recently was appalled at CM Punk because he said something about me wrestling in the Garden once a month. The things that Billy Graham says, I really have no idea why he says them. He talks about things without really knowing all the facts. I just think there’s something wrong with the man.”

– Bruno Sammartino has been dong more interviews than normal because he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this weekend. He was recently asked for his opinions on John Cena, a performer who has received quite a bit of criticism from the fans. The former heavyweight champion shares his candid thoughts. Bruno said:

“He looks very well, looks like he works out very hard. He moves well in the ring and I have only seen him maybe twice all together. I have not seen enough of him, but from what I’ve seen you can tell he absolutely is one of the top ones in the organization but sometimes I would like to see these guys wrestle a 30-40 minute match. i can get a better idea of how good they are, when they have to put in that kind of time, tells me wheat kind of condition they have and how their skills would be out there for that amount of time. I haven’t seen any long matches like that yet. One of the times I saw him in a cage match and there was a referee and they were doing wrestling holds. In my day, you would have a cage match as maybe the third match with a guy and there would be no referee, and just everything goes and the fans used to find that extremely exciting. Now it’s so changed, thes guys are doing regular armlocks and headlocks. It’s so different now, I just can’t compare it to the era I was involved in.”
