View Full Version : The Undertaker Beats CM Punk, and What It Means

04-08-2013, 07:49 PM
At WrestleMania, The Undertaker defeated CM Punk to extend his streak to 21-0 in arguably the best match of the night. After all of the promos and backlash that CM Punk received in building up this match, Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak is still intact.

But what does this mean for The Undertaker’s future? What does it mean for CM Punk?

Let’s investigate each Superstar's situation and where they may be headed after their WrestleMania 29 match.

The Undertaker

For The Undertaker, it means it was not time for the streak to end. It is very possible that the streak may never end, but WrestleMania 29 wasn’t the right time. If WWE had gone all the way to the WrestleMania 29, it only made sense for the streak to continue to at least WrestleMania 30.

Each year, WWE fans speculate whether or not The Undertaker will wrestle again at WrestleMania. There are only a couple of Superstars that Taker has yet to face at the show of shows—Brock Lesnar and John Cena. With the possibility of WrestleMania 30 being his last, Taker should face Cena. The new WWE champion should receive the last opportunity to break the streak. Taker should retire after April 2014, win or lose.

CM Punk

For CM Punk, the loss to The Undertaker meant he was not supposed to be the one in 21-1. Despite breaking the record for the longest WWE title reign in the last 25 years, CM Punk will not have the distinction of being the one to end Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak. This does not change the fact that Punk is still a future WWE Hall of Famer.

But where does CM Punk go from here?

With John Cena as WWE champion, fans may not want to see him face CM Punk yet again. Despite amazing matches all year, including the main event of Raw for Cena’s WrestleMania match on the line, it’s a match we have seen countless times.

CM Punk certainly works best as a heel, but the crowd is always behind him 100 percent, so a face turn should not be out of the question. However, with Paul Heyman at his side it is unlikely to happen.

Punk could try to claim the World Heavyweight title now that Jack Swagger is out of the situation, but Ziggler is always looming around. Starting a feud with Sheamus or Randy Orton is also possible, but Big Show may be doing just that.

CM Punk’s best bet is just to take some time off and heal any injuries, so that when he does return, he can start a fresh storyline with someone.


The Undertaker adds another chapter to his WrestleMania story, while CM Punk is lost without a new storyline or feud to begin.

Taker will most likely not be seen for a number of months. CM Punk should be on Raw, but the path he takes from here is questionable.


04-08-2013, 08:31 PM
Taker looked in fine shape, it would be cool if the feud between punk and taker continued for a few more matches

04-10-2013, 07:37 PM
They actually had some good matches a few years back when it was the Anaconda Vice vs the Gogo Plata...I also thought that this feud was rushed just to have a match at WM...if they could have feuded from EC on it would have been way more credible.

I do not see Taker vs. Cena at WM 30....I more see Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar - hell, that will be a melodramatic match!

Black Widow
04-10-2013, 07:51 PM
Punk / Taker feud has to continue as Punk has never pinned him or made him tap, Punk only beat him by screwing him so they could have Punk go after him for his first actual win :shifty: