View Full Version : Booker T On Triple H: "We've Never Been Friends"

04-10-2013, 12:45 AM
Booker T discussed his relationship with Triple H during an interview on The Troy show.

“Hunter and I, for the longest time, we’ve never been friends or anything like that but I’ve always respected him for his body of work,” Booker said. “Being a guy that was in WCW watching what was going on the other side as one of the guys, I could actually see what was happening. He worked harder than anyone in the company, the guy was a cornerstone of the Attitude Era. All the guys that Triple H faced — The Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin — all of them had to go through Triple H to get made from a certain perspective. He was the guy of the Attitude Era, the glue that was keeping everything together.”


Black Widow
04-10-2013, 10:47 AM
Triple H is awesome

the madscotsman
04-10-2013, 10:48 AM
That explains wrestlemania 19.