View Full Version : *Spoilers* Saturday Morning Slam - 13th April, 2013

04-10-2013, 02:27 PM
Credit: Tim Nicoletti & Prowrestling.net

Dark Match:

Justin Gabriel beat Curt Hawkins in the dark match. Gabriel won with his 450 splash. The kids loved him.

WWE Saturday Morning Slam (Airing Saturday):

The Great Khali, Hornswoggle, and Natalya beat Primo, Epico, and Rosa in the Slam taping match. Lot of comedy. Khali beat primo w the punjabi plunge in a match that went way too long.

The Uso’s beat Rhodes Scholars. There was a lot of heat on Damien Sandow, who said they were competing under protest. The Uso’s were not very over, but they won with a small package.