View Full Version : 5 WWE Booking Possibilities for The Shield After WrestleMania 29

04-10-2013, 03:00 PM
The Shield was once against successful against a trio of top WWE Superstars at WrestleMania 29. However, their opponents may be feuding with each other instead of The Shield.

How will WWE book The Shield after Sunday’s big show?

WWE Raw may have given us a tease or hint as to whom The Shield will be targeting next.

Yet, WWE could choose to begin to put some gold around the waists of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

Here I will break down five possible paths for The Shield post-WrestleMania 29.

Split Up

Eventually The Shield will move on, and each member may go his separate way. Seth Rollins was a babyface in FCW and NXT.

Ambrose and Reigns could turn on Rollins if he is continuously being the one pinned in their losses. Granted, first they need to begin losing. In fact, the only way The Shield would split up is if they are no longer winning.

Chances are this doesn’t happen anytime soon. The Shield are still running hot, as no threesome of WWE’s top babyfaces (and Big Show) have been able to stop them.

Tag Team Titles

Perhaps it is time for The Shield to capture some gold in WWE. Team Hell No has had their issues with The Shield in the past, as evident by headlining the WWE TLC 2012 pay-per-view along with Ryback.

No team has been able to defeat Kane and Daniel Bryan when the tag titles are on the line. The Shield would certainly be looked at as the real deal, if they haven’t already, by winning the gold.

Plus, The Shield could use the Freebird Rule and have all three members eligible to defend the titles.

Midcard Titles

In addition to the tag team titles, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins or Roman Reigns could easily overtake the midcard titles.

WWE has treated the U.S. and Intercontinental titles terribly by having champions lose so often. Why not have one of the Shield take it, claiming the injustice of the way WWE handled the two midcard championships?

Putting the midcard titles on members of The Shield will also show WWE is focused on pushing The Shield. They haven’t done anything that groundbreaking. Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns just attack various Superstars.

They aren’t a true threat to anything right now.

Undertaker and Team Hell No

A six-man tag match against The Undertaker and Team Hell No may have been planted on Monday night on Raw.

The Shield interrupted Undertaker and was going to attack him until Kane and Daniel Bryan entered the ring.

This situation depends completely on the Undertaker. If he is interested in wrestling more than just WrestleMania, this six-man tag match would be completely logical. Undertaker would not have to be as involved in a tag match. Unless, we are just witnessing a new Undertaker.

One who is full-time.


Regardless, either situation is a win-win situation for Undertaker.

Paul Heyman

Is CM Punk going to take time off? How long until we see Brock Lesnar again?

If neither Punk nor Lesnar are on WWE TV, what will Paul Heyman’s role be?

Previously, Heyman had been caught as being involved with The Shield. In order to keep a great character and manager like Paul Heyman, WWE could logically have him side with The Shield.

WWE may have considered it as a way to bring a number of Paul Heyman guys together. However, it can still just be Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns and Heyman. Many Paul Heyman guys have become huge stars including Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk and Brock Lesnar.

How do you think The Shield will be booked in the foreseeable future?


Black Widow
04-10-2013, 06:28 PM
Rollins and Reigns for tag champions and Ambrose for US champion