View Full Version : RAW Report, Caps and Results - 8th Apr, 2013

04-11-2013, 11:37 AM
RAW Results - 8th Apr, 2012
Location -
Announcers - Jerry 'The King' Lawler, Michael Cole

We are in East Rutherford, New Jersey and your announcers are Michael ‘March Madness in April’ Cole, Jerry ‘I wish I were an Indian’ Lawler, and John ‘Why is John Cena on Fox Business more than I am’ Layfield.
We take a look back at some photos from the main event of Wrestlemania 29.

The man who walked out of MetLife Stadium as the WWE Champion makes his way to the ring.

Michael Cole mentions that Rock tweeted that he suffered an injury last night and his doctor said the same thing.

The people of the Izod Center are not Cena fans. John says that it should be ever superstar’s dream to be in the main event of Wrestlemania and to win that match. When you win the main event at Wrestlemania, you get to enjoy the adulation, the respect, the cheers . . . the cheers . . . the cheers.

John says that we have known each other for ten years and he might be going out on a limb tonight but he thinks people might be angry . . . maybe a little more than angry. John says that he is upset too. Wrestlemania is over and that is why everyone is upset.

John says that the WWE isn’t like the day after Christmas, it is the Raw after Wrestlemania. It doesn’t matter how you feel about him. John says that every Raw after Wrestlemania is more than that. Last year, Brock Lesnar returned to whip his ass.

John says that he is feeling good tonight. We have a very volatile crowd and John says that he might do a championship dance. It might have a little shake . . . a little kick. John suggests a heel turn. Now we are ready for Monday Night Raw.

A Hall of Famer told him in order to be the man, you have to beat the man. Even the Rock got hurt and in the end, a champion rose. John proudly says that tonight . . . the Champ is HERE.

John says that this is exactly what he wanted for a Wrestlemania Main Event celebration. Right now and right here it is his post-Wrestlemania Celebration. John says that he is going to celebrate the only way he knows. Balloons will not fall from the ceiling, he is going to defend his title.

John says that he doesn’t care who the Number One Contender is. He doesn’t care if it is Dolph Ziggler, Randy Orton, or CM Punk . . .

Mark Henry’s music plays and Cena is frozen in the ring.

Mark enters the ring and he looks at Cena. Mark wants to know what is up with the champ. He says the problem with coming out here and asking for trouble is that trouble might just find you. Mark says that Cena won his match at Wrestlemania, but . . . he tells John to look at him while John wonders why the crowd wants to have sex with chocolate.

Mark tells John not to pay attention to them. He says that he destroyed Ryback last night. With all of this talk, they need to have some action.

John says that the crowd wants to have sex with chocolate and then they want to eat some more.

John introduces himself to Mark Henry. He sees the look in Mark’s eye and he is afraid. He is afraid to tell Mark that he has the breath of 1,000 asses. Tonight, Mark faces him for the WWE Championship.

Booker T comes out and he says that he cannot and will not have John make WWE Championship matches. It will not go down like that. The deal is that the Rock is entitled to a rematch.

John wants to know if Once in a Lifetime is now Best of Three.

Booker says that Rock is the Number One Contender but Rock suffered an injury and he cannot be here tonight. Booker tells Mark that if he wants a shot at the WWE Championship, he will have to earn it. If he can beat John Cena in the middle of the ring tonight, he will get his shot.

Mark tells Booker to get his hands off of him. Mark says that he is not laughing. All that those jokes will get Cena is admission into the Hall of Pain.

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We go to commercial.

We are back with more photos from Wrestlemania.

Match Number One: Daniel Bryan (with Kane) versus Big E Langston (with AJ Lee and Dolph Ziggler)

Bryan with a knee and kicks to Langston but Langston pushes Bryan away. Langston with a uranage in the corner. Langston with a shoulder to the midsection. Langston with another shoulder into the corner and then he picks up Bryan and back drops him. Langston with punches but Bryan with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Bryan with kicks of No to the chest followed by a round kick to the head. Bryan goes up top but AJ gets on the apron and Ziggler crotches Bryan. Kane grabs Ziggler but Langston tosses Bryan onto Kane on the floor. Langston hits the Big Ending and gets the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

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Josh Mathews is with Kurt Warner to talk about The Moment, a new show on USA about people getting second chances. He is looking forward to giving ordinary individuals a chance to get a second chance to be at the top of their field.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slo-Mo Slam: Miz putting Wade Barrett in the figure four leg lock on the Wrestlemania Pre Show.

Match Number Two: Wade Barrett versus The Miz for the Intercontinental Title

Barrett with a punch and kicks but the referee warns Barrett. Barrett with a head butt and Irish whip but Miz floats over and he connects with a shoulder tackle followed by a kick to the head for a near fall. Miz with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Barrett sends Miz into the corner and he punches Miz followed by kicks. Miz with an Irish whip but Barrett sends Miz to the apron. Miz rolls under and gets a near fall. Miz sends Barrett into the turnbuckles and then he punches Barrett. Miz with a knee and he gets a near fall. Miz with a reverse chin lock but Barrett with a punch and kick.

Barrett with an elbow drop for a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Miz lands on his feet and he sends Barrett to the floor and he hits a drop kick and then he hits a double sledge from the apron. Miz sends Barrett into the ringside barrier and he goes up top. Miz leaps over Barrett and he sends Barrett to the apron. Barrett with a kick to the chest and a neck breaker in the ropes.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz runs into the Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Barrett sends Miz to the floor and he mocks Mick Foley with the bang bang before the elbow drop off the apron and he brings Miz back in for a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock but Miz with a belly-to-back suplex to escape.

Miz with punches and kicks and a running forearm followed by a running knee lift and a boot to the head. Miz tries for the Awesome Clothesline but Barrett comes out of the corner. Miz stops Barrett and hits the Reality Check. Barrett misses a charge into the corner and Miz with the Awesome Clothesline followed by a double sledge from the top. Miz sets for the Figure Four Leg Lock but Barrett kicks Miz into the turnbuckles. Miz with a kick and DDT for a near fall.

Barrett with a punch and he gets Miz on his shoulders for Wasteland but Miz with elbows. Miz tries to float over but Barrett catches him and Barrett tries for a kick but Miz blocks it and he applies the Figure Four leg lock. Barrett tries to get to the ropes and he succeeds.

Barrett with a boot to a charging Miz and then Barrett goes to the turnbuckles but Miz with a punch to the midsection. Miz with punches and then he climbs the turnbuckles for a superplex. Barrett stops Miz and Barrett sends Miz into the top of the ring post. Barrett sets for the Bull Hammer and Barrett connects and he gets the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett
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Vickie Guerrero and Brad Maddox are in the office talking about the job they did. Sheamus enters and Vickie asks him how he is. Sheamus reminds Vickie that Big Show knocked him out last night. He said that nobody should trust Big Show. Sheamus demands a match with Big Show. Brad reminds Sheamus that he owes them one. Sheamus doesn’t care because he wants to kick the head off that giant piece of crap.

Vickie says that she will give Sheamus a match.

We are back with more photos of Wrestlemania.

Booker T is walking in the back and Randy Orton stops him and he congratulates Booker on his induction into the Hall of Fame. Randy wants a favor from Booker. He wants Big Show tonight in the ring. Orton says that he talked Sheamus into believing in Big Show and he wants to prove it.

Booker says that there is nothing he can do because Vickie has a match for Big Show with Sheamus.

Orton tells Booker that he can do what he wants because he is a Hall of Famer and a real GM.

Booker tells Randy he has his match.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter make their way to the stage. Zeb says that their country is in bad shape and after last night it got worse. He says that he told everyone. Zeb says that he is asking for something now that he never asked for before. He wants everyone’s support. He volunteered for the war in Vietnam because he loves his country. He is going to do that tonight in the ring with Jack Swagger. This country is on the edge of anarchy.

Zeb wants everyone to start a USA chant when Alberto makes his way to the ring.

We go to commercial

Match Number Three: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) versus Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger

Swagger starts off and they lock up. Swagger with a clean break. They lock up again and Swagger with punches. Del Rio with punches and an Irish whip to the sternum. Del Rio with a kick to the back and then he clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor. This is not lucha rules so Colter stays on the apron.

Del Rio with a suicide dive that sends Swagger into the announce table and then Del Rio with a boot to the head and he sends Swagger back into the ring. Del Rio with a cross body for a near fall. Colter hits Swagger from behind and that allows Swagger to take advantage and he dives for the knee. Swagger with elbow drops to the knee.

Swagger sends Del Rio into the corner and he connects with knees. Swagger takes his time with the referee and Colter rakes the eyes. Swagger with a snap mare and then he applies a step over toe hold. Del Rio with a kick to the head. Del Rio goes for the step up enzuigiri but Del Rio is unable to hit it due to the work that was done on the knee.

Swagger applies the ankle lock. Del Rio escapes the hold and he goes to the apron. Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker in the ropes and he lets go before the referee gets to five. Swagger with a running elbow that knocks Del Rio off the apron and we go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. We see footage from the commercial break when Swagger continued to work on the lower leg. Swagger with a step over toe hold and Colter twirls his mustache for support. Swagger charges into the corner and Del Rio moves so Swagger goes shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with two clotheslines and then he avoids one from Swagger. Del Rio has to hit the tilt-a-whirl back breaker and he hurts his knee more.

Del Rio with a super kick and he gets a near fall. Del Rio tries for the float over into the cross arm breaker but Swagger counters and applies the ankle lock. Del Rio makes it to the ropes and Swagger almost forgets to release the hold in time. Swagger returns to the ankle lock. Del Rio with the cross arm breaker and Del Rio pulls the hair and he locks it in fully and Swagger taps out.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match, the medical staff checks on Del Rio and . . .

Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring with AJ Lee, Big E Langston, and the briefcase.

Del Rio struggles to get back to his feet and Ziggler with punches and kicks to the leg. Ziggler with the Fameasser for a two count. Ziggler kicks Del Rio in the injured leg. Ziggler misses a splash into the corner and Del Rio gets to his feet and this time he hits the step up enzuigiri. Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio with the cross arm breaker and Ziggler grabs the ankle to get out of the hold.

Ziggler with the Zig Zag and he gets the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Ziggler celebrates with AJ and Langston.

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We are back and it is time for the Gong, the blue lights, and the smoke as we see the man who went 21-0 at Wrestlemania after defeating CM Punk.

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Last night at Wrestlemania, he dedicated his victory to the memory of Paul Bearer, a man who he has the . . .

From out of nowhere, The Shield’s music plays and they make their way to the ring. Taker is ready for a three-on-one fight and he positions himself for the Shield’s entry into the ring.

Kane’s pyro hits and he is joined by his tag team partner, Daniel Bryan.

The Shield discuss the current situation and they realize that it is better to retreat into the crowd.

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We go to commercial.

We are back with more photos from Wrestlemania.

Michael Cole takes us back to what happened after Alberto Del Rio defeated Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. Dolph Ziggler cashed in the briefcase and became the World Champion.

Dolph is in the interview area and Josh asks him about becoming the new World Champion. He says that he needed the right time and the right place. It is the day after but this is his Wrestlemania Moment. He is going to take his new World Title, shine it up and show it off.

Match Number Five: Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Drew McIntyre versus Santino Marella, Zack Ryder, and R Truth

Slater and Truth start off and Truth with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth with a pelvic thrust and punch and he tags in Santino. Santino does some dance moves and Slater with a punch so he tags in Ryder. Mahal tags in and Ryder with punches and an X Factor. Mahal sends Ryder over the top rope and Ryder lands on teha pron. Mahal knocks Ryder off the apron and McIntyre with a spinebuster into the apron.

Drew with a flying boot to Ryder and then he stomps on the hand. Slater tags in and he kicks Ryder. Drew tags back in and he applies an arm bar. Ryder avoids a suplex and hits a neck breaker and both men are down.

Santino and Slater tag in and Santino with jabs and a forearm. Santino with a split and hip toss followed by a diving head butt but Mahal breaks up the cover.

Truth clotheslines Mahal over the top rope and both go to the floor. Santino gets the cobra out but Drew grabs the hand. Santino still hits Slater and gets the three count.

Winners: Santino Marella, Heath Slater, and R Truth

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We take a look at all of the Wrestlemania week events.

Sheamus and Randy Orton are arguing about getting matches with Big Show. Orton says that he is man enough to admit that he made a mistake. He wants to handle it but Sheamus says that he will fix it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jerry, Michael, and John talk about Randy Orton, Sheamus, and Big Show versus The Shield. We go to comments from Big Show after the pay per view when Show says that Orton and Sheamus turned on him and not the other way around. Show explained his actions.

Sheamus says that everyone knows what happened between him, Randy Orton, and Big Show. Sheamus wants to know if people want to see him kick Big Show’s arse tonight.

Randy Orton’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. He tells Sheamus that while he is out here begging for support, Big Show is his tonight. He tells Sheamus to have a listen. Randy wants to know who wants to see him kick the Big Show’s ass.

Since we have a General Manager and an Executive Assistant deal that Vickie does, we are going to let the fans choose who Big Show faces.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Randy Orton won the fan vote with 77% of the votes.

Vickie Guerrero and Booker T make their way to the stage. Booker says that Randy and Sheamus have legitimate reasons to face Big Show. Booker says that he has talked to Vickie and they have a fair way to determine this, Sheamus will face Randy Orton and the winner will face The Big Show.

Match Number Six: Randy Orton versus Sheamus

They lock up and Sheamus backs Orton into the corner but Orton turns the tables. Orton with a clean break. They lock up again and Sheamus with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. The crowd chants confuse Orton and Sheamus for a moment. Sheamus with a side head lock and Orton with a back elbow. Orton with a snap mare and a leaping knee drop that misses when Sheamus moves. Sheamus with knee drops for a near fall.

Sheamus with an Irish whip but Orton with a clothesline out of the corner. Orton with European uppercuts. Sheamus blocks a hip toss and hits a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Sheamus works on the shoulder and applies an arm bar. Orton with a punch and he hits a leaping knee drop and gets a near fall.

Orton with a reverse chin lock. Sheamus with a knee to the head and he gets a near fall. Sheamus with a reverse chin lock and Orton with a belly-to-back suplex. Orton with the Garvin Stomp. Sheamus goes up top and waits for Orton to get up and he goes for a shoulder tackle but Orton with a drop kick.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus and Orton exchange punches. Orton with a knee and then he runs the boot laces across the face. Sheamus with punches and then they exchange punches again. Orton with a kick and Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall.

Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder into the corner and a running knee lift. Sheamus sends Orton to the apron and then he tries for the ‘I wish Sheamus would do this to one of the guys sitting next to me’ forearms but Orton fights Sheamus off for a moment. Sheamus hits the forearms and then he suplexes Orton into the ring.

Orton with two clotheslines and he avoids a clothesline. Orton with a power slam and an exploder suplex. Orton looks around and then he twists to the mat. Orton punches the mat and he tries for an RKO but Sheamus avoids it. Sheamus gets Orton up for White Noise and he hits it.

Sheamus poses and looks around before pounding his chest for the Brogue Kick. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick when Orton moves and then Big Show’s music plays.

Show sends Sheamus into the ring post and the referee thinks about stopping the match.

Show enters the ring and he punches Orton once Randy gets to his feet.

No Contest

Show sends Orton into the ringside barrier. Show with a spear to Orton. Show tosses Orton over the announce table. Show stomps on Orton.

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We go to commercial.

We are back and Triple H will be on Smackdown.

We take a look at the mention of Paul Bearer getting more people to disrespect the Undertaker. The Shield came to the ring but Daniel Bryan and Kane evened the numbers.

Match Number Seven: Fandango (with Kim) versus Kofi Kingston

Fandango dances around the ring before locking up and Fandango avoids Kofi when Kofi wants to lock up. They lock up and Kofi backs Fandango into the corner and Fandango goes to the apron. Fandango has a kick blocked and Kofi with a punch but Fandango sends Kofi to the mat. Fandango kicks Kofi but Jericho comes to the ring and he attacks Fandango and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Fandango by disqualification

Jericho with chops and then he sends Fandango over the top rope to the floor.

Jericho sends Fandango into the ringside barrier. Jericho sends Fandango into the Justin Roberts cubicle and then to the announce table before Fandango gets sent into the ring steps. Jericho punches Fandango and he does the Khali pose. Jericho chops Fandango in the corner followed by an Irish whip and he puts Fandango into the Walls of Jericho.

The referee tries to pulls Jericho off Fandango.

Jericho with a Codebreaker to Fandango.

Fandango is announced as the winner and then he gets the mic and tells everyone his name.

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We take a look at some of John Cena’s appearances on television today.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at photos of Triple H versus Brock Lesnar.

We see footage of Triple H being X-Rayed after the match.

Josh Mathews is with Paul Heyman in the interview area. Josh asks Paul about the results for Paul Heyman guys. Paul says that he looks at it from an intelligent perspective. Paul says that his client was knocked out 90 seconds into the match and it took 23 more minutes for Triple H to beat Brock. Why aren’t Shawn Michaels or Triple H being asked about this. It is because of Brock Lesnar. Brock is looking for a fight tonight. Paul says that his client doesn’t fight for free.

Paul wants Josh to ask him about CM Punk and Undertaker. CM Punk will tell everyone how he feels . . . next week on Raw.

Match Number Eight: Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes, Nikki Bell and Brie Bella versus Brodus Clay, Tensai, Cameron, and Naomi in a Who needs to pay $59.99 for this Match Match

The match is joined in progress and Naomi with a butt bump to Nikki and Cody is tagged in. Naomi with a head scissors to Cody and then Tensai with a splash into the corner. Tensai with a cannonball and then he misses a back senton. Cody with Beautiful Disaster and Damien is tagged in and he kicks Tensai. Nikki and Brie give Tensai a double butt splash and then Damien hits the Elbow of Disdain and gets a near fall.

Tensai with punches and Sandow with punches. Tensai with a belly-to-back suplex and Clay tags in and hits a few clotheslines and a running head butt. Clay with a splash into the corner and then he hits the Sheeeplex. Clay gets a near fall and The Bellas pull Clay off Sandow.

Tensai clotheslines Rhodes over the top rope and then Clay and Tensai crush Sandow and it is time for the Conference Call Your Mama and the three count.

Winners: Tensai, Brodus Clay, Cameron, and Naomi

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We go to commercial.

We are back with more photos from Wrestlemania 29.

Match Number Nine: Mark Henry versus John Cena in a Mark Henry Gets a Title Match if he wins this Non-Title Match Match

Cena avoids Henry and then Cena dances like Fandango. Cena punches Henry but Henry with a body block and Cena goes down. He tells Cena to dance now. Henry kicks Cena in the corner. Henry with a head butt and forearm to the chest and he tells Cena to dance more.

Henry with a hard Irish whip. Henry misses a splash. Cena with kicks and he bounces off Henry with a flying shoulder tackle. Cena with a flying shoulder tackle and Henry goes to the floor. Henry with a kick to Cena. Henry slams Cena’s head into the announce table and Henry rearranges the table.

Henry picks up Cena for a World’s Strongest Slam but Cena escapes. Cena tries to get Henry on his shoulders but Cena can’t get him up. Henry sends Cena into the ring post but Cena sends Henry into the ring steps and the referee gets to ten and Henry is counted out.

Winner: John Cena (by count out)

After the match, Henry with a body block to Cena and the World’s Strongest Slam. Henry takes the title belt and he holds it up.

Ryback’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Ryback and Henry exchange punches and then Ryback with a clothesline and spinebuster. Henry rolls out of the ring.

We go to credits wanting to be fed more.

Ryback offers his hand to Cena and he helps Cena up. Ryback holds on and he nods to Cena. Cena poses on the turnbuckles and Ryback wants to be fed more. Ryback with a clothesline and then he picks up Cena for the marching muscle buster.

Ryback stands over Cena holding the title belt.

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pwi and LG

04-11-2013, 11:37 AM
Awesome job LG, one of the greatest RAWs in years, that crowd was incredible.