View Full Version : It's Time for Paul Heyman's Stable to Rule the Company

04-15-2013, 05:04 AM
Make no mistake about it—I'm a Paul Heyman guy. So are a lot of the people that go to WWE events. Even though he's a heel, he's enjoyable to watch and we love to hate him. I've compared him to Bobby Heenan in the past and similar to how Heenan had his "family," Heyman has his.

It's time for those guys to rule WWE.

Heyman already has C.M. Punk and Brock Lesnar under his management. Adding another star or two to the mix would round out the group at four.

They have the vocal centerpiece in Punk, the stone cold killer in Lesnar and the smarmy chicken of a manager in Heyman. Who could they add?

Remember when Evolution originally formed and Randy Orton and Batista were the "other guys"?

This is a perfect scenario for Dolph Ziggler, Big E and A.J. to join Heyman's group. For those who have read my pieces in the past, I'm also a big Ziggler guy, and I've been pining for him to go on his own.

Letting Ziggler run with the championship for a while under the protection of Heyman would do a lot to develop him as a character and prepare him to be on his own.

Orton was that guy with Evolution. He learned so much and grew and when it was time to cut him loose, he was more ready than he would have been initially.

In today's WWE, Ziggler could play that Orton role, with Big E going the Batista route. Imagine how well Heyman could sell Big E as a monster. Think of the great promos with that power group standing tall in the middle of the ring.

As an added bonus, this would give the company a ton of options for different storylines. The Shield could turn face at some point to feud with them (not my favorite, but an option). Another major stable could form.

The possibilities are endless. We know that Heyman can build stars. We know he can sell matches. Why not put this super group together, let Heyman work his magic and build some stars to ensure the future health of the WWE?


04-20-2013, 04:48 AM
Only reason why not that I can think of would be Vince's ego. He effectively put the fire out on Heymans company years ago (not that Heyman did any favors for himself not being the greatest business manager himself), then brought him back and tried the invasion angle which could have been gangbusters except for Vince's ego. How many times has Heyman been demoted or let go because of his success? Vince would do well to allow this guy to make some money for him (Vince) but he would be always concerned at the rapid rate in which the popularity of any Heyman-involved angle would grow. Hell I'm shocked that Heyman is still around at this point...maybe he has learned to behave behind the scenes and not voice his opinion on how talent should go, but I doubt that. I agree that he should be given more superstars to add to his stable and make some interesting TV, but alas, as a fan who has watched for decades, I can't get my hopes up.

Embrace Thou Upton
04-20-2013, 06:14 AM

Heyman drops Punk and just manages Brock is the best option.

Dolphs crew dont need to be hidden away behind Brock, Punk, Heyman, the image of that trio is perfect and Ziggler doesn't need a manager.

04-20-2013, 07:46 AM
I could see such a stable forming.. but the difference between Ziggler today and Orton back then is that Ziggler has already been World Champion...twice.

04-20-2013, 05:54 PM
The reason Batista and Orton were the 'other guys' is because they were two newbies at the time. You can't throw in the World Champ to be one of the 'other guys' :laugh:

Y0UR Messiah
04-20-2013, 06:05 PM
The reason Batista and Orton were the 'other guys' is because they were two newbies at the time. You can't throw in the World Champ to be one of the 'other guys' :laugh:

When it's Ziggler you can, he sucks. ZING!

04-22-2013, 05:31 PM
I like this idea but not with dolph. That would be the worst move possible for him. Maybe give it to ambrose and rollins and ditch the bad one when the shield gets stale

04-22-2013, 07:19 PM
when it's ziggler you can, he sucks. Zing!

ziggler sells better than tna tickets!

04-23-2013, 12:56 AM
Ziggler sells sand at the beach !