View Full Version : Del Rio talks in-depth about face turn, adding new moves, future in WWE

04-18-2013, 07:32 PM
Former World Hvt. champion Alberto Del Rio talked in-depth about his face turn and other WWE topics in an interview with WWE Magazine published in the new May 2013 edition. The following are highlights.

-- Describing the heel to face turn, Del Rio offered no explanation for what changed to make him more likable, and perhaps more honorable and worthy of admiration. "It was the WWE Universe that put me in this position. They wanted to see me as a good guy, so I wanted to do whatever they want because, at the end of the day, we're here for them," Del Rio said.

Given a second chance later in the interview, Del Rio said about Ricardo Rodriguez helping his character transition to being more likable: "That relationship between us helped me because it helped me to show people that particular side of Alberto Del Rio. That he has a good heart, and is willing to fight for his beliefs and to protect the people he cares about."

-- Del Rio said he will begin incorporating more high-flying moves into his arsenal now that he's solidified in the face role. "When I first debuted here, I honestly wasn't interested in impressing (WWE fans), so I didn't use moves like that," Del Rio said. "But now that I've changed, I'm going to try to incorporate all of those high-flying moves (from Mexico) back into my repertoire."

-- Del Rio debuted as a rich aristocrat who had money and workers in Mexico. Now, Del Rio says the story behind his character has changed in the face role. "I came to this country like thousands, millions, of people who are trying to make a better, brighter future for their families. I'm just like them," Del Rio said. "That's the reason I left everything behind three years ago and came to the biggest wrestling in the world."

-- Regarding his future in WWE, Del Rio said he plans to wrestle as long as possible, then retire with one final match back in Mexico whenever that time comes.

-- The interview was conducted prior to WrestleMania 29, where Del Rio defended the World Title against former amateur wrestler Jack Swagger. Interestingly, Del Rio said they planned to offer "a lot of great amateur wrestling when we get into the ring at WrestleMania," which did not seem to come to fruition.
