View Full Version : NXT Results - 18th April, 2013

04-19-2013, 05:03 PM
The Shield have dominated on Raw and Smackdown. Last week they debuted on Main Event. They have already made a statement in NXT, but tonight, Corey Graves gets his shot at revenge against Seth Rollins for what the Shield did to keep him from the NXT Title.
We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are William ‘Five Tool Announcer Regal and Tony ‘Sitting Next to Greatness’ Dawson.

Match Number One: Justin Gabriel versus Leo Kruger in a Battle for South African Supremacy

They lock up and Kruger backs Gabriel into the corner and he chops Justin. Leo has something to say to Justin and Justin chops Leo. Leo chops back and Justin with another chop. They continue to go back and forth. Kruger with a boot and side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle or two. Gabriel with an arm drag into an arm bar.

Gabriel works on the wrist and he takes Leo down and gets a near fall. Gabriel continues to work on the arm. Gabriel with a top wrist lock and take down into an arm bar. Leo backs Justin into the corner and he connects with knees. Gabriel gets a boot up and he leaps over Kruger but Kruger with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Kruger with a kick to the back and then he applies a seated abdominal stretch with elbows and Kruger gets a near fall. Gabriel with a monkey flip. Gabriel with punches and chops followed by kicks and he takes Kruger to the mat and he connects with a clothesline and kick. Gabriel with a cross body into the corner and he goes up for a springboard move but Kruger hits Gabriel and Gabriel lands on the mat and Kruger gets a near fall.

Kruger with a running palm thrust but Gabriel kicks out at two. Gabriel with a kick and he applies a Fujiwara arm bar but Kruger gets to the ropes. Kruger gets an inside cradle for a near fall. Gabriel with an Irish whip but Kruger moves. Gabriel with a back heel kick from the turnbuckles and Gabriel goes up top for the 450 splash but Kruger recovers and he hits Justin on the turnbuckles.

They fight on the turnbuckles. Gabriel knocks Kruger off but Kruger with a head butt to the abdomen and a normal head butt. Kruger sets for a superplex and Gabriel stops him and Gabriel tries for a sunset flip power bomb but Kruger holds on to the ropes and then he hits a double stomp before hitting the Key Lock Clutch.

Winner: Leo Kruger

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at NXT’s influence at Wrestlemania Axxess.

Renee Young is in the interview area with Paige and she asks Paige about Summer Rae. Paige says that Summer has done nothing but run from the start. Whether it is running her mouth or running from a match. No more running and no more walking. She wants Summer in a match one-on-one. She says that Summer doesn’t have the guts to face her.

Summer attacks Paige and Summer asks Paige who is running now. Summer accepts the match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Bayley versus Emma

They lock up and Bayley with a waist lock but Emma out of the hold. Bayley with a drop kick and Emma tries to leave the ring. Emma kicks Bayley away and she tries for a sunset flip but Emma drops down and dances for a near fall. Bayley with a double leg nelson for a near fall. Bayley gets a near fall.

Bayley works on the neck and Emma tries to escape. Bayley with a forearm to the back when Emma escapes. Bayley with an Irish whip but she runs into an elbow and Emma with a Tarantula.

Emma with a roll and then she ‘dances’. Emma with a cross body into the corner and Emma with a catapult. Emma with a Muta Lock and Bayley taps out.

Winner: Emma

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Yoshi Tatsu versus Bray Wyatt (with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan)

Wyatt takes his time getting out of the corner. They lock up and Yoshi with a side head lock. Wyatt runs into a boot and Yoshi leaps over Wyatt but Wyatt with a running cross body and he gets a near fall before pulling Yoshi up. Wyatt sends Yoshi into the corner and he connects with punches followed by a splash into the corner. Wyatt dance around with Yoshi before hitting Sister Abigal for the three count.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

After the match, Wyatt picks Yoshi up and he hits Sister Abigail.

Bray takes a mic and he says that NXT is nothing but a playground to the puppets. He asks Yoshi if he agrees. This is a message and he hopes everyone in the back is watching. There is no man back there or who walks on two feet on planet Earth who can stop him. It is time to open up some eyes.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Corey Graves versus Seth Rollins in a Lumberjack Match

Rollins with a kick and forearm to the back. Graves with a punch but Rollins with forearms to the back. Rollins sends Graves into the corner and he kicks and punches Graves. Graves with punches and Rollins goes to the apron but he sees the lumberjacks and Graves brings him back into the ring and he slams Rollins. Graves with a fist drop to Rollins.

Graves grabs the leg and puts it in the ropes and he kicks Seth in the upper thigh. Graves with an atomic drop to the knee. He goes for a second one and Rollins counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. Graves blocks a kick but Rollins with a double thrust to the throat. Rollins with an Irish whip and he connects with a forearm.

Rollins misses a splash into the corner and Graves goes to the turnbuckles but Rollins with an enzuigiri that sends Graves to the floor. The lumberjacks return Graves to the ring with no incident and Rollins gets a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins chokes Graves in the ropes until the referee warns him. Rollins with a gutbuster and he gets a near fall. Rollins with a seated abdominal stretch but Graves gets to his feet. Rollins with a knee to the midsection. Rollins with a running kick to the chest and he gets a near fall.

Rollins with a body scissors on Graves as he continues to work on the midsection. Graves escapes the hold but Rollins kicks Graves away. Rollins with a clothesline and a kicks to the back and chest. Rollins with a modified camel clutch. Rollins with a front face lock but Rollins with knees. Graves with punches but Rollins with another knee.

Graves with a boot to Rollins but Rollins with a flatline into the turnbuckles. Rollins goes up top but Graves moves and Graves with a flying knee and clothesline followed by a back elbow. Rollins with a sunset flip but Rollins rolls through and Graves goes for the leg but Rollins gets to the floor and he is returned to the ring.

Rollins goes to the turnbuckles and Graves with a dragon screw leg whip and Rollins goes to the floor. Graves with a Gourdbuster to add pressure to the knee and Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns attack the lumberjacks. Ambrose with a clothesline to Graves from the apron. Rollins with a Shiranui for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

After the match, Rollins, Reigns, and Ambrose survey the damage they did from the ring and we go to credits.
