View Full Version : Wrestling Industry Reacts to Captured Boston Marathon Bomber

04-20-2013, 09:53 AM
As most Americans are aware, a heinous act was exhibited at the conclusion of the Boston Marathon this past Monday, as two homemade bombs erupted. This tragically led to the deaths of three people and wounded more than 170 others.

Due to the help of cameras and public testimonies, two people almost immediately became primary suspects—brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tamerlan was seized early in the manhunt and died in the heat of a shootout.

The younger brother, Dzhokhar, managed to avoid capture days after he became the focus of the investigation. However, the hunt ended Friday night, as he was cornered and captured inside a small boat.

Without question, this incident affected the friends and family of those killed and injured, along with the city of Boston and Massachusetts as a whole. Moreover, it affected the nation.

This story has been covered on all forms of media, including CNN, MSNBC and even ESPN. TNA spent a moment of the latest episode of Impact Wrestling to make mention of this sad situation.

The city of Boston immediately celebrated after hearing that the suspect was captured, and more than 400 students showed their jubilance out on the street.

Many in the wrestling industry commented via Twitter about Tsarnaev's capture:

Shawn Michaels ✔ @ShawnMichaels

Way to go Boston PD, FBI & ALL the law enforcement officials who took care of business in #Watertown !! #manhunt #dontmesswithboston

Bill Goldberg ✔ @Goldberg

Great job @Boston_Police !!

Kevin Nash ✔ @RealKevinNash

Congratulations to law enforcement for putting an end to these dark days.

Wade Barrett ✔ @WadeBarrett

A little late on this, but just got wifi and checked CNN... Well done to Boston's finest. Now THAT is how you police.

Hats off to the unity of this nation to pray for this victims of this calloused attack, as well as come together as a unit to aggressively seek justice for these heartless individuals. We may bend, but we won't break. This country will continue to show that we will stand tall amidst any adversity, and we will not back down.

Let's continue to pray for the loved ones of these victims. There is relief that the suspects are seized, but it does not stop there. However, let's remain strong and show the world what "United We Stand" really looks like.
