View Full Version : RAW Report and Results - 22nd Apr, 2013

04-23-2013, 05:02 AM
RAW Results - 22th Apr, 2012
Location - London, England
Announcers - Jerry 'The King' Lawler, Michael Cole

Two weeks ago on Raw, The Shield decided to go after a bigger target after their victory at Wrestlemania, but the tag team champions came to Undertaker’s side. What will happen when these six men battle in the ring? What is next for Ryback and John Cena?
We are in London, England and your announcers are Michael ‘Remember when I was knighted’ Cole, Jerry ‘Who Cares, I am a King’ Lawler, and John ‘Pound Sterling’ Layfield.

Paul Heyman is in the ring and he introduces himself. He says that he is here tonight as the advocate for Brock Lesnar. He says that it has been the buzz of the global community about what Brock did to the 3 Man Band last week and he went EXTREME on the 3 Man Band. The buzz of the global headlines was on the challenge that Paul made on behalf of his client to Triple H.

Paul reminds us of what happened thanks to some video from last week.

Paul says that it is the moment you have all been waiting for when you get the answer from a first ballot Hall of Famer himself, Triple H.

Paul says that Triple H is not here at Raw. He says that he feels the same way. He says that he has been let down by Triple H. Paul says that his reputation is that of a liar and he does not know how he got it.

Paul reads the e-mail from Triple H. Paul tells him that he has never run from a fight in his life, but due to his current injuries, he will give his answer next week.

Paul cannot believe that Triple H is going to wait until next week. He says that he was ready to shake Triple H’s hand and tell him that he admires him, but he has been let down by this gutless coward who did not have the manhood to appear tonight like Paul did.

Paul is proven wrong and Triple H’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring and he graces us with his presence and the Game Fountain.

Paul and Hunter exchange friendly glances before Paul says that he played the game and Hunter won. He got the e-mail and he tells Hunter that it was well played.

Hunter says that he lied and he grabs Paul’s tie and he tells him to go home and tell Brock that he accepts. Hunter gives Paul a Pedigree.

Michael Cole says that the match will be inside a steel cage.

Triple H goes to the back while Paul remains on the mat.

We go to commercial.

We are back and R Truth raps his way to the ring.

Antonio Cesaro comes out and he tells Truth this is how it is done and he yodels to the ring.

Match Number One: R Truth versus Antonio Cesaro in a Rap versus Yodeling Match

They lock up and Cesaro with a kick in the corner followed by an Irish whip to the sternum and a European uppercut. Cesaro with a short arm clothesline and knee to the midsection. Cesaro leaps onto the chest and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock but Truth with a rollup for a near fall.

Truth with clotheslines followed by a kick but he misses the scissors kick. Truth with a kick and then he hits a sit out gourdbuster for a near fall. Truth runs into a knee from Cesaro but Truth avoids a clothesline by doing a split and then he hits Little Jimmy for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

A helicopter arrives and The Shield emerge and then they enter the ShieldMobile and they are taken to the arena by The Stig.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Brodus Clay (with Tensai, Cameron, and Naomi) versus Damien Sandow (with Cody Rhodes)

Sandow with a side head lock and Clay backs him into the corner. Sandow with a punch and Clay with a clothesline. Clay with head butts to the back and then he slams Sandow. Clay with an elbow drop for a near fall. Clay sends Sandow into the turnbuckles and then he punches Sandow.

Clay punches Sandow some more but he runs into a boot. Clay with a thrust to the throat. Sandow escapes a slam attempt and he takes Clay to the mat with an Edge-O-Matic. Sandow with the Elbow of Disdain and he connects and gets a near fall. Sandow with a drop kick to the knee and a reverse chin lock.

Clay with a splash into the corner followed by the Sheeeplex. Clay goes after Rhodes and that allows Sandow to drop Clay on the top rope and Sandow gets the three count with a rollup and some additional leverage.

Winner: Damien Sandow

We take a look at Dolph Ziggler cashing in the Money in the Bank Briefcase two weeks ago on Raw.

Dolph Ziggler is in the back and he is telling someone that he loves them and that they are so beautiful and it is the title belt. AJ shows up and she wants to know if Dolph is making her jealous. Dolph says that AJ deserves to be a champion.

Dolph and AJ insult Kaitlyn and then they kiss. They look over and Langston is standing there.

Vickie and Brad Maddox stop by to interrupt the spit swapping.

Brad tells Dolph that they have bad news but Vickie says that it is exciting news. If Dolph loses tonight, the World Title won’t be on the line in a Triple Threat match because it will be a Fatal Four Way. Vickie does her dolphin laugh as we go to commercial.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what CM Punk said and did last week when he walked out.

Michael Cole says that they have not heard from Punk since last week.

The Shield have arrived in the building and they pick up their camera. They introduce themselves. Seth says that they went to great lengths to get here. Ambrose says that for two decades, the Undertaker has been judge, jury, and executioner. Ambrose wants to know who gave them that right. No one has stopped him until now.

The Undertaker has returned to the ring on Raw for the first time in three years. These days, the Shield are The LAW. They make the rules and hand out the punishment.

Seth tells them that they own the night.

For the first time in his life, the Undertaker will know what justice tastes like.

Match Number Three: Chris Jericho versus Dolph Ziggler (with AJ Lee and Big E Langston) in an If Jericho wins, he is in the World Title Match at Extreme Rules Match

They lock up and Jericho with an arm drag. They lock up again and Jericho with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up again and Jericho with a side head lock and take down. Ziggler with a top wrist lock and he takes Jericho down but Chris with a bridge. Jericho gets up and takes Ziggler down with a side head lock. Ziggler with a head scissors but Jericho escapes and he hits a drop kick but he does not tell Ziggler to watch his tapes.

Jericho with a punch and side head lock. Jericho with a shoulder tackle and then Ziggler slides to the floor and he kisses AJ. Jericho with a baseball slide to Ziggler and Dolph goes into the ringside barrier. We go to commercial.

We are back and Langston punches Jericho when the referee deals with Ziggler. Ziggler with a near fall after a neck breaker. Ziggler kicks Jericho in the head. Ziggler with an elbow drop for a near fall. Jericho with chops followed by an Irish whip but Ziggler gets out of the corner and Jericho hits the ring post on a cross body into the corner and Jericho goes to the floor.

Ziggler helps Jericho back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Ziggler wants Jericho to get to his feet and he kicks Jericho in the ribs. Jericho with a back slide and a near fall but Ziggler with a clothesline and both men are down.

Ziggler with a rear chin lock. Jericho with elbows and punches but Ziggler with a sleeper on Jericho. Jericho escapes the sleeper and then Ziggler misses a splash into the corner. Jericho with shoulder tackles but Jericho is sent over the top rope but Jericho lands on the apron and he goes up top for a forearm to the head. Jericho with a clothesline and he tries for the Walls of Jericho but Ziggler escapes.

Jericho with an enzuigiri for a near fall. Jericho with a chop to Ziggler but Ziggler with an Irish whip. Jericho with a boot and a bulldog. AJ gets on the apron and Langston punches Jericho when Jericho goes for the Lionsault. Ziggler can only get a two count despite the interference and chicanery.

Ziggler punches Jericho and kicks him in the knee. Ziggler with an elbow to the head followed by punches. The referee separates Ziggler and Jericho. ZIggler with an Irish whip and he gets a near fall. Ziggler with the sleeper again and he climbs on Jericho’s back to add more pressure. Jericho is down to his knees but Jericho gets a second wind and he falls back to get Ziggler out of the hold.

Ziggler with a leaping DDT for a near fall. Jericho with a back elbow and he tries for the Lionsault but he lands on Ziggler’s knees. Jericho with a Fameasser for a near fall. Jericho tries for the Walls but Ziggler escapes.

Ziggler goes up top and Jericho hits the ropes and Ziggler is crotched. Jericho punches Ziggler and he hits a superplex. Jericho covers Ziggler but Ziggler kicks out at two. Jericho hits the Codebreaker but Ziggler gets his foot on the rope to stop the count.

Jericho hits the springboard drop kick on Langston when he gets on the apron. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho and Fandango’s music plays. Ziggler gets to the ropes according to Cole and then Ziggler with a kick and the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

We go to footage from the end of Raw when Ryback and John Cena were in the ring . . . before the Shield arrived.

Mick Foley is in the interview area with Josh Mathews. Josh mentions Mick’s new DVD and Mick says that he is proud of it and thankful for all of the kind words from viewers, especially those in London, England.

Josh asks Mick if things have changed from the Attitude Era. Mick says that Ryback has the potential to be one of the greatest, but it is not in man’s nature to look in the mirror and blame themselves for their shortcomings.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Cody Rhodes (with Damien Sandow) versus Tensai (with Brodus Clay, Cameron, and Naomi)

They lock up and Cody with a side head lock. Cody with a jab and he struts and celebrates. Cody with another punch and he celebrates. Tensai with a punch of his own and then he hits a delayed butterfly suplex. Tensai gets a near fall. Cody with a drop down uppercut followed by a neck breaker and he gets a near fall.

Cody with a front face lock. Tensai gets to his feet and he punches Cody but Cody with kicks and a jawbreaker. Cody with a springboard drop kick to the head for a near fall. Cody with kicks to Tensai’s head and he gets a near fall. Cody returns to the front face lock. Tensai with shots to the ribs but Cody with a drop kick. Cody charges into the corner and Tensai moves so Cody hits the ring post. Tensai with punches to the top of the head and he hits a shoulder tackle. Tensai with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Tensai grabs Cody by the wrist and he monkey flips Cody and connects with an uppercut. Tensay with the cannonball into the corner. Sandow gets on the apron but Clay stops him. Tensai catches Cody coming off the ropes and he hits the Baldo Bomb followed by a back senton splash for the three count.

Winner: Tensai

Kane and Daniel Bryan are in the back and they stare at each other. Bryan wants to know where Taker is. Kane says that we will know when he is here. Bryan wants to go over strategy for the match. Bryan corrects Kane on the team name. Bryan says that they need to be on the same page because The Shield are undefeated. Bryan wants Kane to call Taker.

Bryan has a plan for the match. Kane says that the Undertaker does not take orders. Bryan says that he has DIAGRAMS. Bryan wants to know if he is acting this way because they have not hugged in a while.

Kane tells Daniel that if he gets Undertaker, he better not show him any diagrams and not to hug Taker.

Kane and Bryan are attacked by The Shield.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the Diagraming of a sneak attack.

We finally take a look at something that happened on Smackdown with the Smackdown Rebound and it is the main event from last week.

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Ryback. Josh asks Ryback about his inaction last week on Raw. Ryback says that he said it before but some people don’t get it. He was attacked so many times by The Shield but nobody helped him. He wanted Ryback to know how it felt to be out there alone. Ryback says that he enjoyed it.

He heard what Mick Foley said and he looks into the mirror and he sees the next World Champion. He calls out Mick Foley to confront him tonight in the ring.

Match Number Five: Big E Langston versus Zack Ryder

Langston with a back drop and punches in the corner. Langston sends Ryder into the corner but Ryder gets out of the way and he gets in a few punches. Ryder with a kick and he tries for a cross body and Langston catches Ryder and connects with three back breakers before sending Ryder to the mat.

Langston with a running shoulder into the corner and then he runs into Ryder’s knees and Ryder with a missile drop kick and Langston falls into the corner. Ryder goes for the running forearm but Langston meets him and hits a clothesline. Langston with the Big Ending for the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: The Shield interrupting The Undertaker two weeks ago.

Match Number Six: Kane, Undertaker, and Daniel Bryan versus Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns

The Shield surround the Undertaker who is alone in the ring. Taker punches Rollins but then all three attack Taker.

Kane’s pyro goes off and Bryan and Kane make their way to the ring and Kane, Taker, and Bryan clear the ring. We go to commercial.

The match officially starts and Bryan and Ambrose start off. Bryan with a kick and European uppercut followed by Kicks of Yes in the corner. Bryan with a knee to the midsection and a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Bryan with a snap mare and a knee to the back and he stretches Ambrose.

Kane tags in and he drop kicks Ambrose and gets a near fall. Kane with uppercuts and kicks in the corner. Kane works on the shoulder and Taker tags in and he punches Ambrose and sends him into the turnbuckles. Taker with punches and Taker works on the shoulder. Taker gets a near fall.

Taker goes to the turnbuckles and it is time to go Old School but Ambrose punches Taker and school is cancelled. Ambrose with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Taker tells Ambrose that School is in session and he connects with Old School and gets a near fall.

Kane tags back in and he punches Ambrose. Ambrose with a kick and Reigns tags in but he runs into an uppercut. Kane kicks Reigns in the corner and Bryan tags in. Bryan with an assisted drop kick into the corner and he gets a near fall. Kane tags back in and he punches Reigns. Kane with a slam followed by an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Kane with a rear chin lock.

Reigns with a flying forearm for a near fall. Ambrose tags in and he hits a drop kick. Rollins with a running boot to the chest for a near fall. Rollins chokes Kane in the ropes. Ambrose tags back in and he kicks Kane.

Ambrose with a punch but Kane with an uppercut and he tries to fight out of the corner but Ambrose with a forearm. Ambrose runs his forearm across Kane’s face. Reigns tags in and he punches Kane. Reigns with shoulders in the corner to Kane. Reigns with a punch to the head and then he applies a rear chin lock. Kane with a belly-to-back suplex to escape the hold and both men are down.

Rollins tags in and he goes up to but he is met with a punch to the midsection and both men are down again. Bryan tags in and he kicks Rollins in the leg and then he goes to the chest. Rollins with an Irish whip and he flips over Rollins and then he hits a flying clothesline. Bryan with Kicks of No to the chest and then he connects with the round kick but can only get a two count.

Rollins with a kick to Bryan but Bryan back body drops Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Bryan with a suicide dive and both men are down after that impact. Bryan goes up top and he hits a missile drop kick and then Bryan sets for the drop kick into the corner but Rollins moves and Bryan hits the turnbuckles hard.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bryan punches Reigns to get out of the head lock. Reigns with a palm thrust to the chest for a near fall. Rollins tags in and he punches Bryan. Rollins with a hard Irish whip into opposite corners. Taker has had enough and he starts pacing on the apron, waiting to be tagged in. Rollins tells everyone that they run this show.

Rollins with an Irish whip and Ambrose tags in. Ambrose with punches to Bryan followed by a short arm clothesline. Ambrose with a snap elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Ambrose sends Bryan into the corner and he connects with knees and a slam. Ambrose with a bow and arrow and he tags in Rollins who connects with a knee to the chest and Rollins gets a near fall.

Reigns tags in and he sends Bryan into the corner and Bryan moves when Reigns goes for a splash into the corner. Bryan crawls to make the tag and he tags in Taker. Taker with a clothesline that sends Reigns over the top rope and then he brings in Ambrose and punches him. He knocks Rollins off the apron. Taker with an Irish whip and running clothesline followed by snake eyes and the running boot to the head. Taker with a leg drop for a near fall.

Taker grabs Ambrose and Rollins by the throat but Reigns from out of nowhere with a spear but he can only get a two count. Taker with a flying clothesline to Rollins for a near fall. Kane tags in and Kane with a clothesline and boot to the head. Kane with an Irish whip and side slam. Kane looks around and goes up top for the clothesline and he connects.

Kane signals for the choke slam but Rollins escapes and he hits an enzuigiri. Ambrose tags in and he comes off the top. Kane catches Ambrose and hits a choke slam. Bryan tags in and Reigns crotches Bryan. Taker takes care of Reigns. Rollins and Kane fight on the floor as well. Bryan with a head butt to knock Ambrose off. Bryan misses the diving head butt when Ambrose moves. Ambrose gets the three count.

Winners: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins

After the match, The Shield get out of the ringside area as quickly as possible and head back to their locker room.

We go to commercial.

After the match, The Shield get out of the ringside area as quickly as possible and head back to their locker room.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mick Foley is in the locker room and he says that he knows what he is doing. We see that he is talking to John Cena.

Cena says that no one will ever question the toughness of Mick Foley. There is a difference between being tough and being brave. Cena says that he knows what Ryback can do.

Foley says that he does not back down from a challenge.

Cena says that it is a mistake to go out there alone.

Mick says that this could be the biggest mistake of his career, but it is his mistake and he wants Cena to honor that request.

Cena gives Mick a chair.

Fandango dances his way to the ring with a new version of Sue.

Match Number Seven: Fandango (with New Sue) versus William Regal

Fandango dances around and Regal doesn’t know what to do. Regal does a little dancing of his own and he connects with forearms followed by a back body drop. Fandango goes to the apron and Regal brings him back into the ring. Fandango kicks Regal and he punches him. Fandango with a boot to the head followed by punches.

Regal with forearms to Fandango and the referee stops him. Fandango drops Regal on the top rope and then he hits the swinging reverse STO for the three count.

Winner: Fandango

After the match, we are told how to Fandango.

Chris Jericho attacks Fandango from behind and then he sends Fandango off the stage.

Jericho looks at New Sue and he offers his hand for some dance moves. Jericho shows why he was on Dancing with the Stars and he dips New Sue.

- After the match, there's a brief boo for Fandango but the crowd starts humming his theme song. Fandango and Summer Rae dance above Regal before Fandango pronounces his name and that's it. They dance up the stage but Chris Jericho attacks from behind. Jericho throws Fandango off the stage and the crowd chants his name. Jericho extends his hand to Summer but she hesitates. She takes his hand and they dance to Fandango's music.

- Still to come, Foley confronts Ryback. Up next is a Divas Battle Royal. Back to commercial.

Divas Battle Royal: Naomi, Tamina Snuka, Aksana, Layla, AJ Lee

WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn is on commentary. Cole says The Bella Twins have been banned from this match for cheating last week. Aksana gets eliminated first. Naomi hits Rear View on Tamina. Layla and Naomi try to eliminate Tamina but she hangs on. Naomi is out next. Layla eliminates Tamina next. AJ is playing like she's been knocked out after a Tamina superkick. AJ turns it around and eliminates Layla to become the new #1 contender.

Winner: AJ Lee

- Cole leads us into a promo for WWE Studios' No One Lives with Brodus Clay.

- Mick Foley is backstage walking as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Mick Foley with a steel chair in hand. Foley calls out Ryback and here he comes.

Foley speaks and says if Ryback unleashes his best, he will go down and probably not get back up. Foley says but he has thing to say and he hopes some of his words sink in for Ryback. Foley shows us footage of Ryback and Cena in the ring from last week. Ryback says he knows what he did watching The Shield beat Cena down and he loved it. Foley asks what happened to the guy who came into WWE last year and took it by storm. They go on and Foley brings up Extreme Rules. He says Ryback needs to wake up. Ryback tells him to shut up. Ryback says Foley always comes out putting his nose in other peoples business with his same messages from the past. Ryback rips into Foley and says he knows exactly what he's doing. Ryback says he gets what he wants. Ryback says he wanted to send a message to Super Cena and he did. Ryback says he wanted a WWE Title shot and he got it. Ryback says he will become WWE Champion at Extreme Rules. Ryback calls the fans stupid.

Ryback continues to run down Foley. Ryback calls him a fat pathetic lazy bastard. Ryback asks Foley how that steel chair is going to help him. Foley drops the mic and gets ready to fight with it. Ryback smacks Foley. Foley gets in his face. Ryback tosses the chair out of the ring. Foley readies for a fight but here comes John Cena to the ring. Foley exits the ring and now Cena gets ready for a fight. The Shield's music hits and here they come through the crowd. Cena backs out of the ring and watches from the apron. Cena drops down and heads up the ramp as The Shield surrounds the ring. They attack Ryback and beat him down. Cena comes back with the steel chair and makes the save. Ryback and Cena clear the ring. Cena runs to the floor and beats The Shield with the chair. Cena comes back in and faces off with Ryback as The Shield watches from the crowd. Cena drops the chair and faces off with Ryback. Cena lifts him for an Attitude Adjustment and nails it. Cena stands over Ryback as his music starts back up. We go to replays as Cena heads up the ramp. Cena salutes Ryback, who is up in the ring now. RAW goes off the air with Cena and Ryback staring each other down.

04-23-2013, 05:24 AM
Very well done. Kudos