View Full Version : Will Dolph Ziggler Ever Be a True WWE Headliner?

04-24-2013, 10:26 PM
Dolph Ziggler is the current apple of the hardcore fan's eye.

His fervent following finally got their wish when he defeated Alberto Del Rio to win his first legitimate World Championship title two weeks ago on Raw.

A unique New Jersey crowd exploded in cheers upon witnessing this moment.

The question still stands as to whether or not Dolph Ziggler can be a pay-per-view headliner for the WWE.

Ziggler seems to lack the transcendent qualities to make casual fans care about him. His biggest supporters are hardcore fans who will watch the product regardless, and his serviceable promo ability will not be enough to elevate him to the upper echelon of WWE superstars.

Some may cite CM Punk as an example of so-called “Internet saviors” who eventually became main-eventers. And while Punk is immensely more talented than Ziggler on the mic, perhaps this could be the silver lining for Ziggler’s future on pay-per-view.

Unfortunately, Ziggler has been around the WWE for close to 10 years, and the jury is still out.


Embrace Thou Upton
04-25-2013, 03:44 AM
Only if the WWE push him properly, as in push him as a Main Eventer. Right now he's just a midcarder that cashed in on a weak ADR and won. MITB is almost a kiss of death thesedays, if you win it and you're not already a Main Eventer then WWE job you into oblivion and rely on the briefcase to keep you relevant.

04-25-2013, 03:50 AM
Only if the WWE push him properly, as in push him as a Main Eventer. Right now he's just a midcarder that cashed in on a weak ADR and won. MITB is almost a kiss of death thesedays, if you win it and you're not already a Main Eventer then WWE job you into oblivion and rely on the briefcase to keep you relevant.

I agree completely. If they didn't have him lose for the month leading up to the cash-in, the casual fan might take him more seriously. Hopefully he doesn't get another Daniel Bryan type burial, but DB reinvented himself with a simple catch phrase... Ziggler might not be so lucky.