View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 26th April, 2013

04-27-2013, 05:20 AM
Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger continue to battle as they get ready for Dolph Ziggler at Extreme Rules.
We are in London, England and your announcers are Michael ‘Beefeater’ Cole, John ‘Buckingham Palace Loves Me’ Layfield, and Josh ‘Can I be Richard Hammond tonight’ Mathews.

Match Number One: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) in a No Disqualification Match

Del Rio blocks a punch and they go back and forth with punches. Del Rio clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Del Rio with a suicide dive onto Swagger and then he sends Swagger’s arm into the ring steps. Del Rio looks under the ring and he finds a kendo stick. Del Rio gets back into the ring but Swagger stops him before he can use it.

Swagger hits Del Rio with the kendo stick and then he hits Del Rio in the injured knee with the stick. Swagger with shots to the body with the kendo stick. Del Rio grabs the kendo stick and they have a test of strength with it. Del Rio with a savate kick but Del Rio is sent over the top rope to the floor after he charges into the corner.

Swagger goes to the floor and he yells at Del Rio. Swagger goes for a ladder under the ring but Del Rio kicks Swagger. They fight up the ramp and Del Rio with a head butt and a suplex onto the ramp. Del Rio decides to pull the ladder that caught Swagger’s eye earlier from under the ring and Del Rio hot shots Swagger onto the ring steps.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a front face lock on Del Rio. We see footage from the commercial break when Swagger used the kendo stick on Del Rio again. We are back to the live action and Del Rio with punches and knees followed by a belly-to-belly for a near fall. Swagger rolls to the floor and he grabs a chair and he brings it to the apron but Del Rio hits Swagger with an enzuigiri after Swagger argues with some fans.

Swagger has a punch blocked and Del Rio with punches but Swagger with a kick to the knee. Swagger with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Swagger brings the chair into the ring and he wedges it into the turnbuckles. Del Rio with an arm breaker and both men are down. Del Rio with clotheslines and he avoids one and he hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker.

Swagger rolls to the apron and Del Rio puts Swagger in the ropes and he connects with shots to the kidney but Del Rio has the kendo stick thrown to him by Ricardo. Del Rio with shots to the back using the kendo stick and then he hits a lungblower for a near fall.

Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker and he tries to float over but Swagger escapes the hold. Del Rio with a savate kick for a near fall. Swagger puts Del Rio in the ankle lock but Del Rio counters into the cross arm breaker. Swagger rolls through to get a near fall. Del Rio is sent shoulder first into the chair wedged in the corner and Swagger gets a near fall.

Swagger goes to the floor to get the ladder but Del Rio uses the ladder as a lever and it hit Swagger in the face and Swagger is bleeding from the mouth. Colter wants to use the kendo stick on Del Rio but Del Rio sees him. Swagger uses the distraction to hit Del Rio with the ladder. Swagger gets a near fall.

Swagger goes for the double jump Swagger Bomb and Del Rio gets his knee up and Del Rio tris for the cross arm breaker and Del Rio finally locks it in. Colter gives Swagger the kendo stick and Swagger hits Del Rio with it to get out of the hold. Swagger continues to wail away on Del Rio. Swagger grabs the ladder and he drops it on Del Rio’s arm. Swagger hits the Doctor Bomb and gets the three count.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Layla El versus Aksana

They lock up and Aksana pushes Layla away. Layla with a kick and a butt bump to the head. Aksana with an Irish whip but Layla floats over. Aksana catches her and sends Layla to the floor. Aksana slinks back into the ring but Layla with a baseball slide to send Aksana to the floor. Layla with a rollup for a near fall.

Layla with a rollup for a near fall and then she tosses Aksana by the hair. Aksana with a hot shot to Layla and then she drops a knee to the head and gets a near fall. Aksana stomps on the arm and then works on the wrist.

Aksana yells at some fans and she Irish whips Layla into the corner and she wraps the arm in the ropes. Aksana with a snap mare and a kick to the back. Layla with a series of kicks but Aksana blocks a kick and sends Layla to the mat and then Aksana with an elbow drop for a near fall. Aksana with a side head lock.

Aksana with a forearm but Layla with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Layla El

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the six man tag match from Raw.

We go to a video from the Shield. They introduce themselves and Dean says that they stood face to face with the Tag Team Champions and the Phenom. Seth says that what happened always happened, Justice prevailed and the Shield was victorious. Reigns says that they broke the unbreakable. It is an injustice that they are still the tag team champions. It is also an injustice that the Undertaker escaped Raw with his soul still intact. Dean says that it won’t be for long. They did what they said they would on Monday night but they don’t feel total satisfaction.

The Dead Man is still walking and breathing. He faces the Undertaker tonight and he has an itch that needs scratching. He will do what no one could do at Wrestlemania. He will beat the Undertaker tonight and Justice will be immortal.

Rollins says that Taker will not rest in peace and Reigns says that you will believe in the Shield.

Match Number Three: Fandango (with Not Sue) versus Justin Gabriel

Fandango dances with the crowd while they hum his tune and Gabriel mocks Fandango and Fandango attacks Justin. Fandango tries for a suplex but Gabriel lands on his feet and he gives Fandango an arm drag and then he gets a near fall with a roll up. Fandango goes to the floor and he returns to the ring. Gabriel with an arm drag and key lock.

Fandango with punches when the referee tries to separate them. Fandango kicks Gabriel and he puts Gabriel in the ropes and he punches Gabriel in the back. Fandango with a sliding kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Gabriel with a series of kicks to Fandango. Gabriel with a round kick and he hits a running cross body into the corner. Gabriel goes for a springboard move but Fandango with a kick to the midsection and then he hits a swinging side Russian leg sweep and then he hits the FandangoBama Jam for the three count.

Winner: Fandango

After the match, he reminds Justin of the way to pronounce his name.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Sheamus versus Big Show

They lock up and Show sends Sheamus to the mat. Show has something to say to Sheamus. They lock up again and Sheamus puts Show in the corner. Sheamus with punches to Show and Show with a punch and head butt to stop Sheamus. Show with chops across the chest. Sheamus punches Show but Show sends Sheamus over the top rope with one hand.

Show goes to the floor as well and he sends Sheamus back into the ring. Sheamus with a shoulder to Show on the apron and then he connects with the forearms across Show’s chest. Show with a head butt that sends Sheamus to the mat. Show runs into a boot from Sheamus but Show with a side slam. Show with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Show chokes Sheamus in the ropes.

Show with a head butt and then he hits the Final Cut and gets a near fall. Sheamus with punches to Show and he tries for a slam but Sheamus collapses under Show’s weight and Show gets a near fall. Show with a punch to the midsection followed by a head butt and kick to the chest. Show grabs Sheamus and chops him across the chest while Sheamus hangs from the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus runs into a boot from Show and Show sends Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post. We see footage from the commercial when Show emphatically slammed Sheamus. We are back to the live action and Show Irish whips Sheamus into the ring steps. Sheamus struggles to get back into the ring but he gets in there before the ten count.

Show sends Sheamus shoulder first into the turnbuckles as Show continues to focus on the arm. Show drops his body weight on Sheamus’ shoulder. Show blocks punches from Sheamus and Show punches Sheamus and he applies a top wrist lock.

Sheamus punches Show and he kicks him and hits a DDT and both men are down. Sheamus with punches while they are on their knees and Show fires back. Sheamus with two flying double sledges and then he sends Show into the turnbuckles followed by a running knee lift. Sheamus goes up top and hits a flying shoulder tackle and Show is down.

Sheamus tries for White Noise but Show blocks it and he tries for a choke slam. Sheamus escapes and he hits White Noise. Sheamus looks around and he hits himself in the chest to set up for the Brogue Kick but Show goes to the floor to avoid it. Sheamus with a double sledge off the apron.

Show punches Sheamus and returns to the ring. Sheamus drops Show on the top rope and Sheamus goes up top again. Mark Henry comes to the ring and he moves the ring steps. That distracts Sheamus and that allows Big Show to connect with the knockout punch and he gets the three count.

Winner: Big Show

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wade Barrett says that he heard about the grave robberies in England. It appears that there is a body missing from a crypt here in London. It is standing in the ring. He tells Regal that he will be sent back to whence he came thanks to the great Barrett Barrage.

Match Number Five: William Regal versus Wade Barrett

Barrett with a kick but he misses a short arm clothesline. Regal with forearms followed by an Irish whip and forearm. Regal with knees to Barrett. Barrett with a back heel kick and he sets for the Bull Hammer. Barrett misses the Bull Hammer and Regal with an Exploder. Regal sets for the Knee Trembler but Barrett moves. Barrett with the Bull Hammer and he gets the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We take a look back at Raw when Paul Heyman was surprised by Triple H.

Match Number Six: Randy Orton versus Mark Henry

They lock up and Henry backs Orton into the corner and Henry with a splash and he tries for the World’s Strongest Slam but Orton escapes and he punches Henry. Mark goes to the floor and Orton follows. Orton with a forearm and head butt to Henry. Henry with a rake of the eyes and then he tries to send Orton into the ring post but Orton gets loose and he sends Henry into the ring post.

They return to the ring and Orton with boots to Henry and then he tries to get the crowd to react but Henry gets up and hits a body block. Henry chokes Orton in the ropes and connects with shoulders in the corner. Henry says that’s what he do but Orton punches Henry and tries for a clothesline but Henry stays on his feet. Orton takes Henry down with a clothesline. Orton with a DDT and he gets a near fall.

Orton kicks Henry and Orton tries for the IEDDT and he hits it. Orton looks around and he twists to the mat for the RKO but Henry rolls to the floor. Henry runs Orton into the ring post. Henry rolls Orton back into the ring but Sheamus enters the ring and he gives Henry the Brogue Kick and the referee calls fro the bell.

Winner: Mark Henry (by disqualification)

After the match, Orton gives Henry an RKO.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Seven: Undertaker versus Dean Ambrose (with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns)

Rollins gets on the apron to try to distract Taker and then Reigns does the same. Ambrose with punches to Taker but Taker gets in a few shots. Taker sends Ambrose into the turnbuckles and he punches Ambrose. Taker sends Ambrose over the top rope to the floor. Taker looks at Rollins and Reigns before sending Ambrose into the ringside barrier.

Taker backs Reigns and Rollins of before getting to the apron for the leg drop. Taker misses a boot into the corner and he goes over the top rope to the apron. Ambrose with a baseball slide to send Taker to the floor. Ambrose punches Taker and sends him into the ringside barrier. Ambrose punches Taker and he rubs his forearm across Taker’s face. Ambrose with a knee and then he hits a running drop kick and gets a near fall.

Ambrose with a cravate and then he hits a neck breaker. Ambrose with punches to Taker and then he mocks Taker but Taker sits up and he grabs Ambrose by the throat. Ambrose with a kick and then they exchange punches. Ambrose with a knee to the midsection but Taker grabs Ambrose by the throat and hits the choke slam.

Taker knocks Rollins off the apron and then Reigns distracts the referee and Ambrose with a low kick and a DDT for a near fall. Taker applies Hell’s Gate and Ambrose taps out.

Winner: Undertaker

After the match, Taker is attacked by Rollins and Reigns. They go to the floor and Taker sends Reigns into the ringside barrier. Taker sends Rollins into the crowd. Taker hits Ambrose with a chair and then he punches him.

Taker grabs Rollins and he wants to choke slam Rollins off the ringside barrier but Reigns spears Taker through the Garcia Cubicle. Ambrose and Rollins look at what Reigns has done and Ambrose taunts Taker.

Ambrose grabs a chair and he hits Taker in the back with it. Ambrose tells Taker that he didn’t beat him and he hits Taker one more time with the chair.

Ambrose and Rollins pick up Taker for the Cerberus Bomb and they send Taker through the table and into hell.

We go to credits.
