View Full Version : Ryback Turning Babyface Again?, A Big Mark Henry Push?

04-27-2013, 05:55 AM
– If you’re not a fan of the Ryback heel turn, just wait a couple of weeks. There are now talks that WWE could be turning Ryback into a babyface again after his program with John Cena ends. The writers have been especially careful to include scripts where he repeatedly explains his actions, which would make it easier for them to turn back after Extreme Rules.

– The early word is that Mark Henry may be going over Sheamus at the upcoming Extreme Rules pay per view. WWE creative feels that a decisive victory would elevate him enough to put him into a WWE Championship program with John Cena the following month. Of course, Henry wants a push and management has been looking to “reward” him for the extracurricular work with scouting that he has done for them over the last year. He’s always been known to be very relaxed and rarely causes any issues backstage.


04-28-2013, 06:16 AM
I'd like a Mark Henry WWE Championship run, it's just that the way they've made the WWE title it's almost impossible now for anyone that isn't a "face of the company" kind of guy to run with it. I can't see any new blood holding that title for a long time.

04-28-2013, 07:15 AM
Henry will be retiring soon and barring another injury ,WWE will give him a good title run .He deserves it . Like the undertaker he has been a company man since day one . Vinnie loves Him .

Y0UR Messiah
04-28-2013, 04:57 PM
I'd like a Mark Henry WWE Championship run, it's just that the way they've made the WWE title it's almost impossible now for anyone that isn't a "face of the company" kind of guy to run with it. I can't see any new blood holding that title for a long time.

He is a good wrestler and pretty good on the mic. Makes a good heel. Could be good, liked his World Title run.

Henry will be retiring soon and barring another injury ,WWE will give him a good title run .He deserves it . Like the undertaker he has been a company man since day one . Vinnie loves Him .

Eh, actually Taker has been around a lot longer.

Embrace Thou Upton
04-29-2013, 12:10 PM
Good news for Henry, he's one of the most entertaining in WWE. Solid in the ring and an underrated mic worker.

04-30-2013, 03:26 PM
Eh, actually Taker has been around a lot longer.

Eh, not shit .