View Full Version : Moscow, Russia Results - 26th April, 2013

04-27-2013, 05:06 PM
R-Truth beat Heath Slater. Good open match. R-Truth won after jumping reverse STO.

WWE Divas Championship: Kaitlyn beat Tamina Snuka and AJ Lee. Crowd had no interest in match. AJ spend most of the time outside the ring. It was not bad match for current Diva’s division. Kaitlyn pinned Tamina after spear to both opponents.

Michael McGillicutty beat Brad Maddox. Maddox still have no entrance music. He entered the ring and said, that he makes a match for Michael against… Brad Maddox. Surprisingly Michael had some reaction from the crowd. He won after McGillicutty.
World Heavyweight Championship: Daniel Bryan beat Dolph Ziggler (c) via DQ. Best match of the show, no doubt in that. Really good reaction on Bryan, a lot of «Yes» chants. Ziggler had a mixed reaction. It was also the longest match of the night. AJ was rejected in the middle of the match. Bryan kicked out after super kick. At the end Ziggler hit him with WHC belt and have got disqualified. When Dolph tried to hit Daniel for the second time, Bryan hit him first with Tag Team belt.

15 minutes intermission.

Tons of Funk beat The Rhodes Scholars. Before the match Rhodes Scholars cut a promo about Russia. Comic match. In the middle Tensai and Brodus did a double stinkface to the Sandow. Tons of Funk grab a victory after double running splash. Tensai pinned Cody.

Zack Ryder beat Antonio Cesaro. Intensive match. Many people tried to support Cesaro. Some of them were chanting Castagnoli. Ryder got a win after Rough Ryder from nowhere.

John Cena & Team Hell No Beat Ryback, Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston. Really short match for main-event. A lot of «Feed me more» chants. Strong good reaction on Cena. Most of the match heels were working on Bryan. Then Kane made three moves and got a spear from Ryback. Ryback was ready to Shell Shock, when Big E tag himself in. They pushed each other. Ryback hit Big E and left his team. Kane tag Cena. He hit his five famous moves and pinned Ziggler.

They tried to do "I am the tag team champions" thing, but crowd were chanting Happy birthday to Kane, and Bryan said they would do something different tonight. Cena and Bryan gave Kane two hats and a banana. And after that they had a group hug. When people started to leaving arena they hit the Fandango music.

There is no sell-out, around 5000 people.
