View Full Version : Saturday Morning Slam Report - 27th April, 2013

04-27-2013, 05:08 PM
We start off this week with a reminder that we will have a six person mixed tag match and that will be our opening match today.
Your announcers this week are Josh Mathews and Wade Barrett.

Match Number One: Epico, Primo, and Rosa Mendes versus Natalya, Hornswoggle, and Great Khali

The women start things off but Natalya kisses Khali before locking up. They lock up and Rosa with a shot to Natalya instead of giving a clean break. Natalya with a reversal but Rosa with a leg sweep. Rosa with a suplex and she gets a near fall. Rosa with kicks to Natalya but she misses a splash into the corner and Natalya gets a near fall with a rollup. Natalya with a clothesline and a kick followed by a double leg take down and she tries for the Sharpshooter but Rosa makes her way to the ropes and Primo is tagged in.

Primo wants Hornswoggle and he even gets on his knees. Hornswoggle comes in and Primo gives him one shot. Khali is tagged in while Primo has his back turned. He sees Khali in the ring and he wants to tag in Epico but Epico goes to the floor. Primo runs into a forearm from Khali.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Khali chops Epico who finally got into the match. Khali misses a boot in the corner and he gets caught in the ropes. Epico with a kick to the leg and then he drives the leg into the mat and he tags in Primo. Primo with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Primo kicks Khali in the leg again and he tags in Epico. Epico with a slingshot elbow drop to Khali for a near fall.

Epico misses an elbow drop from the turnbuckles and Primo misses as well. Hornswoggle pulls Rosa off the apron and then Rosa chases after Hornswoggle and Natalya puts Rosa in the sharpshooter on the floor. Khali picks up Primo and hits the choke slam for the three count.

Winners: Natalya, Hornswoggle, and Great Khali

Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes are in the back and they have a petition to get Mick Foley out of the Hall of Fame. Cody says that it is a disgrace to have him in the Hall of Fame with his father. No one wants to sign it, even the Brooklyn Brawler.

Jimmy Uso says that Mick is a legend. Jey says that their uncles are in the Hall of Fame and their family is happy to have Mick in the Hall of Fame.

Speaking of Hall of Famers, Mick Foley stops by. Damien demands that Mick surrender his ring.

Mick says that he will take a page from Damien’s book and he thanks the Usos for standing up for him. Mick suggests that they should defend their records in the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and The Usos are in the Saturday Morning Spotlight.

Damien Sandow says that the following transmission is brought to you by taste and decency. Cody says that they will not stand idly by while the General Manager puts them in matches that they cannot prepare for. Mick Foley’s reign of tyranny will end.

Damien says that they are participating in this match under official protest. He tells everyone that they are welcome.

Match Number Two: Jimmy and Jey Uso versus Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow

Sandow and Jey start things off and they lock up. Sandow with a waist lock take down. Jey escapes the hold and he dances for Damien. Jey with a hip toss and Sandow goes to the floor but Jimmy sends Sandow back in and he tags Cody into the match.

Jimmy tags in and mocks Cody’s mustache. They lock up and Jimmy with a hammer lock and Rhodes with a take down and then he runs into a chop from Jimmy. Jimmy with a waist lock but Cody with a leg trip. Jimmy and Cody exchange blocks of hip toss attempts until Jimmy hip tosses Cody over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow with a knee to Jey and Cody tags in and Jey with an arm drag. Jey wih an Irish whip and Cody floats over but he appears to have hurt his leg. The referee checks on Cody while Sandow sends Jey over the top rope to the floor. Cody has fully recovered and he hugs Sandow. Damien says that was a miracle. Cody sends Jey back into the ring and he tags in Sandow.

Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with a knee drop and he tags Cody back in. Cody with a gourdbuster and he gets a near fall. Sandow tags back in and he drops a knee to the chest. Sandow with a rear chin lock. Jey with elbows to escape but Sandow with a forearm to the back followed by a side Russian leg sweep and the elbow of disdain and he connects. Sandow with a cartwheel of couth but the showboating allows Jey to roll out of the way when Damien tries for a knee drop.

Cody tags in and stops Jey momentarily but Jimmy tags in and hits a cross body followed by a flying back elbow. Jimmy with a Bubba Bomb followed by a Samoan drop and he knocks Sandow off the apron. Jimmy with the running butt splash to the head and he gets a near fall on Cody. Jimmy goes up top but Cody jumps to the turnbuckles. Jimmy knocks Cody off the turnbuckles and Jimmy misses the Superfly Splash. Sandow is tagged in and he thinks he has things won, but he is too lackadaisical and Jimmy with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy and Jey Uso

We go to credits.
