View Full Version : Saturday Morning Slam Results - 11th May, 2013

05-11-2013, 07:31 PM
We are in the UK and Mick Foley has announced a tag main event with Randy Orton and Sheamus against the Prime Time Players.
We begin this week’s show with a look at something that happened earlier today in Mick Foley’s office. Mr. Socko meets the Cobra and Santino says that it has been a breath of fresh air with him in charge of Saturday Morning Slam. Santino suggests that Mr. Socko and the Cobra have a reunion match inside a steel cage. Or they can be a tag team and face 3MB.

Jinder Mahal overhears the conversation and he says that Mick is a regular stand up comedian. He tells Mick to leave the entertaining for a legendary band like 3MB.

Santino says that it is a legend that they can sing.

Mick says that Jinder has some time to participate in a match today against Santino Marella.

Jinder says ‘we’ would love to face Santino, but Mick tells Jinder that he is a solo act today because Drew and Heath are banned from ringside.

Your announcers this week are Josh Mathews and Alicia Fox.

Match Number One: Santino Marella versus Jinder Mahal

They lock up and Mahal with a waist lock but Santino with a hip lock take down. Santino with some power walking but Jinder with a shoulder tackle. Santino has trouble kipping up and then he floats over on an Irish whip but Jinder does not follow. Jinder with a side Russian leg sweep and he gets a near fall.

Mahal with a snap mare and elbow drop. Jinder with a boot to the midsection and then he kicks Santino and continues to work on the midsection. Mahal with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Mahal with a seated abdominal stretch. Santino with a hip toss to escape but Mahal returns to the midsection and he connects with a shoulder in the corner. Mahal with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mahal is in control and he goes up top but Santino rolls to the other corner so Mahal has to go back to the mat and Santino with an inside cradle for a near fall. Mahal returns to the midsection but despite the issues with his midsection, he can kip up. Santino with punches and a split followed by the hip toss and diving head butt.

Santino reaches for the cobra and he connects and gets the three count.

Winner: Santino Marella

Mick Foley is in his office and Sheamus enters. Sheamus corrects Foley on his brogue. Sheamus says that he appreciates being in a match today with Randy Orton.

Foley says that he is Irish and his kids are fans. He suggests that Sheamus come over to the house for dinner and some singing. They start singing O Danny Boy.

Randy Orton is standing in the corner and Sheamus stops singing and he tells Mick that he should get ready for his match.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the Saturday Morning Spotlight is focused on Sheamus and Randy Orton.

Match Number Two: Randy Orton and Sheamus versus Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Titus and Orton start things off and they lock up and Titus with a side head lock. Orton with a back elbow. Sheamus tags in and Sheamus with a slingshot shoulder tackle from the apron. Titus with a knee and forearm to the back. Young tags in and he connects with forearms. Sheamus with a power slam and he gets a near fall.

Orton tags back in and they hit a double hip toss on Young. Orton gets a near fall. Young goes to the apron and Titus calls a time out. Young falls to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Titus and Darren have two time outs left in this match.

Titus gets a near fall as we stop focusing on the announce table. We see footage from the commercial when Darren Young sent Randy Orton shoulder first into the ring post on the floor. Titus with a reverse chin lock. Sheamus tries to make the tag but he cannot reach Orton.

Orton with a belly-to-back suplex but Young tags in and he pulls Orton into the center of the ring and he connects with an elbow drop. Young with a reverse chin lock. Titus tags in and he connects with forearms to the back. Titus with a clothesline and splash into the corner and then he Gator Chomps and barks. Titus gets cocky and misses a splash into the corner after doing the Millions of Dollars dance.

Sheamus and Young tag in and Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder into the corner and a knee lift. Sheamus with a clothesline into the corner followed by White Noise and then he gets ready for the Brogue Kick but Titus interferes. Orton tags in and he twists to the mat and punches it before hitting the RKO to get the three count.

Winners: Randy Orton and Sheamus

We go to credits.
