View Full Version : RAW Results - 13th May 2013

05-14-2013, 04:14 PM

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RAW Results - 13th May, 2012
Location - Tulsa, OK
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole

Extreme Rules is on Sunday and the two main champions are nursing injuries. Will they be able to compete at the pay per view, and if so, how effective will they be? Things will get extreme tonight when Triple H and Brock Lesnar meet face to face, one week after Brock and Paul Heyman paid a visit to Hunter’s office in Stamford. Things will get even more extreme when Fandango and Chris Jericho . . . DANCE!! Will we get any more matches announced for Sunday’s show? What match will be on the pre-show?
We are in Tulsa, Oklahoma and your announcers are Michael ‘Stone Cold’ Cole, Jerry ‘Aren’t there a few game 7s tonight’ Lawler, and John ‘Stone Cold’ Layfield.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring with the parquet floor and he tells us that Chris Jericho will be facing Fandango at Extreme Rules. Jerry mentions that Fandango won his first match in WWE at Wrestlemania.

Jerry mentions the animosity between Chris and Fandango and since Chris Jericho is a veteran of Dancing with the Stars, what better way to prove who is more EXTREME than a Dance Off.

Fandango comes through the golden shower curtain with Summer Rae and they make their way to the ring first.

Chris Jericho comes to the ring with his dance partner Edyta Sliwinska.

Jerry tells us that each person has 90 seconds to perform their routine and the WWE crowd in Tulsa will be picking the winner. Jerry tells everyone to choose their winner based on their dance skills, not their popularity.

Fandango cuts off Jerry when he mentions the dance off with Brodus Clay. Fandango says that he was not defeated. The crowd knew nothing of talent. The people of Tulsa might not like him, but they have to respect his performance as an artist.

Fandango says that as long as there is a Chris Jericho, there will be a better man and that person is Fandango.

Jerry asks Chris for a response. Chris says that this might be a dance off, but it is still Raw is Jericho. Chris says that he has had some impressive victories on Raw, but there was nothing more impressive than becoming the first musical chairs champion and then he was the first Price is Raw champion in WWE History. He will win this dance off.

On Sunday, Chris says that Fandunghole will be witness to a new dance sensation called the I just kicked your jackass all over this ring. He will dance all over Fandango’s face and he will never never eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeever be the same agayne.

The winner of the coin toss was Fandango so he will go first.

Fandango demands silence so he can focus. Summer twists her ankle. Edyta checks on Summer and Fandango tells Edyta that this does not concern her.

Fandango with a kick to Jericho and he punches Jericho. Fandango with another kick and punches. Fandango kicks Jericho to the floor and then he sends Jericho into the announce table. Fandango sends Jericho into the ring steps. Fandango sends Jericho into the ringside barrier. Fandango removes a piece of the Raw Garden’s parquet floor and he waits for Jericho to get up so he can hit Chris with it and he connects with Chris in the head.

Fandango returns to the ring and Summer pops up and she is okay.

Ryback is walking in the back, but is he looking for a dance partner or an opponent?

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Zack Ryder versus Ryback

Ryback with a kick and forearms to the back. Ryback with another forearm to the back. Ryder tries for a cross body but he bounces off Ryback. Ryder punches Ryback but Ryback with a clothesline. Ryback says that it is over and he gets Ryder up for the marching musclebuster and he gets the three count.

Winner: Ryback

We see a Brock Lesnar/Triple H video package. They will meet face to face tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Brodus Clay and Tensai (with Cameron and Naomi) versus Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Young and Tensai start things off and Tensai with a punch and then he hits a cannonball into the corner. Young with a forearm and he tags in Titus. Titus with forearms to Tensai in the corner followed by a splash and he barks. Titus with kicks but he tries for a shoulder in the corner but Tensai moves. Clay tags in and he hits two clotheslines followed by a Sheeeplex. Clay with a splash into the corner and then he takes care of Young. Clay with a clothesline and it is time to call his mama.

Young hits Clay in the throat with the afro pick and Titus gets the three count with a rollup.

Winners: Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

We take a look back at last week when Dolph Ziggler suffered a concussion at the foot of Jack Swagger. We will find out what the status of the World Title Match is when we come back.

We are back and Matt Striker brings out Teddy Long and Matt asks him about Dolph Ziggler’s condition since he is not medically cleared to wrestle. Teddy is interrupted by Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. Zeb says that if Dolph cannot wrestle, he should be stripped of the title and it should be given to Swagger.

Langston says that the title isn’t going anywhere. AJ says that Jack should not be rewarded for the what he did. She tells Teddy to fire Swagger.

Teddy says that Dolph will not be stripped of the title. Jack Swagger will face Alberto Del Rio in a Number One Contender’s I Quit Match. Langston will face either Swagger or Del Rio tonight.

Langston wants to know who it is. Teddy says that the WWE Universe will decide on the WWE App.

We are back and Dean Ambrose will face Kofi Kingston for the United States title at Extreme Rules.

Damien Sandow comes out and he says contrary to popular demand, he will not be singing a song this evening because Kofi’s song, much like his reign as US Champion is foolish. Damien demands silence. The founding fathers were men of their word and he will uphold their standards. His reign as United States Champion will soon come to an end.

Match Number Three: Kofi Kingston versus Damien Sandow

Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Sandow with a knee to the midsection and ribs. Sandow with knees to the midsection and then he hits a side Russian leg sweep. Sandow with the Elbow of Disdain and he connects and gets a near fall. Sandow with an abdominal stretch and forearms to the ribs before locking in the hold.

Kofi reverses the abdominal stretch and he gives Kofi a hip toss. Sandow misses a charge into the corner and he hits the turnbuckles. Kofi with chops and a drop kick. Kofi with a leaping clothesline and then he goes for the Boom Drop and he connects. Kofi with the set for Trouble in Paradise but he turns it into a double jump cross body but Sandow moves and Kofi hits the mat.

Sandow with a running swinging neck breaker. Kofi with Trouble in Paradise for the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Mark Henry walks in the back because that is what he do.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Texas Bullrope Match between JBL and Eddie Guerrero from the 2004 Great American Bash (which gave us one of the greatest audios in PWInsider history).

Josh Mathews is in the ring with Mark Henry and Josh mentions the strap match between Mark and Sheamus. We go take a look at why this match is taking place.

Mark asks Josh if he thought that whooping was something, wait until Extreme Rules. Mark says that he will pull Sheamus’ carcass around the ring. If you don’t believe him, we go to the footage of Mark Henry doing what he do by pulling two tractor trailers on Smackdown.

Josh asks Mark how that will help him win on Sunday. Mark says that he will show Josh instead of telling him. Mark tells Josh to put the strap on and Josh does it despite calls from his fellow announcers to leave. Mark says that they will be linked by a twelve foot strap and then he pushes Josh to the mat. Mark says that you go around the ring and touch the corners . . . consecutively. Mark drags Josh around the ring while he touches the four turnbuckles.

Mark suggests that Sheamus come out now because why wait for Extreme Rules. Mark says that he can finish what he started last week.

Sheamus does not come out and Mark says that Sheamus knows where his bread is buttered. . .

Sheamus’ music plays and he brings his buttered bread to the stage.

Sheamus says that Mark may be the strongest in the world, but he is not the brightest. What Mark did on Monday night was not going to stop him from competing at Extreme Rules.

Mark says that Sheamus is doing a lot of talking, but not walking so he wants Sheamus to come to the ring.

Sheamus wants to know if Mark thinks this is a fair fight.

Mark asks Sheamus if he is scared and if he changed his green for yellow.

Sheamus says that he has never walked away from a fight and he makes his way to the ring.

Sheamus tells Lumpy to back his arse up so he can get into the ring.

Sheamus says that he was at ringside earlier and he left a present under the ring for Mark. Sheamus has his own strap and he comes into the ring and they go back and forth hitting each other with the strap until Sheamus gets the advantage.

Henry wants to get his strap back but Sheamus keeps him from getting into the ring to retrieve his strap.

We take a look at what Brock Lesnar did to Vince McMahon after the Royal Rumble.

We go to commercial, but first we take a look at the trailer for 12 Rounds 2.

Match Number Four: Antonio Cesaro versus Randy Orton

They lock up and Cesaro backs Orton into the corner but Orton changes position and Orton with a clean break. Cesaro with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Cesaro with a boot but Orton with a back elbow and then he stomps on Cesaro’s head and he runs the laces across Cesaro’s face.

Cesaro with a head butt when the referee tried to separate them in the corner. Cesaro with kicks to Orton. Cesaro with an Irish whip and running European uppercut into the corner. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Orton with punches and then he hits an Exploder suplex. Orton with a kick to the chest followed by two clotheslines. Cesaro misses a clothesline and Cesaro holds the ropes and he connects with an elbow, but you do not stop Orton from hitting the power slam.

Cesaro goes to the apron and Orton sets for the IEDDT but Cesaro counters and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Orton with an RKO for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz is back and he will face Cody Rhodes on the pre-show on Sunday.

Match Number Five: Heath Slater (with Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre) versus Miz

They lock up and Slater with a waist lock. Slater with an elbow and punch but Miz with a knee to the midsection and he kicks Slater in the head. Slater sends Miz to the apron but Miz slides under and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Miz with Reality Check and he gets a near fall. Miz kicks Slater and Mahal grabs the leg and Slater with a leaping leg lariat for a near fall.

Slater punches Miz and he connects with jabs and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Slater with a reverse chin lock. Miz with elbows and a snap mare but Slater misses a charge into the corner. Miz with a running forearm followed by a knee lift and a boot to the head. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and he goes up top for a double sledge and then he wants to apply the figure four but Slater gets to the ropes.

Slater with a punch and he goes up top but Miz punches Slater on the turnbuckles and then he knocks Mahal off the apron. Miz sends Slater onto McIntyre and Mahal. Miz sends Slater back into the ring and Slater is limping and Miz with a drop kick to the knee and then he applies the figure four leg lock and Slater taps out.

Winner: Miz

We take a look at the work that that WWE has done with the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Triple H’s return to face Brock Lesnar to defend his dad.

Match Number Six: Daniel Bryan, Kane, and John Cena versus Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns in an Elimination Match

Kane starts things off with Ambrose. They lock up and Kane works on the arm and he applies a side head lock and takes Ambrose down with a shoulder tackle and side head lock. Ambrose punches Kane but Kane sends Ambrose into the corner and he punches Ambrose.

Bryan tags in and he kicks Ambrose in the chest. Bryan with a take down and he stretches Ambrose and gets a near fall. Ambrose with an elbow and he tags in Rollins. Bryan with a drop toe hold and Cena tags in and he sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and he hits a bulldog and gets a near fall. Cena with a front face lock and we go to commercial.

We are back and Bryan gets Ambrose up in a surfboard and then he tags in Kane for a drop kick. Kane gets a near fall. Bryan tags in but Ambrose gets Bryan into his corner and Rollins tags in and he kicks Bryan. Rollins argues with the referee and that allows Reigns to interfere.

Reigns tags in and he sends Bryan face first into the mat and then he connects with a shoulder. Reigns with a reverse chin lock. Reigns with a shot to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Ambrose tags in and Ambrose with the drop kick against the ropes and Rollins with a flying boot to Bryan and Rollins gets a near fall with a jackknife cover.

Rollins with a reverse chin lock. Rollins with forearms to the back and Ambrose tags in and he punches Bryan. Ambrose points to the shiner under his eye and he connects with a snap elbow drop. Ambrose with a boot to the midsection. Ambrose with a chin lock but Bryan gets back to his feet. Ambrose with a knee to the midsection but Bryan with a knee and Kane tags in.

Kane with punches to Ambrose followed by an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner followed by another and a side slam. Kane knocks Reigns off the apron and then Rollins goes to the floor. Kane with a DDT after moving when Ambrose charges into the corner. Kane goes up top and hits the clothesline and then he sets for the choke slam.

Rollins is grabbed by Kane and both men are sent over the top rope to the floor. Reigns is knocked off the apron and Kane goes to the floor and he sends Ambrose into the ringside barrier. Kane sends Rollins into the ring post and then he sends Reigns into the ring steps.

Kane sends Reigns into the announce table. Kane grabs the top of the table and he hits Ambrose with it and Kane has been disqualified.

Kane Eliminated

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ambrose with a DDT to Cena for a near fall. Ambrose kicks Cena and he tags in Reigns. Reigns pounds the mat and he hits a flying punch but only gets a two count. Reigns with a front face lock and forearm to the back followed by a suplex attempt but Cena blocks it and he hits a suplex of his own.

Rollins tags in and he goes up top and hits a boot to the head and Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with another near fall and he kicks Cena in the back. Rollins with a sleeper and Cena gets Rollins on his back. Bryan tags in and he punches Rollisn and Bryan with a double drop kick to take care of Ambrose and Reigns. Bryan punches Rollins and then he flips over Rollins and then he hits a suicide dive onto Reigns. Bryan with a forearm to Rollins and he goes up top for the missile drop kick and he hits it.

Bryan gets a near fall on Rollins. Bryan with Kicks of Yes to the chest but Rollins with a punch. Bryan tries for the No Lock but Rollins is able to stay on his feet. Ambrose makes the blind tag but Bryan sees it and he hits Ambrose. Rollins with an enzuigiri and Ambrose hits the Dean Driver and Bryan is pinned.

Daniel Bryan Eliminated

Ambrose wants Cena to enter the ring. Cena goes after Ambrose and Reigns tags in and he punches and kicks Cena. Rollins does the same. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles and the Blue Thunder Bomb on Rollins and then he hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena tries for Attitude Adjustment but he takes care of Ambrose and Reigns before pinning Rollins after the Attitude Adjustment.

Seth Rollins eliminated

Reigns pushes the referee and he spears Cena but the referee disqualifies Reigns.

Roman Reigns eliminated

Ambrose gets a near fall on Cena. Ambrose slaps Cena but Cena with the STF and then Rollins and Reigns attacks Cena and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: John Cena, Daniel Bryan, and Kane

After the match, The Shield attacks Cena and they give Cena the Cerberus Bomb.

The Shield leaves the ring and Ryback makes his way to the ring and he is dressed for a fight. Ryback stands over Cena and then he leaves the ring. Ryback is still hungry and he brings a chair into the ring. Ryback stands on the leg and he hits Cena’s injured ankle with the chair.

We go to commercial with a look back at Brock Lesnar versus Triple H at Wrestlemania.

We are back and Ryback is walking and Matt Striker asks Ryback about what he did. Ryback says that he played by the rules for the last year but time and time again he was screwed out of the WWE Championship. On Sunday, everyone will know that Ryback Rules.

Jerry Lawler tells us Big E Langston will face Jack Swagger.

Match Number Six: Big E Langston (with AJ Lee) versus Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

They lock up and go to a stalemate. They lock up again and they go around the ring. Swagger with a side head lock take down. Swagger and Langston exchange shoulder tackles and neither man leaves their feet. Langston with punches to the midsection. Langston with shoulders in the corner followed by an Irish whip to the sternum. Langston misses a charge into the corner and Swagger tries for the ankle lock but Langston kicks him out of the ring.

Swagger with a take down and he gets a near fall. We go to commercial.

We are back and Langston with a few back breakers to Swagger and he gets a near fall. Langston with a series of shoulders in the corner. Langston misses a shoulder in the corner and Swagger with a splash in the corner. Swagger with the Swagger Bomb for a near fall. Swagger punches Langston in the head but Langston with a punch to the midsection followed by a body block.

Langston puts Swagger on the top turnbuckles and he hits a superplex and both men are down. The straps comes down and Langston tries for the Big Ending but Swagger with a shot to the knee and he applies the ankle lock. Langston tries to reach the ropes and he gets to the ropes. Langston with an elbow and he sends Swagger over the top rope to the floor.

Langston goes to the floor and he sends Swagger shoulder first into the ringside barrier. Langston misses a splash against the ringside barrier and he goes into the crowd. Swagger gets into the ring at nine and Langston is counted out.

Winner: Jack Swagger (by count out)

After the match, Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez come to the ring. Del Rio with punches and then Swagger with a take down and he puts Del Rio in the ankle lock. Ricardo hits Swagger with the bucket and then Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker. Langston takes care of Del Rio and he goes after Swagger. Del Rio with an enzuigiri to Langston. Del Rio escapes a Doctor Bomb and he clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kaitlyn, the Bellas, Hornswoggle, and Great Khali are at the announce table.

Match Number Eight: Natalya versus AJ Lee

AJ skips around Natalya before locking up. Natalya with a waist lock take down.

Kaitlyn gets a gift while at the announce table. Meanwhile, in the ring Natalya with a suplex and forearm. Natalya skips in front of AJ and then she sends AJ into the turnbuckles and she kicks AJ. AJ grabs the ropes to avoid Natalya. AJ goes to the floor and then she slaps Natalya. Natalya chases AJ around the ring. AJ with a kick to the midsection and they return to the ring.

AJ blows a kiss to Kaitlyn but Natalya with a drop kick that sends AJ to the floor. Natalya picks up AJ and sends her back into the ring. Natalya picks up AJ and tries for a back breaker but AJ was playing possum and she applies an Octopus and Natalya taps out.

Winner: AJ Lee

After the match, Kaitlyn checks on Natalya and we go to commercial.

After the match, Kaitlyn checks on Natalya and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jerry Lawler tells us that Jim Ross is hog hunting tonight and that is why he is not at Raw. We have a recap.

Matt asks Chris Jericho if he feels foolish about what happened to him. Chris says that he will no longer play by other’s rules. He will not joke around. He knows who Fandango is. He wants Fandango know who he is. He is a Six Time World Champion who has done it all and seen it all. On Sunday, at Extreme Rules, if Fandango wants to dance, he will show him how to dance Chris Jericho Style.

Triple H makes his way to the ring and we get an Extreme GameFountain.

The cage comes down but it is not accompanied by the official Cage Lowering Music of WWE.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the cage is down as we await CONFRONTATION 2013 . . . EXTREME TALKING.

Triple H says that Brock Lesnar and him have been at war for a year. They have broken bones and bled and nothing has been settled. That is until Sunday. It will be settled on Sunday. This ring is his home. He grew up here and he learned to be a man here. A man who he respected told him that he needed to learn how to hate. He did. As the years went by, he learned to hate and he learned to thrive on that hate.

Nowhere did he feel more at home than in this ring and when this ring was surrounded by steel. Steel that can rip your flesh and break your bones. He tells Brock that they are here so why doesn’t try to take Hunter’s home from him.

Brock Lesnar’s music plays and he does the most six days before Extreme Brock Bounce. Paul tells Brock not to go to the ring. Paul introduces himself but Hunter tells him to shut up.

Hunter says that everyone knows who they are so Brock can get to the ring and do it.

Paul stops Brock and he wants to know if Hunter knows what they are truly about. They are about the perverse pleasures in life. They have forced Hunter to say hate. Isn’t ‘hate’ on the taboo list? That is where Paul gets the perverse pleasure. We know that Brock and Hunter hate each other.

On Sunday, his client is going to teach Hunter the true meaning of the word hate. Brock Lesnar is a cage fighting carnivore and Hunter is the biggest slab of meat in the WWE. After Sunday, Hunter will hate to face his family after what Brock does to him in the cage. Hunter will hate having to face his father in law for letting down the WWE Universe.

Hunter will hate that one man will emerge from this war as a winner and one man will have to face the fact that he will go down in history as the loser. Triple H will go down in history as the loser.

Paul says that Brock is here tonight and he is ready for a fight. A fight that Hunter will have to wait until Sunday to experience because as COO knows, Brock Lesnar does not fight for free.

Hunter tells them to stop Brock’s music as Brock goes to the back. Hunter says that it just dawned on him and he was trying to wonder why Brock won’t face him like a man. Brock won’t stand face to face with him like a man. Why is that? Hunter says that it has nothing to do with Brock. It is that Paul can’t afford for Brock to do that.

Hunter did the unthinkable at Wrestlemania by knocking Brock out cold. Hunter reminds Paul that he beat him. Hunter says that if Brock walks into this cage now and maybe if Hunter kicks Brock’s ass another time, it doesn’t bode well for Paul as a businessman.

If Brock enters the cage and he loses again, the sounds you will hear will be the roar of the crowd and the mystique of Brock Lesnar flying out the window along with his meal ticket. Brock still believes that he is the baddest man standing in this room, but Paul doesn’t think that is true any more. Hunter says that he is talking to Brock and he wants to know if Brock will walk down the aisle to prove to the world that he is BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROCK Lesnar the beast, or will he stand there waiting for what Paul Heyman will tell him to do and be Brock Lesnar . . . the bitch.

Brock makes his way to the ring while referees stand in the way until they realize that is not a smart thing to do. Paul tries to talk some sense to Brock. Brock climbs the steps while Paul begs Brock not to do it.

Brock steps in the cage, but he does not enter the ring at first. They are in the ring together. Brock with the first shot and then Brock runs Hunter into the turnbuckles and he connects with shoulders. Hunter with punches but Brock with a German suplex and Hunter is down. Brock demands that the door be closed. Hunter sends Brock into the cage and now both men are sans shirts.

Hunter punches Brock and then he sends Brock into the door and it knocks Heyman and the referees to the floor. Hunter stands on the turnbuckles while Brock looks at him from the floor.

We go to credits.