View Full Version : Lawler Comments on Ring Return, Austin Q&A Podcast

05-23-2013, 09:38 PM
- Jerry "The King" Lawler talked about his in-ring return for Dory Funk Jr.'s !Bang! promotion during an interview with Ocala Banner.

“He said everything looked great, that I was good to go. I asked if I can go back to doing what I’ve always done, and he said it wouldn’t be a problem, that it actually should be good because it will be cardio work, which is good for me. Anything to get my heart rate up. I asked if taking a body slam would be an issue. He said nothing like that would affect my heart.”

- Steve Austin will be recording a Q&A podcast today where fans will be able to call in and ask questions. Steve Austin has announced his guidelines for the session on Twitter.

"Headed to studio to do a #steveaustinshow. Will tweet out phone number to studio for you to call in and ask questions.

I will not be answering WM30, comeback, or the Shield questions. Focus on current events or advice type questions."