View Full Version : Olivia Wilde, Bono and Richard Branson Join Matt Damon's Toilet Strike

05-24-2013, 03:25 AM
Olivia Wilde, Bono and Richard Branson Join Matt Damon's Toilet Strike—

We're betting that Matt Damon is flush with pride over his latest celeb recruits.

The actor-activist has roped in Olivia Wilde, Bono and Richard Branson to speak out in support of his "toilet strike," an initiative spearheaded by the advocacy group he founded, Water.org, that seeks to raise awareness of impoverished communities around the world without access to clean water and sanitation.

"We won't go to the bathroom until everyone in the world has access to clean water and sanitation," the stars quip in a stitched-together montage of their solemn pledge.

"Millions of people each day spend hours just fetching clean water," Bono says, before diving into a hilarious spiel on how Damon asked him to come onboard.

"I remember when Matt first brought up the idea, it was at a meeting of the Illuminati," the U2 frontman cracked, spurring Wilde and Branson to riff on their no-so-secret involvement in the secret society of baddies memorably featured in The Da Vinci Code.

"I only got in because I'm an android from the future," Wilde sniffed.

Getting serious, Bono explains that "780 million people—that's one in nine—lacks access to safe water," and Damon himself eventually jumps in to encourage people to lend their support.

"Join the millions of famous people who've already joined my strike," he says, before deadpanning, "and remember, if you don't use the toilet, you're a celebrity."

Potty trained, indeed.

E Online