View Full Version : More On Randy Orton's House Show Suspension

09-20-2006, 09:29 AM
sources: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Pro Wrestling Torch

As reported earlier, Randy Orton was suspended a few weeks ago from appearing at WWE house shows due to failing a WWE-issued drug test. The policy now calls for wrestlers to be docked pay and bonuses for thirty days should they fail a test. The perpetrator would continue to appear on television and pay per view events, but they would only have their travel expenses covered. Well, some sources are claiming that Orton was suspended for thirty days, but some other sources are claiming that he was suspended for sixty days. The thirty day suspension is probably the more accurate claim and we should know if that's the case in two weeks or so. If he's still not appearing on house shows about two or three weeks from now, then he was suspended for sixty days.

His downside guarantee isn't exactly known, but his latest suspension will stand to cost him between $40,000 and $80,000 (and that amount is doubled if its a sixty day suspension), so its not like these suspensions are a slap in the wrist. Orton has already lost three months worth of pay this year and thus he's paid fines well into the six figures in 2006. Also, there are some conflicting stories as to whether Orton will still receive his pay-per-view bonus for Unforgiven despite his suspension, which would have to be a couple tens of thousands.

Also, there's another conflicting report regarding Orton's suspension. The Pro Wrestling Torch is reporting that Randy Orton was telling people that he wasn't really suspended and that he actually asked for some time off from house shows because he was moving to a new home. Its believed that he's using that as a cover-up excuse though.

09-21-2006, 12:46 AM
first he was suspended just after wrestlemania and was fined, now he can't wrestle at house shows and isn't being paid for 30 days. orton needs to be careful or vince could get too frustrated with orton's attitude and fire him

09-21-2006, 12:32 PM
I agree, its not as if he is a huge superstar and is needed, IMO he is acting in a secondary role on RAW anyway, so it is not as if Vince can not fire him. Careful orton.

09-21-2006, 03:16 PM
wow that's crazy.. orton lost a shitload of money.. he better have saved up some or he'll be crawling to dad.

09-21-2006, 04:19 PM
If Orton should get released if this continues. I don't even see him in a big role in Raw, as hes going nowhere. He was better off on Smackdown.

09-24-2006, 11:41 AM
Orton is only hurting his own career and image... When it's all taken away from him, he will realise what he had and he blew it.

I have never liked Orton all that much, he is a mid-carder at the moment, and hopefully he stays that way... I don't think he should be entering into a fued with Cena for the title, although that is what is being hinted at on RAW at the moment.

The only reason he ever got the title at all, was because WWE was so sour on Brock Lesnar, they wanted someone else to be "The Youngest Champion in WWE History", and Orton was the only one that they could use for it.