View Full Version : Matt Striker Says He’s Happy For Alex Riley

06-26-2013, 01:35 PM
Matt Striker recently spoke with The Shoot about his early days in WWE, Alex Riley possibly replacing him at the announcing table and more. Check out the highlights:

On Alex Riley as a potential replacement: “He’s a good kid. He’s a taller better looking version of Matt Striker. I believe he’s a graduate from Boston College, he’s well spoken, he’s bright and i think its a great opportunity for Alex Riley. To me, this is what is my saving grace I’m gone now and then i read that it’s Alex Riley that sitting in that chair and I think about all the conversations I’ve had with Alex Riley, maybe one thing i said to him he uses on the show and he’s now the breath of fresh air, he’s now the new guy, I don’t fault anyone for that. WWE gives opportunity, they gave me an opportunity, their giving Alex Riley an opportunity and I expect great things for Alex Riley and I’m genuinely happy for him”

On having issues when he first got to WWE: “When I first came to the WWE, I did not wear humility well. I think people mistook my New York-ness and my excitement for arrogance and I am glad that that happened, I’m glad that some of these battle tested veterans sat me down in their way and said, ‘Hey, man, I slept in a car, wrestled for $5 and did all these things so that a kid like you could walk in here right now,’ and once I started to realize that I began to adopt the same theories and mentality.”
