View Full Version : Details On Recent WWE Creative Changes, Why WWE Asked David Kreizman To Stay, More

06-27-2013, 04:59 PM
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE head writer David Kreizman was talked into staying until mid-August because his original direction of things were building to SummerSlam and they wanted him to stay until the completion of his direction. Plus, WWE wants him to help train whoever they hire as his replacement. There was a feeling that the new writer would have problems with the pressure building to SummerSlam, whereas now he can ease into the role, get comfortable from September through December before the WrestleMania season pressure starts.
Regarding the creative situation, Stephanie McMahon's role has been minimized as she's only involved when needed. Brian James has been put into creative because they want someone who has a pro wrestling perspective to be in with the soap opera and TV writers because Michael Hayes isn't in the office regularly anymore. Hayes is on conference via phone at major meetings but they want a wrestling person at the meetings as well.

When it comes to the re-writes on Mondays and Tuesdays, David Kapoor (Ranjin Singh) has been in charge of those but his position has changed. Kapoor delegates the workload to the writers after Vince McMahon makes all the changes. He also interacts with TV people, the App people and the WWE.com people to make sure they all know of the changes.

Ed Koskey is now the lead writer for RAW while Ryan Ward, who got rave reviews for his work as NXT's writer, has been promoted to the lead writer of SmackDown.