View Full Version : Larry Hennig Weighs In On Curtis Axel

07-01-2013, 12:37 AM
Speaking to Saint Cloud Minnesota News, Larry "The Axe" Hennig offered his thoughts on his grandson being remolded as Curtis Axel, which pays homage to the legendary AWA wrestler as well as "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig (son of Larry Hennig and father of Curtis Axel).

"He's no overnight sensation," said Hennig. "He's been working hard the past five years to get where he's at. And he deserves it."

Hennig believes WWE would have cut ties with his grandson if he didn't possess the talent necessary to become a player for the sports-entertainment organization.

"He's representing a billion dollar company. You have to be good or you're going to be gone. They can't afford any misfires there," said Hennig.

As for Larry himself, he and his wife run a real-estate business in St. Cloud, Minnesota, "Larry Hennig Auction and Realty." To read the article, click here (http://www.sctimes.com/article/20130630/SPORTS/306300035/Hennig-s-time-pro-wrestling-carries-share-memories?nclick_check=1).