View Full Version : Ivelisse Velez Speaks Out

07-08-2013, 10:38 PM
Ivelisse Velez recently spoke to RingBellesOnline.com about her time in WWE developmental and more. Here are the highlights…

On whether you saw the real Ivelisse on Tough Enough: “Editing is a powerful tool. There’s so much footage that the very little that they end up picking for to release is nothing… you think ‘damn, they end up putting that on TV and this other thing that happened that was crazy or worth being on TV didn’t?’

What advice she was given in developmental: “I hated to hear ‘don’t wrestle like a guy, we want you to wrestle like women.’ My entire career I focussed on wrestling like I was just as good as the guys, and I’m told now that I finally make it that I have to switch it up and be girly. It was a little frustrating.”

Friction with a trainer in developmental: “As soon as Dr Tom [Pritchard] was not there anymore I saw something lurking. I knew my days were limited. If you notice specifically in Tough Enough, there’s a certain person that didn’t really like me very much. So I knew I had to really get to the main roster as soon as I possibly can because otherwise I’d probably be out of there.”
