View Full Version : Major Rumored WWE Money In The Bank **SPOILERS**

07-11-2013, 03:40 PM
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As of right now, the favorites for the two Money in the Bank ladder matches are Wade Barrett and Antonio Cesaro for the World Heavyweight Championship contract and Rob Van Dam, Daniel Bryan or possibly even Christian (unlikely) for the WWE Championship contract. Daniel Bryan looks to be the front-runner as of now but talks are ongoing. As noted earlier, there was talk of Dean Ambrose defending the US title against Christian at SummerSlam.

There was talk backstage at this week’s TV tapings that Dolph Ziggler could wind up winning the title as he’s being billed in various places as World Champion (though in the past, this hasn’t decisively meant anything) and Mark Henry possibly going over John Cena by DQ or countout and thus not winning the title. A rematch would take place at a later date, possibly SummerSlam.

With that being said, the current direction seems to suggest that Dolph Ziggler will face Big E Langston at SummerSlam, but this will become a lot clearer after Money in the Bank.

WWE is working on the final Money in the Bank creative plans this week. Nothing is set in stone as of this writing.