View Full Version : Superstars Results - 18th July, 2013

07-19-2013, 01:41 AM
We are in Brooklyn, New York and your announcers are Tony ‘Can we watch Hell’s Kitchen instead’ Dawson and Alex ‘Can I be on Hell’s Kitchen instead’ Riley.
Match Number One: Brodus Clay and Tensai (with Cameron and Naomi) versus Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Clay and Darren start off and Young with kicks and a side head lock. Young with a shoulder tackle and he bounces off Clay and hits the ropes and Clay takes him down. Titus tags in and Clay punches Titus as he backs him into the corner. Tensai tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle. They take care of Young and then Tensai with a monkey flip to Titus.

Tensai with an Irish whip but Titus floats over and he connects with a clothesline and Titus teases the dog bark. He stomps on Tensai and tags in Young and Titus gives Young a gourdbuster onto Tensai and Young gets a near fall.

Young with an uppercut and Tensai looks at him funny. Tensai blocks a punch and he connects with punches. Young with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Titus tags in and he kicks Tensai and he drops a leg across the chest and he applies a quarter nelson with a chin lock.

Tensai with punches but Titus with a boot and Tensai is down. Titus barks and Young tags in and he hits a series of leg drops across the throat. Young chokes Tensai in the ropes and then Titus with a forearm to the back when Darren distracts the referee.

Young misses a splash into the ropes and he crotches himself when Tensai moves. Clay tags in and he connects with clotheslines and a Sheeeplex. Clay with a splash into the corner and then he hits a power slam and he gets a near fall. Titus breaks up the cover but Tensai takes care of Titus.

Young with forearms but Clay pushes him away. Tensai with a Baldo Bomb and then it is time for Clay to Call his Mama for the three count.

Winners: Tensai and Brodus Clay

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Mark Henry being confronted by the Shield on Monday night.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Ryback versus Brooklyn Brawler

They lock up and Ryback sends him to the mat. Ryback rolls Brawler across the ring and he calls him a stupid old man. Brawler with forearms but Ryback with an Irish whip and he misses a charge into the corner. Ryback pushes Brawler down but Brawler comes back with forearms. Ryback with a clothesline and then he picks up Brawler for the marching musclebuster and he gets the three count.

Winner: Ryback

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the situation between CM Punk, Paul Heyman, and BROCK LESNAR.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Heath Slater (with Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal) versus Miz

Slater tells Miz not to worry about them outside the ring and they lock up. Slater with a waist lock and Miz with a wrist lock into a hammer lock and side head lock. Slater with a handful of hair to reverse. Slater sends Miz to the apron and then Miz slides under Slater and gets a near fall with a rollup. Miz with a knee to the midsection followed by a boot to the head for a near fall.

Slater sends Miz into the turnbuckles and Slater with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Slater punches Miz and he applies a reverse chin lock. Slater with forearms across the chest and then he slams Miz’ head into the mat and he gets a near fall. Slater with a side head lock but Miz with elbows.

Miz with a running forearm and a kick followed by a knee lift. Miz with a boot to the head and then Miz sets for the Awesome Clothesline and he connects. Miz goes up top and hits a sledge to the head and he gets a near fall. Slater has a kick blocked and Miz puts the leg in the ropes and he kicks the thigh.

Slater with a leaping leg lariat and he gets a near fall. Slater limps and Miz with an atomic drop to the knee and he tries for the figure four but Slater kicks Miz to the ropes. Miz stops short of Mahal and McIntyre but that allows Slater to get a near fall with a rollup. Miz knocks McIntyre off the apron.

Miz avoids Slater and Heath hits the ropes and then Miz with a drop kick to the knees and he applies the Figure Four leg lock and Slater taps out.

Winner: Miz

We go to commercial.

We are back with John Cena’s announcement on Raw for his SummerSlam opponent.

We go to credits.