View Full Version : Percy Watson Talks WWE Release, If He Was Frustrated Being On NXT

07-24-2013, 07:49 PM

Source: Always A-List

Recently released WWE NXT Superstar Percy Watson spoke to Jawn Murray of AlwaysAList.com for the first time since his release. Here are some highlights from the interview:

On if he was frustrated not appearing on RAW or SmackDown: "Frustration is probably the wrong word to use. Its more of an anticipation. You're anticipating you getting your shot. So nah, I wasn't really frustrated. I figured my time would come sooner or later. But also I had to work at it to get that opportunity to come back around again... Unfortunately, it never did!"

Why he was released: "I can't speak for everyone else, I can only speak for myself. I was never given a clear answer as to why I was released."

Watson also discussed if missing practices caused his release and if he would return to WWE. You can read more from the interview here (http://alwaysalist.com/exclusive/percywatson-wwe/)