View Full Version : RAW Results - 29th July, 2013

07-30-2013, 06:26 AM
Recently, John Cena picked Daniel Bryan to be his opponent at SummerSlam. While John made his decision, Brad Maddox and Vince McMahon are not his biggest fans. Daniel Bryan defeated three men last week, but Vince was not impressed. Tonight, he will face his former tag team champion partner, Kane.
We cannot forget Daniel’s opponent for SummerSlam. John Cena will face Ryback in a Tables Match.

We are in Laredo, Texas and your announcers are Michael ‘The roster could do This Tuesday in Texas’ Cole and Jerry ‘Who wants some BTS action from Total Divas’ Lawler.

Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring with Brad Maddox.

Vince says that they are going to have some fun tonight. Vince gives the mic to Brad and Brad is a bit hesitant to speak.

Brad apologizes for his bonehead decision to allow John Cena to choose his opponent at SummerSlam. He gives the mic back to Vince.

Vince asks Brad if he remembers calling Daniel a troll. A troll is a hideously ugly dwarf. Vince also said that Daniel is undersized and has psychological problems. He also said that Daniel did not have the aura to be a WWE Champion. He asks Brad how he really feels about Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan’s music interrupts Brad and he makes his way to the ring.

Daniel and Vince shake hands and Vince wants some decorum from the fans.

Daniel tells Brad and Vince that those words came out of the mouth of Brad Maddox but they were probably dictated by Vince.

Vince tells Daniel that he interrupted the Chairman of the Board. That is a lack of respect.

Daniel says that respect is a two way street. Despite giving everything he has night after night and year after year for Vince’s company, Vince has not given him an ounce of respect.

Vince asks Daniel if he respects John Cena while telling the crowd to be quiet.

Daniel says that he respects John Cena as a human being and a champion. He respects John Cena for picking him as his opponent.

Vince asks Daniel if he would respect John if he was lying through his teeth. John is a master manipulator. He said that Daniel earned his opportunity and is the hottest thing going in the WWE today.

John Cena is lying to Daniel and making Daniel look foolish. He asks if Daniel is a fool. He asks the people if they are fools. John knows what Vince knows. Daniel cannot beat John Cena. He can’t beat Kane because he doesn’t have the intangible. He does not have RUTHLESS AGGRESSION. That is what propelled Cena to the top. He says that Cena is ripe for the taking.

Vince says that he does not want Cena to win. Cena walks around like he owns the place and acts like he is a better man. Vince points out that he owns this place. Does Vince want a half pint troll to be the WWE Champion? It would be the biggest embarrassment in WWE History. The only person who wins is Vince. He gets on Daniel’s level and stoops down. He says that they are both in the ring and they lock up . . . then we get spontaneous combustion with neither man to be seen again.

Daniel says that if John is lying to him, he will have hell to pay. The thing he likes about Vince McMahon. He wants to get on Vince’s level and he gets on his toes.

Vince is always honest with him and tells him what he really thinks. In Vince’s own words, it doesn’t matter what he thinks. It matters what THEY think.

It sounds like they want a new champion at SummerSlam and his name is Daniel Bryan. He wants Vince to listen to the WWE Universe. He asks if the people want a new WWE Champion and the crowd chants ‘Yes’.

The Shield make their way through the crowd for their match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns versus Mark Henry, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso

Henry and Ambrose start things off and they lock up. Henry sends Ambrose to the mat and then he head butts Ambrose and punches him. Henry biels Ambrose across the ring and Rollins tags in. Henry blocks a punch and he misses a punch of his own. Rollins with a waist lock but Henry uses his rear end to take Rollins down and he biels Rollins across the ring.

Reigns tags in and we get a stare down of the team’s respective behemoths. Mark wants a test of strumph but it was a trap and Henry with a kick and then he biels Reigns across the ring. Henry sends Reigns into the turnbuckles and then he punches and head butts Reigns. Jey tags in and he kicks Reigns.

Jimmy tags in and the Usos stomp on Reigns and Jimmy with a diving head butt for a near fall. Jimmy with a front face lock and Reigns backs Jimmy into the turnbuckles and Rollins tags in and punches Jimmy. Ambrose tags in and he kicks Jimmy. Reigns chokes Jimmy when the referee deals with Ambrose. Ambrose sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles and he punches Jimmy and then he runs his forearm across Jimmy’s face.

Dean runs into a boot from Jimmy and Jey tags in and connects with clotheslines. Jey with a flying clothesline. Jey with a slam to Dean and he tags in Henry. Mark misses an elbow drop and Dean kicks Mark and punches him. Dean with knees to Henry and Rollins tags back in. They try for a double belly-to-back suplex but Henry powers out and he sends Ambrose and Rollins over the top rope to the floor with a double clothesline. Henry sends Reigns to the floor and then the Usos with stereo suicide dives.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins works on Jey and Jey tries for a sunset flip but Reigns is tagged in before he gets Rollins over. Reigns with punches to Jey and then Reigns with an arm bar. Reigns keeps Jey from making the tag and Dean tags back in and he punches Jey in the ribs and then the head. Jey punches back but Dean with a knee. Ambrose with a shoulder in the corner.

Ambrose with a snap mare and a quarter nelson and chin lock on Jey. Ambrose misses a shoulder in the corner and he hits the ring post. Rollins tags in and he keeps Jey from making the tag and he hits an enzuigiri on Jimmy to knock him off the apron. Jey with a back body drop when Rollins gets distracted with Henry.

Henry tags in and he goes after Rollins. Ambrose goes after Henry and Henry with a power slam. Rollins is dealt with by the referee and Reigns with a spear but the Usos take care of Reigns. Ambrose and Jimmy tag in and Jimmy with a cross body from the top for a near fall. Rollins runs into a super kick and then Jimmy with a Samoan drop to Ambrose.

Jimmy goes for the superfly splash but Ambrose gets his knees up and he hits the Dean Driver for the three count.

Winners: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins

After the match, Henry attacks Ambrose and then he goes after Rollins. Henry throws Reigns over the top rope to the floor.

Jerry and Michael talk about the Tables Match and we see Ryback being mean in catering and he sends an innocent person through an innocent catering table.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael and Jerry wonder what the members of the military think of the Wyatt Family. Good thing we have a video package for the Wyatts. We see what they have done on Raw and Main Event as he tells Kane to Follow the Buzzards.

Brad Maddox is in his office and Kane is looking for the Wyatts. Brad tells Kane that they are not here, but if Kane wants to send them a message and prove that he is still a monster and has the killer instinct, why not show it against his former tag team partner and good friend . . . Daniel Bryan.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Rob Van Dam versus Fandango (with Summer Rae)

Fandango with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Van Dam tries for a hip toss but Fandango blocks it. Van Dam with a kick and body scissors for a near fall. They lock up again and Fandango with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Fandango with a cartwheel and then he turns around into a super kick from Van dam.

Van Dam goes to the apron when Fandango moves and Van Dam with a moonsault and then he returns to the ring. Fandango with an enzuigiri from the apron followed by a slingshot leg lariat to the back for a near fall. Fandango with kicks to Van Dam. Fandango with a reverse chin lock. Fandango with forearms.

Van Dam misses a spin kick but Fandango does not miss with an enzuigiri and he gets a near fall. Fandango goes to the second turnbuckle and he misses a leg drop. Van Dam pops up and hits a jumping side kick followed by clotheslines and then he hits Rolling Thunder. Van Dam rolls into the corner for a monkey flip followed by a running back spin kick to the head and then he hits a springboard side kick.

Van Dam goes up top for the Five Star Frog Splash but Fandango rolls to the floor and he puts Summer between him and Van Dam. Fandango goes up the ramp and the referee counts him out.

Winner: Rob Van Dam (by count out)

AJ Lee and Big E Langston are in the back and AJ complains about having to wrestle Kaitlyn. She says that a baby cries when Kaitlyn hits a spear. She asks Langston why he lets it happen. AJ starts to giggle before Langston can answer. She tells Langston that he likes her. He likes what she does in the ring. Langston approaches AJ and she walks away.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Kaitlyn versus AJ Lee (with Big E Langston) in a Non Title Match

AJ pie faces Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn with a forearm that sends AJ to the mat. AJ kicks Kaitlyn away and she works on the arm but Kaitlyn with a forearm. AJ goes to the apron and she drops Kaitlyn on the top rope and then she starts to work on the previously injured elbow and shoulder. AJ wraps the arm in the ropes.

AJ with a snap mare into a hammer lock and then she bridges to add extra pressure. Kaitlyn gets to the ropes and AJ releases the hold. AJ sends Kaitlyn into the turnbuckles and then she kicks Kaitlyn. AJ misses a charge into the corner and Kaitlyn tries for a rollup but AJ rolls through and connects with a knee to the head and she gets a near fall.

AJ with a hammer lock and then she sends Kaitlyn into the turnbuckles but Kaitlyn with an elbow and clothesline followed by a back breaker. Kaitlyn sets for the spear but AJ with a knee to the head and she gets a near fall. AJ with an arm bar.

Kaitlyn with elbows but AJ with a knee. Kaitlyn with forearms but AJ with a divorce court and she gets a near fall. Kaitlyn with clotheslines but AJ with a back heel kick. Kaitlyn with a spear and she gets the three count.

Winner: Kaitlyn

After the match, AJ throws a tantrum in the ring. Langston goes to check on AJ but Dolph’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage.

Dolph congratulates AJ on her loss. He says that maybe her new friend can be her shoulder to cry on. Maybe AJ can return the favor and be his shoulder to cry on. Dolph says that he wants a match with Langston right now.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Big E Langston (with AJ Lee) versus Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler punches Langston but Langston puts Ziggler against the turnbuckles. Ziggler goes to the floor and Langston follows but it was a trap to give Ziggler an advantage. Langston with a body block and Ziggler goes down. Langston tells Ziggler it is his time.

Langston with forearms to the back as he continues to berate Ziggler. Ziggler gets an elbow up and then his boots when Langston charges into the corner. Langston catches Ziggler when he tries for the Stinger Splash and Langston with a belly-to-belly suplex slam and then he goes for the Warrior Splash and he connects but Ziggler kicks out at two.

Langston works on the neck and then he puts Ziggler in a bear hug. Langston catches Ziggler on a cross body attempt and he hits two back breakers and he gets a near fall. Langston with a rear chin lock followed by a forearm to the head and the back. Langston kicks Ziggler in the head. Langston with a shoulder into the corner. Langston punches Ziggler in the midsection and he connects with another shoulder.

Ziggler side steps Langston and Langston goes shoulder first into the ring post. Ziggler with punches and a drop kick. Ziggler with a kick to the knee but Langston catches Ziggler. Ziggler escapes a power slam attempt and Ziggler moves when Langston charges at him and Langston goes to the floor.

AJ goes after Ziggler and the referee calls for the bell. AJ freaks out and Ziggler is able to get to safety.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler (by disqualification)

After the match, Langston wants to know what AJ was thinking. Ziggler returns to the ring and he gives Langston a Zig Zag.

John Cena is on the phone and Daniel Bryan enters the locker room. Daniel wants to know if it is true what Vince McMahon said earlier.

John asks Daniel if he is asking Daniel to tell him that Vince McMahon is telling the truth. He says that you cannot believe what Vince says.

Daniel says that Vince has always been honest with him.

John asks Daniel if he is calling him a liar.

Daniel looks at John and John walks away.

We go to commercial.