View Full Version : Main Event Results - 31st July 2013

08-01-2013, 06:00 AM
We are in Houston, Texas and your announcers are Josh ‘Five Time’ Mathews and John ‘Total Announcer’ Layfield.
Match Number One: R Truth versus Wade Barrett

They lock up and Barrett with a waist lock but Truth with a standing switch. Barrett with a take down into a key lock. Barrett with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Truth holds on to the ropes and he dances around. Truth with a hip toss and then he does a leaping split before the dancing and spinning leaping leg drop and he gets a near fall.

Barrett goes to the floor to regroup and he returns to the ring. Truth with a waist lock but Barrett backs Truth into the corner and he connects with elbows followed by a snap mare and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a knee and Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Truth with a few arm drags into an arm bar.

Barrett misses a knee drop and Truth with an arm drag and arm bar. Barrett with a punch and short arm clothesline followed by a few elbow drops and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a knee to the midsection followed by an Irish whip but Truth gets his feet up for Barrett. Truth with a head scissors and clothesline that sends Barrett over the top rope to the floor.

Truth goes to the floor and he charges at Barrett but Barrett sends Truth over his head and into the ring steps. Barrett returns to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett chokes Truth in the ropes and then he connects with knees to the head and a boot to the head that sends Truth to the floor. Barrett goes to the floor and he runs Truth into the ringside barrier and then into the apron.

Barrett sends Truth back into the ring and Truth gets his hand on the ropes to stop the count. Barrett with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock but Truth with punches and a kick. Barrett with a knee to the midsection followed by a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Barrett sends Truth into the turnbuckles and he kicks Truth in the corner.

Barrett puts Truth on the top turnbuckle and he connects with forearms to the back. Barrett with a knee to the midsection and Truth falls to the mat. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Truth with a leg lariat and both men are down.

Truth with kicks to Barrett followed by clotheslines and a back elbow. Truth with a sit out gourdbuster for a near fall. Truth misses a scissors kick and Barrett with a back heel kick and a super kick to the head for a near fall. Barrett with punches to the abdomen and head. Barrett with a clothesline into the corner but he misses another one in the corner. Truth with a scissors kick for a near fall.

Truth goes up top but Barrett recovers and crotches Truth. Barrett with punches to Truth and then he tries for a superplex but Truth blocks it and Truth with a sunset flip power bomb for a near fall due to an imperfect cover. Truth waits for Barrett to get back to his feet and Truth punches him. Truth is warned by the referee and Truth charges at Barrett and Barrett with the Blackpool Slam but Truth gets his hand on the rope to stop the count one more time.

Barrett sets for the Bull Hammer but Truth avoids him and Truth hits the Truth Detector but they are by the ropes and Barrett rolls to the floor. Truth goes for a suicide dive and he flies into a Bull Hammer for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We take a look at what happened at the end of Curtis Axel’s match against R Truth when CM Punk made his way to the ring to go after Axel and Heyman.

We reach for stars as we go to commercial.

We are back and Josh asks John Layfield who he would pick as his opponent if he was the World Champion and could choose his opponent. John says Barry Horowitz, Hornswoggle, or Josh Mathews.

On Friday night, we will see who Alberto Del Rio chooses.

Match Number Two: Jimmy and Jey Uso versus Darren Young and Titus O’Neil

Jimmy and Darren start things off and they lock up. Jimmy with an arm drag. Darren discusses something with Titus before they lock up again. Darren with a side head lock into a wrist lock. Darren with an arm bar and shoulder tackle. Darren dances and he runs into an uppercut from Jimmy followed by an arm drag into an arm bar.

Jimmy messes with Darren’s hair while in the arm bar. Jey tags in and he goes up top with a sledge to the arm. Jey with an arm bar on Young. Jey gets a near fall and he returns to the arm bar. Darren with a knee and he sends Jey into the turnbuckles but Jey escapes the corner and he gives Young an arm drag into an arm bar.

Jimmy tags back in and he connects with a punch in the corner. Young with an Irish whip but Jimmy slides into the corner and he punches Young and gives him another arm drag into an arm bar. Young with a knee to the midsection and Jimmy takes care of Titus in the corner and Young misses a splash into the corner.

Titus argues with the referee and Jey switches places with Jimmy and Titus blows his whistle to stop the action but the referee will have none of it. Jimmy tags in and he connects with a double sledge. Jey tags back in and he continues with a sledge to the arm.

Darren retreats to his corner and Titus finally tags in and we go to commercial.

We are back and Titus sends Jey into the turnbuckles. They lock up and Titus with a slam. He tags Darren back into the match and he connects with an elbow to the head. Jey with chops but Darren with punches. Jey punches back and he sends Darren into the corner and he connects with a punch. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow followed by a double elbow drop for a near fall.

Young with head butts to the midsection and then he tags Titus back in. Titus with European uppercuts. Jimmy with a kick and Young with a kick to the back of the head and Titus with a shoulder tackle. Titus barks and he tags in Darren. Young and Jimmy are on the apron and Darren with a neck breaker on the apron. Jimmy falls to the floor and Darren tags Titus back in. The referee sends Jey back to his corner while Titus brings Jimmy back into the ring and Titus gets a near fall.

Titus with a quarter nelson and chin lock on Jimmy. Titus pulls Jimmy down by the hair and then he stomps on him. Titus returns to the quarter nelson and chin lock. Titus with a hard Irish whip to Jimmy and he crumples into the corner. Titus with another Irish whip and Jimmy falls to the mat.

Darren tags in and Titus gives Darren a gourdbuster onto Jimmy for a near fall. Darren with a reverse chin lock. Jimmy and Darren bump heads in the center of the ring. Jimmy has a kick blocked but he hits a dragon whip and Young is down.

Titus and Jey tag in and Jey with a splash to Darren and Titus bumps into Darren. Jey with a flying shoulder tackle and a punch into the corner. Jey with a running butt splash into the corner and Darren breaks up the cover. Jimmy and Darren battle in the ring. Jimmy Irish whips Darren to Jey and Jey sends Darren over the top rope. The Usos with a double super kick and then Jimmy with a superfly splash for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy and Jey Uso

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Three: Mark Henry versus Drew McIntyre

They lock up and Mark backs Drew into the corner and the referee gets between them and Drew punches Mark. They lock up again and Mark sends Drew over the top rope to the floor. Drew attacks the ring apron and ring skirt because they obviously let him down. Drew wants the referee to keep Mark back as he returns to the ring. Drew with a knee and forearms to the back. Mark pushes Drew down and connects with a clothesline.

Mark with a head butt and he tells us this is what he do. Mark misses a splash into the corner and Drew with a clothesline but Mark stays on his feet. Drew with a clothesline to the back and Mark stays on his feet. Drew with a flying Yakuza Kick for a near fall. Mark with a body block and then he gets Drew up for a power slam and he gets a near fall.

Mark picks up Drew and he tries for the World’s Strongest Slam and Drew escapes when Mark winds up too much. Drew is not as lucky the second time and Mark hits the World’s Strongest Slam and gets the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

We go to credits.